Madden 2010 News Post

EA has just posted another Madden NFL 10 blog. This one talks about creating "next-gen" quarterback play.

"Two days ago we added a new blog detailing the addition of a lot of new sliders and options to Madden NFL 10. This was met with a seemingly luke-warm reaction by some, as most were expecting a much more juicy feature or more in-depth gameplay information. So after talking with our marketing partners, we were able to all agree that we could release one feature that we are really excited about to try and appease those that may have been upset with the customization blog post.

What is the new feature?
Madden NFL 06 debuted one of the most controversial features in the history of the Franchise – QB Vision (aka the Vision Cone). The concept of this feature was simple: in video-game terms, replicate the vision of a real life QB and force/encourage the gamer to go through real-life progressions that a QB would do. You could use the cone to “look off” safeties, or follow different receivers as they ran their routes and made cut moves. If you threw to a receiver that wasn’t in your field of vision, you would expect a much more inaccurate pass. Better QB’s had much wider vision cones, emulating the concept that they have a better inherent knowledge of where all their WR’s are at all times."

* April Fool's (plus some real info)

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Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 thejake @ 04/01/09 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by Bgamer90

I honestly don't know what to say...
Man, this is awesome. Really going to make the game great!!!
# 2 roxnsox @ 04/01/09 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by Bgamer90

I honestly don't know what to say...
I do.
# 3 countryboy @ 04/01/09 11:27 AM
I missed Vision Cone, but I'd rather have the old method than my vision causing a rainbow of colors to be cast on the field.
# 4 thejake @ 04/01/09 11:28 AM
Ian, I just want to say thanks to you and the Madden team for implementing the GREAT feature. This will be a game changer. I just preordered my copy.
# 5 MrNFL_FanIQ @ 04/01/09 11:28 AM
As much as I liked the original cone, the screen for the new one is UG-LY.

It seems like a good concept, but the casual fans are going to flip.
# 6 RGiles36 @ 04/01/09 11:31 AM
Am I off base for thinking this is a joke?

Ian said several months ago that QB Vision was a feature that most in the community didn't care for and that he didn't see fit for it to return.
# 7 JohnDoe8865 @ 04/01/09 11:31 AM
April 1st.
# 8 knucklez @ 04/01/09 11:32 AM
It makes the game more realistic so I'm all for it.
# 9 Grant! @ 04/01/09 11:32 AM
# 10 DC @ 04/01/09 11:34 AM
Too much going on ON the screen
# 11 Cusefan @ 04/01/09 11:34 AM
Color me skeptical. It was a very early screenshot so hopefully they will flesh it out
# 12 Pnutt6 @ 04/01/09 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by rgiles36
Am I off base for thinking this is a joke?

Ian said several months ago that QB Vision was a feature that most in the community didn't care for and that he didn't see fit for it to return.
Thats what it kind of seems like to me too.
The whole mechanic just seems clunky with the extra buttons and the bright colors take away from the realism.
Doesn't seem to match what Ian's been preaching the whole time.

BTW I'm all for the return of QB vision, but was never a fan of the cone (or these colors). Just use the pro. awareness and break the field into 4 sections and have the qb move his eyes across the field.
# 13 Pakeege10 @ 04/01/09 11:36 AM
YES!! It's back...now I just hope it works when looking off a Wr? All in all good one!
# 14 JMD @ 04/01/09 11:37 AM
Will this feature have to be used in online ranked games? If so I'm out.
# 15 ScoobySnax @ 04/01/09 11:37 AM
I don't think it's a joke fellas. I hope that mock-up is nowhere near how it will look when completed. That thing is atrocious. I would rather have a uniform color.
# 16 RGiles36 @ 04/01/09 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Pnutt6
Doesn't seem to match what Ian's been preaching the whole time.
Exactly. It undermines the whole mantra that there would be NO concerted effort on gimmicky features (sorry Pro-QB Vision folks). Not to mention that it's a Wednesday and there was no announcement that we would be seeing blogs now two times a week.
# 17 callmetaternuts @ 04/01/09 11:40 AM
If this is real, a few comments

Green should be the most accurate. That is universal. Green, then yellow, then red.

It hides the players a bit, but i guess it is concept art right now

Triggering it with RT and R Stick might be a bit more complex

I understand it might be over utilized, bu taking away the sprint functionality of a QB doesnt sit well with me. I dont play online but in my franchise, i sit in the pocket and only escape if i have to. Taking away the sprint functionality hurts.
# 18 JohnDoe8865 @ 04/01/09 11:40 AM
calm down fellas, check the calender.
# 19 thejake @ 04/01/09 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by JohnDoe8865
calm down fellas, check the calender.
You mean it's a joke. Never would have guessed that. Guess I'll cancel my preorder now.
# 20 Goffs @ 04/01/09 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by JohnDoe8865
April 1st.

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