MLB 2K9 News Post

2K Sports sent us the latest beta copy of Major League Baseball 2K9. As always, here are the meat and potato screenshots. We'll have the franchise screenshots up tomorrow.

Not allowed to post videos until tomorrow, but you can bet we'll have plenty to view over the weekend.

Major League Baseball 2K9 screenshot gallery - Click to view Major League Baseball 2K9 screenshot gallery - Click to view
Game: Major League Baseball 2K9Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K9 Videos
Member Comments
# 81 SoxFan01605 @ 02/12/09 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by duke776
I want to thank Steve for taking the time to take all of these pictures!

Oh, I totally agree. I seriously laughed when I saw it, it's no big deal but it looks so funny/weird.

While the graphics aren't top notch, personally I'll be able to live with them(even though I do hope they were better) becasue I still play the show on the ps2 so I don't NEED amazing graphics even though I want them. This game is still a rent, but I could possibly have 2 awesome games this year and I'm excited about that because I like to change it up from time to time.
I agree with that. Many here know I have voiced my gripes with the graphics plenty(), but if it plays well and presents itself as well as it potentially could, I can certainly overlook them. One thing that 2K has always been deep on is the options, sliders, ratings, etc.

If they are all realistically tuned this year, we should have a pretty solid game on our hands here. Add in the player and contract editing options, and it becomes very intriguing.

It's obviously impossible to know for sure, of course, but things are seemingly looking up. I find it to be a BIG positive that they are going the way of NBA 2K9 in terms of development strategy.

Hopefully it translates into a great game. We'll see soon.
# 82 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/12/09 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
Come on bud, it's as legit a gripe as anything else. HALF THE SCREEN was taken up with those clunky meters...lol. Again, not the end of the world, but it's a bit surprising you would begrudge someone their opinion on that.

There is plenty to like about what OS showed, but that doesn't mean we all have to like everything about the game. No offense, but the way your responses sway, I would think you react more on emotion than rationale. Not saying that's definitely the case, mind you, but it does come across that way at times.
The bottom line is dude always has something negative to say about anything posted about this game. It's tiring. There are things I don't like about the other game, but do I insert my opinion about it in every thread created over there NO.

Why because I'm not a big fan of The Show. It's obvious dude prefers the other game, so if that's your preference why come here & nit-pick every screen/thread posted about this game..
# 83 EnigmaNemesis @ 02/12/09 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by bigfnjoe96
Dude please stop with the "Doctored Shots". All developers doctor screen shots.

Secondly every post you've made has been nothing but negative, then you try & followed it up with I want the game to succeed.

We all know what flavored kool-aid your drinking & it's NOT the flavor this game is providing...
No, not ALL DOCTOR SHOTS. That is the same cliche people use when they try to support and make amends to the fact that a certain company does it.

But 2K takes it to the next level. They are night and day different. And get people deceptively excited, just to have them crash and burn when they see the "real shots"

Every post I made, is from my personal critique. I am entitled to my opinion as much as the one salivating over them. Give it a rest will yea. The world is not so black and white.

And who cares what Kool-Aide, I or the majority of baseball gamers drink? How does that make my opinion any less valid? Am I not supposed to critique the graphics? Take everything for what it is, and not in hopes have my comments read, for them to *gasp* improve on them?

Give it a rest, the same can be said for you... pot meet kettle.
# 84 SeaNNyT @ 02/12/09 08:27 PM
Meh, not really impressed to be honest.
# 85 Rob_NYY @ 02/12/09 08:28 PM
Wow. Graphics = yuk. But that's nothing new, I knew the graphics would be on par with 2K8 when they released those early obviously touched-up screenshots last month. You don't heavily doctor screenshots unless you have something to hide.

I can't wait for the gameplay vids. Hopefully the framerate will be solid and the game will play like actual baseball.
# 86 EnigmaNemesis @ 02/12/09 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
I'm not seeing much difference between these meters and the pitching meter in The Show.

As for things being critiqued, I learned that I can't even offer constructive criticism in The Show forum without the fanboyists jumping on me. I mean for goodness sakes, I'm buying the game... I'm just trying to find ways for next year's game to be even better.

I'm not saying that it's you, I'm just saying that they exist, and it's much worse than here. It could be because the developers are floating around there all of the time and they're defending them, I'm not sure.
Of course they exist. On both sides, that much is obvious. But you also never see me jumping on people on The Show section with their own critiques with the game. I dont even jump on the mindless trolls. People are entitled to their opinion.

And no, I do not think these are anything close to the meter for pitching. But again, that is my opinion. (For the record I uses classic pitching in The Show)

These are bubbly car looking oil gauges. The confidence one, etc .. I am not talking about the throwing meters.
# 87 EnigmaNemesis @ 02/12/09 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by bigfnjoe96
The bottom line is dude always has something negative to say about anything posted about this game. It's tiring. There are things I don't like about the other game, but do I insert my opinion about it in every thread created over there NO.

Why because I'm not a big fan of The Show. It's obvious dude prefers the other game, so if that's your preference why come here & nit-pick every screen/thread posted about this game..

Wanna here some funny *** ****?

The same was said about me in The Show forums last year, when I had criticism there as well. I was called a 2K homer, etc.

Also I have made a total of 5-6 posts in here in the past couple of weeks. So wow, glad I am "always posting in here negative things".

Maybe I find it tiring ones who are hardcore fans of a series, franchise, game company, or system, gives so much over-hyped praise, and attacks anyone with differing opinions on the matter.
# 88 Rob_NYY @ 02/12/09 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by bigfnjoe96
The bottom line is dude always has something negative to say about anything posted about this game. It's tiring. There are things I don't like about the other game, but do I insert my opinion about it in every thread created over there NO.

Why because I'm not a big fan of The Show. It's obvious dude prefers the other game, so if that's your preference why come here & nit-pick every screen/thread posted about this game..
Where is the law that states you can't post your opinions on a game? If he thinks the meters look horribly, he has the right to say that. What is the point of these forums if people can't post their opinions?

And as a mater of fact, I agree with him. The meters look like the turbo meter from one of the Burnout racing games. It doesn't fit in with a baseball game, if you ask me. If you like the way the meters look, fine.

The problem here isn't people posting opinions, it's people taking offense to people posting opinions. Why does it bother you that he, or anybody else, critiques the game? If you think the game is great and looks great, why on earth do you care what he, or anybody else, thinks?
# 89 jeffy777 @ 02/12/09 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
I'm not seeing much difference between these meters and the pitching meter in The Show.

As for things being critiqued, I learned that I can't even offer constructive criticism in The Show forum without the fanboyists jumping on me. I mean for goodness sakes, I'm buying the game... I'm just trying to find ways for next year's game to be even better.

I'm not saying that it's you, I'm just saying that they exist, and it's much worse than here. It could be because the developers are floating around there all of the time and they're defending them, I'm not sure.
I agree that the meters are similar to The Shows pitch meter in terms of arcade-ish-ness.

Also I definitely agree with what your saying about The Show forum. I was belittled over there because I said I wished Sony would improve the graphics on the psp version. I genuinely like the game and want to see it improved, but it seemed that any opinion that was critical wasn't welcome.
# 90 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/12/09 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
No, not ALL DOCTOR SHOTS. That is the same cliche people use when they try to support and make amends to the fact that a certain company does it.

But 2K takes it to the next level. They are night and day different. And get people deceptively excited, just to have them crash and burn when they see the "real shots"

Every post I made, is from my personal critique. I am entitled to my opinion as much as the one salivating over them. Give it a rest will yea. The world is not so black and white.

And who cares what Kool-Aide, I or the majority of baseball gamers drink? How does that make my opinion any less valid? Am I not supposed to critique the graphics? Take everything for what it is, and not in hopes have my comments read, for them to *gasp* improve on them?

Give it a rest, the same can be said for you... pot meet kettle.
If you are that much of a Graphic Whore then this game is not for you. Obviously the Graphics are terrible or not up to your standard, you made that painfully obvious..

You've also made it obvious that this company has wronged you the last couple of years. If this is the case why are you here? Why not move-on?
# 91 CarryTheWeight @ 02/12/09 08:39 PM
Guys, everyone has their own opinions out there, and it doesn't involve any kool-aid drinking. I think the screens look solid. Others don't. Does that mean I'm a 2K fanboy or everyone else is a Show fanboy? Not necessarily. I want to see their games succeed, but as Gordon Downie once said, "I smell a rat when it's a rat". 2K8, to me, was disappointing. It was by no means the disaster everyone around here made it out to be, though. IMO, it was just not a game I would play every day, and we'll leave it at that.

I know people here have short fuses after what happened last year, and because of that, I totally understand all the nitpicking surrounding the game. 360 owners don't like playing one game every year, and PS3 owners wonder if a choice is even necessary with the state of SCEA's game. This title is going to be scrutinized by hardcore sports gamers regardless of what the final product is like. The third-party exclusivity deal did it all.
# 92 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/12/09 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by Rob_NYY
Where is the law that states you can't post your opinions on a game? If he thinks the meters look horribly, he has the right to say that. What is the point of these forums if people can't post their opinions?

And as a mater of fact, I agree with him. The meters look like the turbo meter from one of the Burnout racing games. It doesn't fit in with a baseball game, if you ask me. If you like the way the meters look, fine.

The problem here isn't people posting opinions, it's people taking offense to people posting opinions. Why does it bother you that he, or anybody else, critiques the game? If you think the game is great and looks great, why on earth do you care what he, or anybody else, thinks?
It bothers me because it's the same BS time after time after time. The graphics sux. The screens are doctored...blah blah blah..

Can't you people come-up with something else to complain about, instead of b***** & moaning about the same stuff

Their was a bunch of good stuff posted by Steve, yet that wasn't talked about was it. NO because people can't let their anger over what this series has been for the last 3 years go..
# 93 NikSaban @ 02/12/09 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by bigfnjoe96
If you are that much of a Graphic Whore then this game is not for you. Obviously the Graphics are terrible or not up to your standard, you made that painfully obvious..

You've also made it obvious that this company has wronged you the last couple of years. If this is the case why are you here? Why not move-on?
Man give it a rest. Lets get back on topic. Everyone has the right to post their opinions. This isn't the 2k forums. If you don't like the negative posts, then go to the 2k forums and enjoy the positive posts by the kids over there.
# 94 Blitzburgh @ 02/12/09 08:43 PM
I am very impressed and I can't wait to play this game! I love the camera options! I have been wanting this for three years now! Thank you.
# 95 jeffy777 @ 02/12/09 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by NikSaban
Man give it a rest. Lets get back on topic. Everyone has the right to post their opinions. This isn't the 2k forums. If you don't like the negative posts, then go to the 2k forums and enjoy the positive posts by the kids over there.
Yes, it would be nice if we could get back on topic.
# 96 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/12/09 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by jim416
You can't be a baseball fan and NOT want TWO great games. It makes no sense. What happens if one company, or the other, suddenly goes belly up? I agree with your post and also think the PS3 crowd wants this game to succeed, too. Well, they should.
I believe this also, but they way they show it sometimes makes me scratch my head sometimes

Originally Posted by NikSaban
Man give it a rest. Lets get back on topic. Everyone has the right to post their opinions. This isn't the 2k forums. If you don't like the negative posts, then go to the 2k forums and enjoy the positive posts by the kids over there.
Thanks for the offer, but I've been there & done that already
# 97 Pirate @ 02/12/09 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by bigfnjoe96
It bothers me because it's the same BS time after time after time. The graphics sux. The screens are doctored...blah blah blah..

Can't you people come-up with something else to complain about, instead of b***** & moaning about the same stuff

Their was a bunch of good stuff posted by Steve, yet that wasn't talked about was it. NO because people can't let their anger over what this series has been for the last 3 years go..
All they have given us is images, so you are only going to hear things about the images.
# 98 dtigers63 @ 02/12/09 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by jim416
You can't be a baseball fan and NOT want TWO great games. It makes no sense. What happens if one company, or the other, suddenly goes belly up? I agree with your post and also think the PS3 crowd wants this game to succeed, too. Well, they should.
Absolutely, count me in as wanting this game to be solid. I haven't seen anything yet that would lead me to believe otherwise.
# 99 NumberOneRB @ 02/12/09 08:54 PM
I'd have to say we should hold off on the graphics criticisms since it seems like some have forgotten the first teaser trailer shown that everyone was commenting looked great. Directly from the developers, it was said that the teaser was taken from actual gameplay and that was how the finished product would look.

I think the full lack of graphic fidelity has to do with the photo captures taking a bit of overall shine off the actual graphics. Lets wait to see some gameplay footage (or maybe 2Ks exclusive captures) before we fully judge.
# 100 Rob_NYY @ 02/12/09 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by bigfnjoe96
It bothers me because it's the same BS time after time after time. The graphics sux. The screens are doctored...blah blah blah..

Can't you people come-up with something else to complain about, instead of b***** & moaning about the same stuff

Their was a bunch of good stuff posted by Steve, yet that wasn't talked about was it. NO because people can't let their anger over what this series has been for the last 3 years go..
You need to relax and learn that different people have different opinions. I don't care about 25 different camera angles, I really don't. I will choose the camera angles I have been using since I've been playing baseball games.

Other posters are loving the camera angles, do you see me telling them to stop being fanboys and praising it? No. They like it, great. They have their opinions and I have mine.

I think the graphics suck, I think the uniforms look terrible, the screenshots released last month were a lie, and I don't like the meters. Why does that irk you?

I will buy this game and I hope it's good. Why wouldn't I want two great baseball games?! The ugly graphics aren't going to stop me from buying the game, neither are the 2 Fast 2 Furious meters. What's important is how the game plays, and as of yet I have no idea how it will play so I will wait until I get the game. All I can comment on is what we've been given so far.

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