MLB 2K9 News Post

Here is another Major League Baseball 2K9 video. This one showing off the "Zone Hitting" and the top 3 plays.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K9Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K9 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 Jistic @ 02/17/09 12:07 AM
Couple things from both the Giants/Dbacks vids.

1. Saw the CPU take a 3rd strike. Don't know if Steve messed with sliders or not, but I know people are freaking out about that.

2. Saw a TON of ground balls. Another thing some were saying they didn't see.

3. Still haven't seen walks. Would love to see a vid with some back end rotation guys.

I'm excited though, only a few weeks.
# 42 Trevytrev11 @ 02/17/09 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Okay, just watched the video. That's cursor hitting, plain and simple. I don't know why people are saying "zone."
From what I see, I agree. The only thing that could make it considered "zone" is if the bat doesn't actually have to line up to make contact with the ball...maybe you can still miss the actual ball and make contact if you are in the correct zone, but from what I've seen, it appears to be a cursor hitting system.
# 43 jeffy777 @ 02/17/09 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by Jistic
1. Saw the CPU take a 3rd strike. Don't know if Steve messed with sliders or not, but I know people are freaking out about that.
Indeed he did. Check the first post in this thread:
# 44 astronut @ 02/17/09 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
Indeed he did. Check the first post in this thread:
anyboby know which sliders steve adjusted?
# 45 rock85 @ 02/17/09 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by astronut
anyboby know which sliders steve adjusted?
contact success and inside edge
# 46 Eddie1967 @ 02/17/09 12:40 AM
Love after the final out with the crowd cheering and standing. There is so much emotion in this game. WOW!
# 47 Blzer @ 02/17/09 01:13 AM
LOL looks like the on-deck batter and the home plate umpire weren't ready for the game to end!
# 48 NumberOneRB @ 02/17/09 02:58 AM
The game just keeps looking better and better after each new video. I think in many ways this "zone-cursor hitting" could be more rewarding and realistic than the traditional zone hitting we've been accustomed to. I would have to agree that VC probably could have done a better job in making the batting cursor less obtrusive (similar to what we see in the Japanese baseball game everyone alludes to).
# 49 NumberOneRB @ 02/17/09 03:08 AM
One issue that seems to be a continuing theme in these videos is the player clipping issues. I'm starting to think that with the supposed removal of take-out slides and player clipping (very obvious in the beginning of the video between Conor Jackson and the Giant on first), its possible that VC has removed collision detection between the players. I'm guessing this was either a technical decision by the team to get the game running at 60 fps, or it just hasn't been fully optimized yet and will be better in the final build.
# 50 larma @ 02/17/09 05:18 AM
Video looks promising, thanks.
# 51 BigH2k6 @ 02/17/09 09:05 AM
If I remember well, I think it may have world series baseball on the the Genesis that had cursor hitting and the sweet spot on the bat would change size depending on who was at the plate.
# 52 brendanrfoley @ 02/17/09 12:23 PM
Just watched again... and picked up something nice.

The last of the Top 3 Plays is a home run by the D'backs. As soon as the hitter makes contact, some fans start standing to watch. Slowly, others around them get up. It looks amazing.
# 53 ehh @ 02/17/09 12:28 PM
The Top 3 Plays is a great addition from NBA2K. The cursor/zone or whatever VC is calling it looks promising. It would be great to see a whole inning of it.
# 54 buzzguy @ 02/17/09 01:19 PM
NHL 2K9 has top plays, 3 stars, and signature highlights as well...very cool addition for MLB 2K9!
# 55 myghty @ 02/17/09 01:35 PM
Game is looking very purchasable! FPS, dont fail me now!!!
# 56 Danny305miA @ 02/17/09 06:08 PM
I cant wait for this game to come out.
# 57 reddog01 @ 02/17/09 07:09 PM
Is everybody seeing videos that I'm not seeing, what is so great,nothing has impressed me yet but the announcing and with a new announce team you know it is very repetitive the first year
# 58 jeffy777 @ 02/17/09 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by reddog01
Is everybody seeing videos that I'm not seeing, what is so great,nothing has impressed me yet but the announcing and with a new announce team you know it is very repetitive the first year
Well, you're in the minority then. The game looks impressive though not perfect, but it's not the final game yet either so it should be even better when it's released.
# 59 SoxFan01605 @ 02/17/09 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by reddog01
Is everybody seeing videos that I'm not seeing, what is so great,nothing has impressed me yet but the announcing and with a new announce team you know it is very repetitive the first year
It may not be impressive as in "wow, this is the most amazing game I've ever seen."

Given the issues it had to overcome in one year's time however, some of what they've seemed to accomplish is fairly impressive.

Obviously the true test will be playing it for yourself, but at the very least, on the surface it represents the game MUCH better than in years past.
# 60 Artman22 @ 02/17/09 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by jim416
Agreed. I think it's going to be a fun game to play. Looks like it should be tweakable gameplay wise also. When it's out, same with The Show, time has to be spent tweaking the sliders, etc. to fit your individual needs as every gamer plays differently. Patience is needed in the first week of release.
I agree

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