MLB Power Pros 2008 News Post

According to this post at MLBPPWorld, it looks like there won't be a U.S. release for MLB Power Pro this year.


We thank you for supporting our title: Major League Baseball Power Pros. It means a lot to us that we have fans who devote their time to getting others to play the game... we appreciate your effort and the effort of every other fan of this series in the world...

However, we have a lot on our plate this year, metaphorically speaking. We have just released MLB Front Office Manager, The Bigs 2 and MLB 2k9. Each of these games require determination and long hours -- sadly -- some games need to be cut to make time. Power Pros has been a good seller for us, but we are unable to meet the demand this year. That's why, it was cut.


Ronald D. Jean,
2k Representative"

Hate to hear this and hope it isn't true because I've really enjoyed the first two editions of this game. I had started to wonder about it though since last year the game came out in July and there has been no news so far about it this year.

Anyone else heard anything about the future of Power Pros?

Game: MLB Power Pros 2008Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PS2 / WiiVotes for game: 11 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 Tomahawk @ 04/28/09 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by StormJH1
I love PowerPros, but is that really good news? We are almost into the month of May 2009. We have yet to receive a PP game for the 2009 MLB season. If they haven't even decided if there will be a U.S. release, what kind of release could that possibly be if we did get one? I would not at all be stunned if they put out another $19.99 PS2 edition with haphazard roster updates and nothing else (except maybe new Yankee Stadium and Citi Field). What does that really accomplish for us?

I think the gameplay, art concept, and features of this game are great, but the Japanese-influenced menu system kills it in a lot of ways for me. Much like PES/Winning Eleven, you'll never seen anything like an OVR rating, and there's no real roster editor. Arrange mode is not a roster editing mode, but more like the option to create 32 teams with an image of what the updated roster should look like. Plus, the rosters are so old that practically every breakout/rookie stud player that wasn't notable on Opening Day is terrible in the game.

There's also some other lingering problems like no bullpen in Franchise mode (why?), but I doubt we'll see any fixes to that, if they release the game at all.
The game has already been made with the World Baseball Classic and the ability to do more edits to players and rosters. The only problem is the game is only being released in Japan and everything is in Japanese. It is not like the game doesn't exist....they just need to translate everything into English.
# 22 ComfortablyLomb @ 04/28/09 04:26 PM
One major reason that I like this game is the lack of overall ratings for players. Overall ratings are at best useless and at worst damaging because they tend to lead to nitpicking the rosters even though they're just the sum of some arbitrary formula that the roster guys came up with. I wish they would be ripped out of every sports game in existence or at least something that could be shut off and completely out of sight.

As tomahawk has said, the game is made and will be released in Japan in a couple days. It hasn't come out very early in the US in each of its two years here. July or August basically and we never got much information until close to launch. With the information I've been able to gather I'm giving it 50/50 odds this year but we'll see.

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