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Let us just get one thing out of the way, MLB 09: The Show is the best next-gen sports game yet. It is a must-own title, and anyone who is even remotely interested in baseball should consider checking it out.

It is also one of the deeper, more complex and realistic sports games I have ever gotten the chance to play. Simply put, games like High Heat and MVP can now be put on the shelf in the Sanner household because The Show has finally surpassed them.

Now, at this point of the review, I must stress that MLB 09: The Show is not perfect. There are several little bugs and interesting happenings that will make you shake your head like catchers sometimes do after a foul ball. But from my experience, these negatives only slightly detract from the overall package.

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Game: MLB '09: The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSPVotes for game: 90 - View All
MLB '09: The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 21 Jamin23 @ 03/06/09 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by teambayern
Let's end the debate on commentary. You guys want more variation, and he wants a more natural, flowing, broadcast style. He heard it on a video, but I'm guessing it sounds the same as when you hear it through your tv, He doesn't care that there might be repeats, he cares about the style of it. Both games have great commentary.
I apologize for starting this argument. I really wasn't trying to. I was just stating an opinion, not putting down the game because as I said this is a great game. It's just baseball, and I wish I could play this game thats all, but I can't because I have a 360.
# 22 bronco92 @ 03/06/09 10:42 PM
Great review Chris. I look forward to my copy of the game finally arriving in Australia.
# 23 ChaseB @ 03/06/09 11:38 PM
PS, OS grades on a .5 scale, hence why no 9.2 etc.
# 24 bkrich83 @ 03/06/09 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by Jamin23
I'm not trying to start a war here can't one thing be better in the other game. I love the show and am trying to get a ps3 to play it. This game is much better and it is true baseball but the commentary is better in 2k9.
That's besides the point. How can you claim with any certainty one is better than the other, when you've never played either of them?

Scott, I disagree, I've played both. I'll stick with the Show's.
# 25 bkrich83 @ 03/06/09 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by ChaseB
Yea, that's why I think the commentary is still better in The Show. More fluid and natural in 2k? Yes. But there is way more detail and so many lines etc. that The Show commentary will still feel fresh a while down the line, where as I already hear many things in 2K over and over.

I think the difference between the bugs in both games is that, The Show's you can mostly avoid from a on-the-field/controls perspective (which is obviously most important aspect to any game), but in 2K, many bugs are gameplay related, which makes them way more frustrating.
Completely agree on both points.

The situation specific commentary in particular is unmatched in the Show.
# 26 Jamin23 @ 03/07/09 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by bkrich83
That's besides the point. How can you claim with any certainty one is better than the other, when you've never played either of them?

Scott, I disagree, I've played both. I'll stick with the Show's.
other people said that they think that 2k9s commentary is better. I respect that you like the shows better, but from the videos which are in game footage 2k9 is better, even if it's just a little better.
# 27 bkrich83 @ 03/07/09 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by Jamin23
other people said that they think that 2k9s commentary is better. I respect that you like the shows better. You probably didn't even rent 2k9, but from the videos which are in game footage 2k9 is better, even if it's just a little better.
I own both games. Just as I have for the last 3 or 4 years.

It's all subjective, but it's impossible to make a claim one is better than the other strictly from game videos. It's absurd to we're even arguing that point.
# 28 Jamin23 @ 03/07/09 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by bkrich83
I own both games. Just as I have for the last 3 or 4 years.

It's all subjective, but it's impossible to make a claim one is better than the other strictly from game videos. It's absurd to we're even arguing that point.
ya I read your post again and saw that you played 2k9
# 29 bkrich83 @ 03/07/09 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
Yeah I agree. I just played it again at my friends house. And there was a lot of repeats.
I have never played any sports game with the amount of varied commentary for so many team,player and most importantly game specific situations.

So for me, I'll take the Show. Purely my opinion, but I've actually played both games in order to make that judgment.
# 30 Jamin23 @ 03/07/09 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by bkrich83
I have never played any sports game with the amount of varied commentary for so many team,player and most importantly game specific situations.

So for me, I'll take the Show. Purely my opinion, but I've actually played both games in order to make that judgment.
Can you honestly say the show commentary is better?
# 31 bkrich83 @ 03/07/09 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by Jamin23
Can you honestly say the show commentary is better?
Absolutely. And I've already said why, same as the others.
# 32 Jamin23 @ 03/07/09 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by bkrich83
Absolutely. And I've already said why, same as the others.
OK and as I said I respect that and I'm not going to make you change your mind
# 33 bkrich83 @ 03/07/09 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by Jamin23
OK and as I said I respect that and I'm not going to make you change your mind
My argument isn't which is better, as it's a subjective thing. My argument was it's impossible to say either with any certainty if you haven't played the games.
# 34 Jamin23 @ 03/07/09 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by bkrich83
My argument isn't which is better, as it's a subjective thing. My argument was it's impossible to say either with any certainty if you haven't played the games.
I actually have played the game 2006 on ps2 and 08 on psp. I just haven't played on ps3 but the commentary isn't much different but with added lines. 2k8 the commentary was terrible but they really stepped it up this year.
# 35 Rebel10 @ 03/07/09 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by Jamin23
the commentary is not better than mlb 2k9 I'm not trying to start a war. I haven't played either game but from watching the videos of both games I think 2k9 has the better commentary, but the commentary is still great in this game from what I have heard and from playing 08 on psp
Jamin is right. The Show's commentary is good, but MLB 2K9's is better from what I've seen so far. I've only played MLB 2K9's demo, though, but even the Demo commentary seems more fluid with more comments than MLB 09s, which still sounds like a videogame. MLB 2K9's, so far, is the best commentary I've heard in any sports game... who knows, it could get redundant quickly, and I'll never know because I'll never play more than just a few games of MLB 2K9... but still, from the limited sample, it's better.
# 36 Uncle Stumpy @ 03/07/09 01:13 AM
Hey quick question. I love road to the show, but have never gotten into franchise because of the amount of time required. What do most people play? 9 innings with not many pitches? Just curious. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
# 37 sgthalka @ 03/07/09 01:34 AM
Thorough review. Online is always going to be a little subjective, depending on your connection speed and your opponent's connection speed. It's the internet. This stuff is variable. Would it help if SCEA provided a ping when you're searching for games? Sure. Everyone's firsthand experience will be different, but it's hard for me to swallow all the online complaints when 9 of 10 games I play online are fine.
# 38 SoxFan01605 @ 03/07/09 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by Uncle Stumpy
Hey quick question. I love road to the show, but have never gotten into franchise because of the amount of time required. What do most people play? 9 innings with not many pitches? Just curious. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Well, you're probably not going to find to many people here who play "sped up" games or franchises. Most of us want good pitch counts, deep games and all that...even in the franchise (for me, ESPECIALLY in franchise...lol).

My average game is over an hour...and I've had some LONG ones too (last year, I had a nearly 3 hour extra inning battle...it was pure bliss-though my wife's opinion on that time may differ...lol)

Anyway, that aside...If you're looking to cut down, I'd turn off the presentational touches, stay around the zone when pitching, and swing at most good pitches you see. I wouldn't mess with innings played, because stats might become quite skewed that way.

You should be able to get through a game quicker by doing those things. IMO, you miss out on some of what's best about the game that way, but to each his own
# 39 ffyfe7 @ 03/07/09 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by bronco92
Great review Chris. I look forward to my copy of the game finally arriving in Australia.
Same, I should be getting it by Tuesday or Wednesday !!!!!!!
# 40 snugglyirishman @ 03/07/09 03:56 AM
Ive played this for hours and i havent even gotten out of Road to The Show yet....but i absolutely love career modes in games like NHL 09 and Madden Superstar or NCAAF Legend....so i cant wait til i get into the Franchise mode with the cubbies!!!

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