MLB 2K9 News Post

Here is another Major League Baseball 2K9 video. This one showing off the "Zone Hitting" and the top 3 plays.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K9Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K9 Videos
Member Comments
# 61 cheechoo98 @ 02/18/09 08:42 PM
Zone Hitting Just looks utterly ridiculous.

You end up watching your bat instead of the ball.
Does anyone really play with that on?

I know u can turn it off, in both games ( 2k9, The Show)
But really, Zone Batting should go the waay of the Dodo.
# 62 cheechoo98 @ 02/18/09 08:44 PM
I am really impressed with this game.

They got rid of that claustrophobic fielding camera with the baserunners in the corners of the screen, to a much more, natural, fielding camera.

Perhaps even better camera angles than.. the Show???

I might be buying both games!
# 63 Skyboxer @ 02/18/09 09:55 PM
Keep zone/cursor/timing etc... The more options the better.
Not everyone likes the same things.
# 64 Blzer @ 02/18/09 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Keep zone/cursor/timing etc... The more options the better.
Not everyone likes the same things.
Yes, but unlike other useless arguments, these both happen to be in the same department of development. So, this isn't a "mascots versus AI management" debate, this is a matter of time, memory, and other resources being consumed on both instead of just one.

I'm not saying that I'm for one hitting system, but I'm just saying that this is a time where they literally can only focus on one at a time instead of multitasking implementing features into a game.
# 65 MizzouRah @ 02/19/09 12:46 AM
Excellent job Steve!

Really appreciate all the videos/screens/impressions thus far!

I'm liking what I'm seeing.. seems like VC did a TON of work on this year's game and I'm slowly becoming very excited to see it first hand.

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