MLB 2K9 News Post

IGN has posted their hands-on preview of Major League Baseball 2K9.

"The all-important franchise mode is also borrowing from NBA 2K9 and is home to a similar MLB.com home display. I didn't find the presentation of NBA's franchise to be all that inviting. Here's hoping that it has made some advancements. Sabermetrics are in, crazy as they may be; simming games is now faster than ever; and team and player records can be erased one at a time so you can leave your own mark on the franchise.

Player ambition -- another feature that started in NBA 2K9 -- is now in MLB 2K9's franchise mode. There are four types of concerns that you'll need to monitor: financial security, team prestige, playing for a winner, and their desire for playing time. These four meters are said to have a direct impact on a player's likelihood of accepting a given deal."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K9Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K9 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 NumberOneRB @ 01/28/09 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by BadKermit
Yeah, but think about it this way. Assume a sports game basically gets a 1-year development cycle. That's 365 days of development (I know, weekends, holidays, etc.). Divide that into 10 segments, and even at 90% complete, they have about 37 days to work on that final 10% (again, I know, testing, pressing discs, shipping, etc.). If all they have left to work on is improving the frame rate in that last 10%, they probably have over a month to work on it exclusively.

10% of a game certainly isn't an insignificant amount.
I sure hope so. I want 2k9 to be great and I can't wait for some vids to see how smooth the game plays.
# 42 brendanrfoley @ 01/28/09 02:51 AM
If Visual Concepts is unable to lock in a solid, smooth framerate with this year's version... it may be time to scrap the engine entirely. I like a lot of what it has to offer, but something under the hood is giving programmers fits.
# 43 Artman22 @ 01/28/09 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by BadKermit
Yeah, but think about it this way. Assume a sports game basically gets a 1-year development cycle. That's 365 days of development (I know, weekends, holidays, etc.). Divide that into 10 segments, and even at 90% complete, they have about 37 days to work on that final 10% (again, I know, testing, pressing discs, shipping, etc.). If all they have left to work on is improving the frame rate in that last 10%, they probably have over a month to work on it exclusively.

10% of a game certainly isn't an insignificant amount.
They have less then 30 days to fix it IMO. It will not be an instant purchase for me. Ill wait and see the reaction here. Anyway we will be able to tell from the gameplay videos from different websites. I remember last year all the guys who didnt want to accept the fact about framerate were blaming IGN for recording the videos wrong lol.
# 44 boomhauertjs @ 01/28/09 08:35 AM
Glad I bought a used PS2 to get The Show in case this game is a flop like 2k8. VC does great work with the NBA series, but there may have been too much to fix to save this game in time.
# 45 Blitzburgh @ 01/28/09 10:12 AM
The batting camera has been lowered and now sits directly behind the batter. No angle, no tilt; just straight-on right behind your main point of interest.

I have been asking for this since forever! This will allow you to be smarter at the plate and be able to read pitches better. I always hated that angle they switched too when you were a RH batter facing a RH pitcher or v-versa.
# 46 Mercury112491 @ 01/28/09 10:20 AM
Everyone is talking about how horrible the framerate was in 2k8 but I thought I rememberd if you did some stuff like turn off the live ticker at the bottom as well as those horrible in game replays combined with the patch they released that the framerate was not a huge problem anymore. I found the meatballs and the awful batting mechanic to be the biggest problems.

I gotta think even if they fix the framerate a little bit combined with the ability to install the game to the HDD that it should run pretty smooth.
# 47 bigfnjoe96 @ 01/28/09 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by Mercury112491
Everyone is talking about how horrible the framerate was in 2k8 but I thought I rememberd if you did some stuff like turn off the live ticker at the bottom as well as those horrible in game replays combined with the patch they released that the framerate was not a huge problem anymore. I found the meatballs and the awful batting mechanic to be the biggest problems.

I gotta think even if they fix the framerate a little bit combined with the ability to install the game to the HDD that it should run pretty smooth.
Mercury I can understand where your coming from, but the truth is we shouldn't have to be jumping thru hoops in order to get this game to run smoothly OTB.

If you can't lock 60fps, then you shoot for 30fps & move-on from there.
# 48 brendanrfoley @ 01/28/09 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by Mercury112491
Everyone is talking about how horrible the framerate was in 2k8 but I thought I remembered if you did some stuff like turn off the live ticker at the bottom as well as those horrible in game replays combined with the patch they released that the framerate was not a huge problem anymore.
The framerate in 2K8 was far from smooth, but I never found it to be quite the problem others did. I think it's all an issue of preference.

If 2K9's framerate is better, I'll be happy. If it's the same, I'll be disappointed. If it's worse, I'll be pissed.
# 49 Motown @ 01/28/09 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by brendanrfoley
The framerate in 2K8 was far from smooth, but I never found it to be quite the problem others did. I think it's all an issue of preference.

If 2K9's framerate is better, I'll be happy. If it's the same, I'll be disappointed. If it's worse, I'll be pissed.
ALL yall need to take your blood pressure medicine...Jeez
# 50 Fatalah @ 01/28/09 01:05 PM
I came from another thread--- do we really have a contact from VC assuring us about the framerate?

Where is this guy? Where's his quote? I will not shell out $60 bucks for another game of glue. Sorry. This year is a total "wait and see" year for MLB2K9. I'm not going to get screwed again.
# 51 SoxFan01605 @ 01/28/09 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by Fatalah
I came from another thread--- do we really have a contact from VC assuring us about the framerate?

Where is this guy? Where's his quote? I will not shell out $60 bucks for another game of glue. Sorry. This year is a total "wait and see" year for MLB2K9. I'm not going to get screwed again.

Permalink #19.
# 52 thescoop @ 01/28/09 10:52 PM
That preview was enough to prove that 2k still doesn't get it. That with the review of their current front office game have proven to me that they wont make a good baseball game.

I'm glad I have a choice this year.
# 53 Artman22 @ 01/28/09 11:25 PM
I could understand where your coming from but i think we should chill and relax at this point. The VC Devs already said we have nothing to worry about. We just have to wait and see now
# 54 SoxFan01605 @ 01/28/09 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by Art1bk
I could understand where your coming from but i think we should chill and relax at this point. The VC Devs already said we have nothing to worry about. We just have to wait and see now
lol...says the author of this:



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