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Here are the patch release notes.

Exploit fixes:

-Prevent players from entering games with attributes that are raised beyond the level they can reach with the card they are entitled to have. Players who have elevated their attributes this way should reset their character by changing the type and reassigning their points.
-Limit the size of human goalies in OTP/EASHL games to 6'4" (NOTE: it will still allow them to be set larger, but the actual height in game will not go above the new limit).
-Fixed some problems that could cause the game to hang or go out of sync when pausing.
- Prevent use of LB to get up instantly after being knocked over.
-Reduce accuracy of shooting while using vision control to skate backwards.
-Prevent high, accurate slap shots from in close to the net.

Other changes:

-Reduced the ease of beating the goalie on the short side.
-Decrease the tendency of the goalies to use a desperation save unnecessarily.
-Strict calling of interference, though you can still clear players directly in front of the net without getting called for interference.
-Added stick lift to Classic controls using LB+X(XBox) /L1+Square(PS3). It is also on R3 (press Right Stick).
-Fixed shot targeting using the Always Up control when skating down ice.
-Added new NHL rule to locate face- offs in the attacking zone to start a powerplay.
- Prevent CPU players from getting delay of game penalties frequently while clearing the puck from their zone.
- Prevent puck from being poke checked away from the goalie when he has it covered under his glove.
-Reduced the amount of time it takes to get control of the last man back, holding RT(Xbox)/R2(PS3)
-Reduced the amount of time it takes to get control of the goalie, holding LB+A(Xbox)/L1+X(PS3)
-Reduce the range of heights on randomly generated CPU players, including goalies.
-Eliminate the ability to accelerate and maintain high speed while stick lifting.
-More penalties for high sticking when stick lifts are done from behind the opponent.
-Made the colours of the OTP/EASHL indicators more distinct (yellow and orange).
-Made face-off outcomes slightly more random and slightly less dependent on attributes.
-Added assistance to prevent one-timer and shot attempts from leading to accidental hits and interference penalties.
-Goalie tuning to increase goal-scoring a bit to compensate for taking away the easy short-side high goals.
-Improve hit stat tracking to not count all of the small bumps in front of the net.
-Increased injuries caused by CPU teams.
-Prevent puck from being launched with very high speed following a hit.
-AI tuning for superstar. The Aggression slider now affects how intense the CPU team is on that difficulty level.


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Game: NHL 09Reader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 47 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 LP @ 02/17/09 07:46 PM
Before I get to my impressions, I want to commend the NHL 09 team for their efforts. Patching a hockey game twice shows a commitment to putting forth the best product possible. I can't wait for next year. The support of NHL 09 has made NHL 10 a first-day-must buy. Thank you NHL 09 team.

On to the impressions. I am loving this patch. The penalties are now balanced between user and AI, goalies are a bit more realistic, and hits are calculated much closer to real life. These small changes have made a dramatic difference in gameplay.

If we can get better face-offs, board play, better goalie AI, and a better fighting engine, NHL 10 will be a fantastic game.
# 2 savoie2006 @ 02/17/09 07:55 PM
Haven't got the 360 patch yet, but from the sounds of it, I have a feeling I'm gonna enjoy this patch. Thank you Jason(Redshirt) for all you time and patience with us. I hope you and maybe others can do something similar closer to the release of 2010.
# 3 Jgainsey @ 02/17/09 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by LP
...I want to commend the NHL 09 team for their efforts. Patching a hockey game twice shows a commitment to putting forth the best product possible. I can't wait for next year. The support of NHL 09 has made NHL 10 a first-day-must buy. Thank you NHL 09 team.
Co-sign. It's really refreshing to see this much work put into improving a game that was already pretty good. I've only played q couple of games post patch, but so far I like what I see. Great work.
# 4 Splitter77 @ 02/17/09 08:36 PM
So far, so good.
the penalties are alot better. Still some fixing for 2010 though.
the goalies are more to my liking than the last patch. Ive played 2 games , and already had 3 5-hole goals. Those were non-existant for me in the first patch.
Thanks for all your work. This version will hold me over until next year.
# 5 savoie2006 @ 02/17/09 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by Splitter77
So far, so good.
the penalties are alot better. Still some fixing for 2010 though.
the goalies are more to my liking than the last patch. Ive played 2 games , and already had 3 5-hole goals. Those were non-existant for me in the first patch.
Thanks for all your work. This version will hold me over until next year.
You mean until September?
# 6 erich20012001 @ 02/17/09 08:39 PM
My xbox had to stop working at the worst time.
# 7 blinkfan77 @ 02/17/09 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by savoie2006
You mean until September?
Obviously, he means NHL 2010, which unfortunately, will be called "NHL10" which is flat out stupid.
# 8 akula89 @ 02/17/09 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by getinthevan87
Co-sign. It's really refreshing to see this much work put into improving a game that was already pretty good. I've only played q couple of games post patch, but so far I like what I see. Great work.
agreed. The patch support provided has been exceptional. kudo's EA - you have earned a first-day NHL 10 sale + several of my friends will be buying systems and games when it's released because of the patches provided for NHL 09.
# 9 savoie2006 @ 02/17/09 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by blinkfan77
Obviously, he means NHL 2010, which unfortunately, will be called "NHL10" which is flat out stupid.
I know he means NHL 10 or whatever, but it comes out this year, not next year. It's all good though, I was just pulling his leg. Yeah and NHL 10 is lame. It makes sound like it's the 10th NHL game, which it's most definately not.
# 10 blinkfan77 @ 02/17/09 09:03 PM
Any chance they fixed the awful one-timer recipient freeze glitch? That is far and away the worst glitch in this game. There's nothing worse then being down or tied, late in a game, and you set up a wide open one timer in front of the net, only to have the wide open pass recipient freeze for about 5 seconds. That needs to be fixed.
# 11 blinkfan77 @ 02/17/09 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by savoie2006
I know he means NHL 10 or whatever, but it comes out this year, not next year. It's all good though, I was just pulling his leg. Yeah and NHL 10 is lame. It makes sound like it's the 10th NHL game, which it's most definately not.
Exactly. In fact, not a single EA sports game this year will be the 10th. What an awful, awful decision by the EA brass. God forbid they go back to the way it was and call it "two-thousand ten."
# 12 allstar3970 @ 02/17/09 09:08 PM
360 user here, cant wait from the looks of this! What slider settings do you think you'll be changing with the new patch? I have penalties at the 2nd to highest setting now, looks like i'll probably have to scale that down. Glad to hear interference is being called now, the people complaining are probably the people who hit like they're playing NHL 94 and think thats how hockey is played.
# 13 Splitter77 @ 02/17/09 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by blinkfan77
Any chance they fixed the awful one-timer recipient freeze glitch? That is far and away the worst glitch in this game. There's nothing worse then being down or tied, late in a game, and you set up a wide open one timer in front of the net, only to have the wide open pass recipient freeze for about 5 seconds. That needs to be fixed.
that already happened to me once, so no, it wasnt fixed.
# 14 Splitter77 @ 02/17/09 09:18 PM
im loving how the puck doesnt mysteriously fly to a cpu player after you demolish them with a check anymore. Another great fix in this patch.
# 15 savoie2006 @ 02/17/09 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Splitter77
that already happened to me once, so no, it wasnt fixed.
Much like the Goalie Sprawl or many other issues, they(Redshirt) never said it would be completely removed, simply improved on.
# 16 savoie2006 @ 02/17/09 09:31 PM
-AI tuning for superstar. The Aggression slider now affects how intense the CPU team is on that difficulty level.
Is this the case with all difficulty levels or was it just Superstar which needed the patch?
# 17 catcatch22 @ 02/17/09 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by blinkfan77
Exactly. In fact, not a single EA sports game this year will be the 10th. What an awful, awful decision by the EA brass. God forbid they go back to the way it was and call it "two-thousand ten."
After thinking about this some more, did anyone have a problem with it called NHL 98? It's just a number nothing more. Maybe they can call it NHL X. X of course represents 10 in roman numerals (just in case that flew over some heads in here).
# 18 Jgainsey @ 02/17/09 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by blinkfan77
Exactly. In fact, not a single EA sports game this year will be the 10th. What an awful, awful decision by the EA brass. God forbid they go back to the way it was and call it "two-thousand ten."
Yeah... not really seeing what the big deal is here.
# 19 phillyfan23 @ 02/17/09 11:56 PM
what's the general impressions on OFFLINE play for everyone ? I am sure online play has improved, but offline play is where I spend most of my times.

How is the new superstar level? is it hard but realistic? ok then....thanks for all the input
# 20 LP @ 02/18/09 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by getinthevan87
Yeah... not really seeing what the big deal is here.
I'm not either. I also don't see how it has anything to do with patch impressions.

To the poster who asked about offline, my impressions were from offline games.

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