MLB Power Pros 2008 News Post

According to this post at MLBPPWorld, it looks like there won't be a U.S. release for MLB Power Pro this year.


We thank you for supporting our title: Major League Baseball Power Pros. It means a lot to us that we have fans who devote their time to getting others to play the game... we appreciate your effort and the effort of every other fan of this series in the world...

However, we have a lot on our plate this year, metaphorically speaking. We have just released MLB Front Office Manager, The Bigs 2 and MLB 2k9. Each of these games require determination and long hours -- sadly -- some games need to be cut to make time. Power Pros has been a good seller for us, but we are unable to meet the demand this year. That's why, it was cut.


Ronald D. Jean,
2k Representative"

Hate to hear this and hope it isn't true because I've really enjoyed the first two editions of this game. I had started to wonder about it though since last year the game came out in July and there has been no news so far about it this year.

Anyone else heard anything about the future of Power Pros?

Game: MLB Power Pros 2008Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PS2 / WiiVotes for game: 11 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 ComfortablyLomb @ 04/19/09 09:00 PM
Horrible. What day and country do we live in when I'm more than willing to give this company $50 and they won't sell me their product.

This reminds me of how I literally cannot buy proper Coca Cola (made with cane sugar, not HFCS) unless I buy it from some shaddy Mexican bottling plant or stock up on the Kosher stuff during passover.
# 2 Tomahawk @ 04/19/09 09:42 PM
They have already made the Japanese version of the game for this year. I don't see why they wouldn't change the words into English and sell it here. How hard could it be to do it?
# 3 bkrich83 @ 04/19/09 09:57 PM
LOL, no MLBPP but we get the Bigs 2?

Ughh, 2k you really know how to alienate baseball fans.
# 4 jvalverde88 @ 04/19/09 10:51 PM
That sucks because the new MLB PP was going to have a World Baseball Classic mode. Stupid move by 2K from a fan's POV but it makes business sense since The Bigs out sold MLB PP but I still rather play MLB PP. I guess I'm going to have to import.
# 5 ComfortablyLomb @ 04/19/09 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by jvalverde88
That sucks because the new MLB PP was going to have a World Baseball Classic mode. Stupid move by 2K from a fan's POV but it makes business sense since The Bigs out sold MLB PP but I still rather play MLB PP. I guess I'm going to have to import.
I don't really see how it makes sense from a business perspective. I'm not going to buy The Bigs because Power Pros isn't available. Maybe some might but really how many? The two games couldn't be more different from each other except for both being baseball games. Some suit probably said "why are we distributing a game we didn't make when we have one we did" and that's how it's going down. Well at least I have 2008 but these just aren't happy years for gamers.
# 6 Kane182 @ 04/20/09 03:56 PM
I don't have any sales figures from last year, but I'm willing to bet Power Pros did not do that well. I went to a Gamestop on release day just outside of Boston and they received 1. At the time of release there were similar reports all across the country about stores getting 1 or 2 on release day.

It sucks, but we are in the minority. There just doesn't seem to be a big enough market for Power Pros. I really have no reason to keep my PS2 around now.
# 7 Sno @ 04/21/09 04:00 AM
Oh man i dont want to believe it. I mena i just got the 2008 ver. and im already looking forward to 09 and the basball classic mode. well ive got rosetta stone for japanese. Sounds like I might hafta start brushin up! =/

Oh I had a few Qs on mlb life mode if someone can help me out.

1. Is it true you can only enter free agency after your 5th or 6th season with a team?

2. how do you propose to a lady?

Thanks and GL to all.
# 8 Kane182 @ 04/21/09 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by Sno
2. how do you propose to a lady?
It's been awhile, but I believe you need to buy the ring at The Shop and then take her to the park or one of those places and give it to her.
# 9 Blzer @ 04/21/09 02:48 PM
I honestly won't be looking forward to another one until they put it on PS3, but this is a shame regardless. Such a great series.
# 10 ComfortablyLomb @ 04/21/09 03:20 PM
If it comes back in 2010 (when The Bigs isn't up against it LOL) this isn't all bad. I can last with 2008 until then considering how I'm always whining that sports games should be coming out every other year anyway.
# 11 LingeringRegime @ 04/21/09 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by bkrich83
LOL, no MLBPP but we get the Bigs 2?

Ughh, 2k you really know how to alienate baseball fans.
So true. I mean among TRUE baseball fans who would want Power Pros over such a "stupendous simulation" in The Bigs.

Personally, no one on my friend list even had the first Bigs. 2K Sports is really going downhill and fast.
# 12 duke776 @ 04/21/09 05:35 PM
Overall I've really loved this series, and am sad to see it go. There was a point where I thought it was too easy, but had forgotten about the pitch speed option(), and after turning it up to fast I had a much better challenge.

Originally Posted by Sno
1. Is it true you can only enter free agency after your 5th or 6th season with a team?
This is true, you are under team control for 5 years, after the fifth year you can go to free agency.

2. how do you propose to a lady?
I guess I'll put it in spoilers for people who don't want to know...


Hope that helps.
# 13 asu666 @ 04/21/09 11:41 PM
They cut the one game that wasn't garbage? Wow! I don't know what to say. It's amazing that they are even still in business.
# 14 ComfortablyLomb @ 04/22/09 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by asu666
They cut the one game that wasn't garbage? Wow! I don't know what to say. It's amazing that they are even still in business.
They're working on it. The thing about a downhill slope is the higher you start the longer it takes to get to the absolute bottom.
# 15 thaSLAB @ 04/22/09 10:00 PM
LOL @ the last line of the letter...

"PS: You should try out some of our other titles! They're great!"

Its a shame that they are dropping their best baseball game (IMO), but I could see it being due to contractual matters with Konami (which is the reason this is the best 2K baseball game). I finally bought 2008 a couple of months ago, after having a hard time actually finding it in stores. Luckily I got it for $10 from the Circuit City closeout. It has actually got some playtime in my BC PS3, while I waited for The Show. I will definitely play it more, now that I know this is the end of the line.

2K is just hard to figure these days...lol
# 16 StormJH1 @ 04/23/09 11:10 AM
This news is terrible, but not unexpected. It was not a good omen when you only saw the $39 and $19 versions of '08 for Wii and PS2, and very little had changed with them. Even though it is licensed, I can understand how it would be hard to market. The average gamer wouldn't touch a crap game like Backyard Baseball, but PowerPros looks like that kind of game, based on concept and cover art.

All that said, the product is good enough that if they would've put actual efforts into an HD version for 360 and PS3, perhaps even seling it for $49, but getting like roster updates and other features in there, I think it could have done well over time. Particularly on PS3 where it would at least offer something different than The Show, as opposed to 2k9, which is just a crappier sim.

Nevertheless, since MLB PP 2008 has rosters that are over a year old anyway (and can't easily be updated), it's not like I was expecting any huge difference in picking up an '09 version anyway.
# 17 ComfortablyLomb @ 04/23/09 11:24 AM
I find it increasingly frustrating that gamers care so much more about graphics and "wow factor" than actual gameplay. The next gen systems have really been a plague upon gaming.
# 18 ComfortablyLomb @ 04/26/09 11:43 AM
Word on the street over at Power Pro World is that there is no official decision yet. That's better news than knowing the game will not be out, period.
# 19 Tomahawk @ 04/26/09 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by ComfortablyLomb
Word on the street over at Power Pro World is that there is no official decision yet. That's better news than knowing the game will not be out, period.
That is good news!!!
# 20 StormJH1 @ 04/28/09 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by Tomahawk
That is good news!!!
I love PowerPros, but is that really good news? We are almost into the month of May 2009. We have yet to receive a PP game for the 2009 MLB season. If they haven't even decided if there will be a U.S. release, what kind of release could that possibly be if we did get one? I would not at all be stunned if they put out another $19.99 PS2 edition with haphazard roster updates and nothing else (except maybe new Yankee Stadium and Citi Field). What does that really accomplish for us?

I think the gameplay, art concept, and features of this game are great, but the Japanese-influenced menu system kills it in a lot of ways for me. Much like PES/Winning Eleven, you'll never seen anything like an OVR rating, and there's no real roster editor. Arrange mode is not a roster editing mode, but more like the option to create 32 teams with an image of what the updated roster should look like. Plus, the rosters are so old that practically every breakout/rookie stud player that wasn't notable on Opening Day is terrible in the game.

There's also some other lingering problems like no bullpen in Franchise mode (why?), but I doubt we'll see any fixes to that, if they release the game at all.

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