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Let us just get one thing out of the way, MLB 09: The Show is the best next-gen sports game yet. It is a must-own title, and anyone who is even remotely interested in baseball should consider checking it out.

It is also one of the deeper, more complex and realistic sports games I have ever gotten the chance to play. Simply put, games like High Heat and MVP can now be put on the shelf in the Sanner household because The Show has finally surpassed them.

Now, at this point of the review, I must stress that MLB 09: The Show is not perfect. There are several little bugs and interesting happenings that will make you shake your head like catchers sometimes do after a foul ball. But from my experience, these negatives only slightly detract from the overall package.

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Game: MLB '09: The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSPVotes for game: 90 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 sugadog @ 03/07/09 06:48 AM
i too agree the commentary is better on 2k9,it flows better and who cant like gary thorne,his voice is just exciting in sports,but the show flat out blows 2k9 out of the water in all other aspects,its not even close..back to the announcing,vasgersian,sound good,but hudler and campbell sound too much like they reading from a script,i deal with it but it could be better... the perfect crew would be thom brenneman and joe buck,guys with enthusiasm in their voice..i always thought mike patrick on espn was awesome on sunday night football a few years ago..i hope the show10 really looks into the announcing next year,it be cool if they had like 5 random crews to do announcing and it would sjurprise you each time u know..oh well im going to bed lol
# 42 NAFBUC @ 03/07/09 07:35 AM
Thanks Chris. I like the way you broke down the fielding, pitching etc. Realistic gameplay is what gives The Show an instant classic value.
# 43 Spongedaddy @ 03/07/09 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by Jamin23
OK and as I said I respect that and I'm not going to make you change your mind
Wow. How you keep justifying your opinions based upon a few video clips is amazing and a bit insane. You are kind of like a dog with a bone with this commentary thing.
# 44 Pared @ 03/07/09 10:50 AM
I'd have to agree the commentary is better in 2k9... to an extent. The delivery is much better. I'm not sure if it's Gary Thorne himself but he tends to be amazing in video game audio.

As far as content goes, it's an unfair comparison. With BR and being a PS3 exclusive, there's no way 2k9 can match what The Show is doing. Give Sony credit for using the extra space. They've continually added enough commentary over the years to keep the game fresh while reusing the same basic lines year after year. Probably the most ideal setup given yearly iterations of sports games are the trend...
# 45 Spongedaddy @ 03/07/09 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
I'd have to agree the commentary is better in 2k9... to an extent. The delivery is much better. I'm not sure if it's Gary Thorne himself but he tends to be amazing in video game audio.

As far as content goes, it's an unfair comparison. With BR and being a PS3 exclusive, there's no way 2k9 can match what The Show is doing. Give Sony credit for using the extra space. They've continually added enough commentary over the years to keep the game fresh while reusing the same basic lines year after year. Probably the most ideal setup given yearly iterations of sports games are the trend...
That's very true. While I really enjoy the team and comments by the 2K crew, they were repeating a lot of content by my fourth game. I wonder if Sony will consider changing the crew for next year's game.
# 46 Pared @ 03/07/09 11:10 AM
I doubt they'd consider changing the crew. The amount of content there is staggering! That's a multi-year thing... some of that audio is going on 4 years old!
# 47 Skyboxer @ 03/07/09 11:27 AM
I can't play 2K9 enough to know whether the commentary is better or not but I do know That The Show is an easy 9.0

Once 2K9 gets some issues fixed I'll certainly be all over it also.
# 48 carlivar @ 03/07/09 11:34 AM
Can anyone give more details on the online leagues?

My friends and I are looking for this Holy Grail:

Franchise mode online
A handful of human teams, the rest computer teams

Basically since only some of the teams are human, you play some games against computer, and some against human. The rest of the league can always see your stats though of course.

We used to do this in High Heat by simply passing the file back and forth. That was TEN YEARS AGO. Auuuuugggghhhh!
# 49 Blzer @ 03/07/09 11:54 AM
I say 9.5 is excessive, but it's not too far at all.

Here's to hoping for a > 9.8 next year!
# 50 Diesel3649 @ 03/07/09 12:00 PM
Excellent review. I enjoyed The Show 08 more than any other sports game I've owned, and I didn't know how SCEA was gonna top it for me, but they did. Awesome game.

Keep shooting for perfection SCEA, you may just be able to reach it!
# 51 BSanders @ 03/07/09 12:04 PM
You hit the review on the head and 9.5 is just right... The commentary is great and it actually goes with what's going on in the game. The online play I don't use it and I don't care about it but some people would rather have good online play than a deep offline game. NCAA 09?
# 52 ehh @ 03/07/09 12:07 PM
I can deal with anything in the 9 to 9.5 range because there are some things they need to fix and improve for next year. Definitely the best sports game ever made though.
# 53 Blzer @ 03/07/09 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by mattstl77
Great review... the only part I disagreed with is the part about the commentary. Whenever I played this game, I wish I could shoot Rex and Matt. They get on my nerves greatly. I like the commentary on 2k9 much better.
Matt? Or Dave?
# 54 Newfgamer @ 03/07/09 12:23 PM
WOW, sorry, but this reeks or some seriosu bias. It is one of the best sports games of this gen, but it is not as a realistic depiction of the sport as NHL 09, it is obvious the reviewer likes baseball more then hockey and this is the basis for the ridiculous comments, no way this is a 9.5, no other reviews come close to this score. It is a very good game, but not 9.5 NHL 09 good. This is a 8.5-8.8 or so game.
# 55 lnin0 @ 03/07/09 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Newfgamer
WOW, sorry, but this reeks or some seriosu bias. It is one of the best sports games of this gen, but it is not as a realistic depiction of the sport as NHL 09, it is obvious the reviewer likes baseball more then hockey and this is the basis for the ridiculous comments, no way this is a 9.5, no other reviews come close to this score. It is a very good game, but not 9.5 NHL 09 good. This is a 8.5-8.8 or so game.
It is also obvious the reviewers don't consider online play that big a deal when it is a major concern for many gamers who could give a rats about playing franchise.
# 56 Pared @ 03/07/09 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Newfgamer
WOW, sorry, but this reeks or some seriosu bias. It is one of the best sports games of this gen, but it is not as a realistic depiction of the sport as NHL 09, it is obvious the reviewer likes baseball more then hockey and this is the basis for the ridiculous comments, no way this is a 9.5, no other reviews come close to this score. It is a very good game, but not 9.5 NHL 09 good. This is a 8.5-8.8 or so game.
Funny, I was thinking the same thing about your post.

All things aside, it's on the level of NHL but this captures the essence of the sport more so than NHL. That's the difference.

Originally Posted by lnin0
It is also obvious the reviewers don't consider online play that big a deal when it is a major concern for many gamers who could give a rats about playing franchise.
I've had about 3 smooth online games ever since complaining about online. Unfortunately I've had to hardwire my PS3 to do so, but to act like it's a "travesty" when it does indeed work isn't something to be all up in arms about.
# 57 Newfgamer @ 03/07/09 12:41 PM
Captures the essence more? LOL, ok, not true at all, but, ok, the AI in NHL 09 is the best ever in any sports game including the show. It's maybe at brest very close to NHL 09, certainly not clearly the best sports game this gen, the reviewer must be on smoke good drugs. There is a reason this reviews score is higher then any other publication, it is a baseball bias going on. NHL 09 online is also miles better, like it or not, online is a HUGE part of any sports game these days.
# 58 Pared @ 03/07/09 12:46 PM
Alright, I'm done going back and forth with you. You either have some underlying intention (new user with strong opinions and their first post is to argue? This is a new one for OS) or you simply enjoy using extreme examples to get your point across.

Smoke good drugs?

Yeah, I won't even bother. The prime example of a fanatic and a fan.
# 59 Newfgamer @ 03/07/09 12:50 PM
Fanastic? Thanks for the insult, but seriosuly, 9.5 is way too high, does that make me fanatiic? Keep in mind I am a show fanboy, but the game has a few issues to be a 9.5. NHL 09 is almost perfect with regards how the AI plays, the show is great, but not quite at the ultra realistic level.
# 60 bkrich83 @ 03/07/09 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Alright, I'm done going back and forth with you. You either have some underlying intention (new user with strong opinions and their first post is to argue? This is a new one for OS) or you simply enjoy using extreme examples to get your point across.

Smoke good drugs?

Yeah, I won't even bother. The prime example of a fanatic and a fan.
Or someone with an obvious agenda. That would also be an OS first.

Personally it's a moot point, for me, I hate hockey and hockey games. I see it as soccer on ice, so comparing it to The Show is ridiculous for me.

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