One of the major criticisms facing NHL 09's recently released patch is how it has allegedly turned the game into a "pansy" representation of the sport, which favors slow, deliberate strategy over the aggressive type of play that dominated the game prior to the second patch.
This article is out to prove those criticisms wrong by showing that, on the contrary, the game still does reward aggressive tactics -- it simply no longer rewards the type of overaggressive tactics that would be blatant penalties at any level of hockey.
So here are a few tips to help gamers keep the pressure on opponents while avoiding the parade to the penalty box.
Read More - NHL 09: How You Can Keep Playing Aggressive Post-Patch
This article is out to prove those criticisms wrong by showing that, on the contrary, the game still does reward aggressive tactics -- it simply no longer rewards the type of overaggressive tactics that would be blatant penalties at any level of hockey.
So here are a few tips to help gamers keep the pressure on opponents while avoiding the parade to the penalty box.
Read More - NHL 09: How You Can Keep Playing Aggressive Post-Patch