MLB 2K9 News Post

IGN has posted their hands-on preview of Major League Baseball 2K9.

"The all-important franchise mode is also borrowing from NBA 2K9 and is home to a similar MLB.com home display. I didn't find the presentation of NBA's franchise to be all that inviting. Here's hoping that it has made some advancements. Sabermetrics are in, crazy as they may be; simming games is now faster than ever; and team and player records can be erased one at a time so you can leave your own mark on the franchise.

Player ambition -- another feature that started in NBA 2K9 -- is now in MLB 2K9's franchise mode. There are four types of concerns that you'll need to monitor: financial security, team prestige, playing for a winner, and their desire for playing time. These four meters are said to have a direct impact on a player's likelihood of accepting a given deal."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K9Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 duke776 @ 01/27/09 09:58 PM
Don't like the sound of Framerate issues when the ball is in play

...like you said, we'll just have to wait for the demo
# 2 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/27/09 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by duke776

...like you said, we'll just have to wait for the demo
The only concern I have, is there were no framerate issues in 2K8's demo, and it was galore in the final product.

Originally Posted by dorismary
Framrate worries me since I have a ps3
And as a PS3 owner, The Show is not your first option?

As for the screenshots. Still looks too "cartoony" for my tastes after playing The Show last year, and seeing it this year.
# 3 lived @ 01/27/09 10:12 PM
Your forced to laugh when comparing 2k with The Show. Sony's Baseball game is literally light years ahead of 2k. Heck this year there gonna have a three man booth and for christ sakes, 2K STILL can't fix the goddamn framerate
# 4 areobee401 @ 01/27/09 10:14 PM
Im not sure what to think to be honest
# 5 MizzouRah @ 01/27/09 10:16 PM
Wow.. I actually took a lot of good from the hands-on.

While horrible frame rates would really hurt the game, it's not a finished build so maybe they will get it cleaned up before release?

Now the mechanic works like this: Make one move with the right stick and a circle fills, when it reaches its max you make the second motion with the stick. Complete those two steps (you can opt to add the third step through the menus) and your pitch should be spot-on. The difficulty of pitching raises as you progress through a game and your pitcher becomes fatigued. Of course, composure is also a factor so you'll need make sure that your setup man has the fortitude to face Ryan Howard with a man on second and third with nobody out in the eighth inning.
A third? VERY interesting...

Rather than having to perfectly time your step with the pitch and then the all-important swing, players can now simply hold down on the right analog and swing when the time is right without fear of looking like a lumberjack chopping wood. This made it much easier to tee off on balls with the big boys of the lineup. That is, once I got the timing down.
This sounds great to me.

Other aesthetic differences from MLB 2K8 include a new base throwing meter that is functionally the same as last year (meaning it's still governed by the right stick) and pitches that are identifiable thanks to a flash of color as they cross the plate.
Love the color to determine pitches.. MVP had this.

The change starts with a new duo in the booth in Gary Thorne and Steve Phillips. Almost as important is the fact that their comments will now be able to cut off when something exciting happens in the game, then pickup where they left off once things calm down. It might seem small, but the feature helped keep the two commentators from droning on needlessly.

2K Share feature that some might remember from NBA 2K9. It lets you give other gamers things like your settings, created players and roster settings.
Glad that's in...

MLB 2K9 has some features that baseball nuts will surely appreciate (like the ability to save in the middle of any game)
# 6 Cubfan @ 01/27/09 10:16 PM
Gary Thorne and Steve Phillips calling the action. Hate to see the series still have frame rate issues. Hopefully they are ironed out before the game ships.
# 7 Knight165 @ 01/27/09 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by areobee401
Im not sure what to think to be honest
...and we won't until the FINAL version is out.(I'm not saying this directly to you)

Let's hope they iron it out.

# 8 areobee401 @ 01/27/09 10:24 PM
Funny thing is I know for a fact I will be buying this game day one. What can I say im a sucker for baseball and this is my only option. Like you said lets hope they can iron out these issues before they ship the game.
# 9 lived @ 01/27/09 10:25 PM
Well, the pitches being identified by colour was in last year's game.
# 10 roadman @ 01/27/09 10:38 PM
I quit reading it when the author said he wasn't impressed with NBA 2k9's presentation.
# 11 jeffy777 @ 01/27/09 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by lived
Looks like Pitching is way too easy this year.
It says in the IGN article that you can turn on the pitching release step in the options, so you can make it harder if you want.
# 12 TeixeiraFanatic @ 01/27/09 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by lived
Well, the pitches being identified by colour was in last year's game.
Unless i'm missing something i don't recall this in 2K8. the only game that i had this was MVP 2005 if i'm not mistaken.
# 13 BadKermit @ 01/27/09 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by lived
Well, the pitches being identified by colour was in last year's game.
Huh? No it wasn't. Maybe when you guessed the pitch, there was a flash of color, but I took from the article that this is more like MVP's "Batter's Eye," and that you can read every pitch. I absolutely loved that feature in the MVP series.

I'm pumped about that preview. Also, I think the "third step" for the pitching just means you can make it so it's exactly like last year's 3-step process. Awesome.
# 14 JoshCA916 @ 01/27/09 10:44 PM
WTF??? why cant 2k ever get framerate issues fixed? i love the 2k series for baseball but having a stroke or seizure is not what i am going for playing a baseball video game
# 15 MizzouRah @ 01/27/09 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by BadKermit
Huh? No it wasn't. Maybe when you guessed the pitch, there was a flash of color, but I took from the article that this is more like MVP's "Batter's Eye," and that you can read every pitch. I absolutely loved that feature in the MVP series.

I'm pumped about that preview. Also, I think the "third step" for the pitching just means you can make it so it's exactly like last year's 3-step process. Awesome.
That's how I interpreted the pitch type color.. of course I didn't play 2k8 but a few games.
# 16 jeffy777 @ 01/27/09 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by BadKermit
I'm pumped about that preview. Also, I think the "third step" for the pitching just means you can make it so it's exactly like last year's 3-step process. Awesome.
I agree. I thought last years 3-step process was great, so I'm glad it's still going to be an option, and hopefully with a better looking meter.
# 17 Skyboxer @ 01/27/09 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
It says in the IGN article that you can turn on the pitching release step in the options, so you can make it harder if you want.
Plus as the game go on and pitchers tire and or they get rattled the pitching gets harder. Seems fine to me. That plus cursor+swing stick etc.. has me a tad more excited that a few days ago. Just fix the frame rate issue! Despite The Show being my #1 game, I love baseball and will support 2K if they improve and give an honest effort.
# 18 jeffy777 @ 01/27/09 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Plus as the game go on and pitchers tire and or they get rattled the pitching gets harder. Seems fine to me.
Plus there are probably difficulty sliders to make the pitching even more of a challenge.
# 19 King Gro23 @ 01/27/09 11:15 PM
I am not worried about the frammrate, they didnt have a fully working 90% build so who knows because he said he would report back when IGN gets a working copy. The game mode best of the best was not working bug crash everytime so it wasnt working. I have heard no gripes on the gameplay no complaints just improvements and people open to their innovations. Sounds like pitch difficulty and step will have to be turned on. I dont like the whole hold down and swing whenever deal, thats allow scrubs to hang with the pack.
# 20 Shakedowncapo @ 01/27/09 11:17 PM
Every year the previews hope the framerate gets cleaned up...

Just saying.

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