Madden 2010 News Post

Check out the latest Madden NFL 10 blog. This one covers player momentum.

"Hey Madden fans, it's that time again...time for another weekly blog update! Last week, I shared some of the details around the successes and challenges we've had in trying to create simulation gameplay for Madden NFL 10. To be clear, 'simulation' gameplay isn't new - IMO it's what put EA SPORTS (and Madden) on the map in the early 90's after all.

Well this week we wanted to touch on one of the biggest aspects in creating an NFL sim, and as you might expect, this is also usually most difficult to get to an area where it still 'feels right'. That aspect is Player Momentum. Creating momentum in a football game is typically handled in many different ways, so today I'm going to just touch on one key area (and leave other topics for future weeks)."

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Glorious Arc @ 03/16/09 06:00 PM
Great stuff but the Comparison to Defensive turn rates was no longer there when I went to watch the video.
# 2 ghostlight85 @ 03/16/09 06:01 PM
This is a short but quite welcomed blog as far as I'm concerned. Glad to hear the game will feel more weighted. One thing though, I hope this applies to animation transitions too. Last year one thing that would crop up is players in one animation would occasionally transition to another animation that sends them in the complete opposite direction. It looked very unnatural, and gave the game a sort of pinball feel when it occurred. It was usually one tackle animation transitioning to another. This was especially troubling when a ball carrier would end up running the wrong direction in a tackle break animation, losing yards.
# 3 Stroehms @ 03/16/09 06:02 PM
Haven't read yet, but I would like to say that I enjoy these Monday Madden updates. Keep 'em comin
# 4 Glorious Arc @ 03/16/09 06:07 PM
I clicked the HQ buttion and it loaded...idk weird

Did anyone else notice when the player stopped/from a dead stop in the turn rate video it took him nearly 5-10 steps to pick up speed?
# 5 Stroehms @ 03/16/09 06:07 PM
The whole running animation looks different....NOICE!!

Looks a ton smoother.
# 6 Golden28 @ 03/16/09 06:08 PM
Getting rid of the 'twitchy' running both human controlled and CPU is a massive step in the right direction.

I will always remember how Madden 08 was marketed as a huge improvement in the Madden series but when the first gameplay video hit on Gamespot (a kick off and run back) all hope of immersion was ruined immedietely. This was because the kick returner (CPU) did this crazy twitchy running with no hint of weight or momentum all the way up the field until he was tackled.

This is a welcome blog indeed.
# 7 c dizzy m baby @ 03/16/09 06:11 PM
Nice Ian, you came through in the clutch with the Blog
# 8 da ThRONe @ 03/16/09 06:15 PM
If turn rate is effected by speed will player be more agile when there not sprinting?
# 9 Cryolemon @ 03/16/09 06:16 PM
For the future vision of Madden, we want a football coach that's never played Madden before to be able to take down a Madden Challenge competitor...and these are some of the steps to get us to that goal.
# 10 Obelysk @ 03/16/09 06:16 PM
Excellent work Ian, now I have a question. How will the route running ability rating affect or be affected by momentum on a player?
# 11 da ThRONe @ 03/16/09 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by Obelysk
Excellent work Ian, now I have a question. How will route running abilities affect or be affected by momentum on a player?
Player with better route running skill should have a much sharper turn rate!
# 12 NYG34 @ 03/16/09 06:18 PM
Nice vid Ian i am really looking forward to madden 10. i have 1 question have you guy changed the crowd at all. because in madden 09 its dead Silent which is annoying because it feels like your not even home. i would like their to be a 12th man. cause in ncaa me and my friends always fight who gets to be home we flip a coin.
# 13 wordtobigbird @ 03/16/09 06:21 PM
damn it went from 5 yards to 1 yard. thats a huge difference and a big reason you can manipulate the cpu defender when youre running because theres nothing stopping you from going full speed and changing any direction you want.
# 14 Stroehms @ 03/16/09 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by Cryolemon
I like that quote. I think a player should have knowledge of the game to win.
# 15 Vikes1 @ 03/16/09 06:26 PM
Just watching the videos...I can almost feel the difference.

I really enjoyed seeing the player having to "plant" his foot before making such a sharp turn. Instead of just simply doing it, as it seems now. Easy to see the far more realistic movements.

Thanks again Ian!
# 16 JBucc @ 03/16/09 06:27 PM
I hope this year we have full control over our players speeds. You need to be able to just push the stick a little and have your player jog or run half speed. Last year (and maybe in years before, i can't recall), you had to push your stick near all the way for the player to move and he would go straight into a full run. It made making small adjustments really hard, especially for DB's and WR's. When going for the ball in the air last year I overran it a lot.
# 17 g2thecore @ 03/16/09 06:35 PM
As always good stuff Ian. You can feel the weight on the players just by looking at them run. This should improve the running game tons. Can't wait for next week's blog already....
# 18 dregnus @ 03/16/09 06:36 PM
I know there has been talk about Play Recognition vs. Play Action.

But something I haven't heard mentioned is Play Recognition vs. Run Counter or Run Draw. It seems like with those momentum changes that it will be easier to take advantage of an over-aggressive defense with a counter to their weak side, or beat a 3-man pass rush (or very agressive, outside pass rush) with a draw up the middle.

Good blog.
# 19 adembroski @ 03/16/09 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by stroehmerbasebal
I like that quote. I think a player should have knowledge of the game to win.
Knowledge + Execution. I don't want them to go TOO far the other way. It's one thing to make the right calls, but the team's execution is based on "stick skills".

If someone who knew football picked it up and beat someone who'd been playing for years, there'd be something wrong. I don't think Ian was quite being literal... the hope is that the Madden Challenge folks in the next few years will be people will and equal share knowledge of the game, strong tactical mind, and stick skills.

BTW, this is cool... this is PRECISELY the issue I layed into Ian about back in '09 that eventually brought him to MM, and to OS. Yeah, I'm taking credit, bitches, deal.
# 20 blklightning @ 03/16/09 06:37 PM
nice. still waiting on the ol/dl interaction blog.

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