MLB 2K9 News Post

I will be the first person to admit that I was not expecting much out of MLB 2K9 this year. With the development team switch from Kush Games to Visual Concepts, I did not think that there would be enough time for Visual Concepts to take control of the MLB 2K series and turn it around in just one year. While there is still very little information available concerning the game and there is still a month and a half left until the game releases, I am now becoming more intrigued as to what the company has in store for consumers come this March.

Last week, the feature list for MLB 2K9 leaked onto the Web. While there are obviously some spotty areas on the list, the developers look to be focusing more on the core game of baseball and also on the surrounding atmosphere, which is a welcome relief to both baseball fans who only own an Xbox 360, and also those consumers looking for an alternative to the MLB: The Show series.

Read More - Major League Baseball 2K9 First Look Preview

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Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 funky_chicken @ 01/16/09 08:36 PM
Any truth to the rumor that Major League Baseball 2k9 will only be available for purchase at Circuit City.

In all seriousness I am hoping the game is good. I am a baseball fanatic and baseball videogames are my favorite to play. It is always nice when consumers have choices.
# 22 HK-47 @ 01/16/09 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by Seamless
See, it's posts like this that really frustrate me to no end.

1. The right analog pitching was NOT too hard. If you thought it was, drop down a level. It's posts like this that make companies dumb down the AI and make the game easy. I want the higher levels to be difficult. The only thing off about the analog pitching was there were too many meatballs.
Yeah, I never understood why so many had trouble with the new pitching controlls...I pretty much had it mastered in about 5-10 minutes of practice.

Just keep the "Total Controll Pitching" slider at 80 or lower and you should be fine.
# 23 bubba4 @ 01/16/09 10:17 PM
Now that Visual Concepts is involved, I am less worried about the direction of baseball from 2K than I would have been if the change was not made. I never understood why they never had their A-Team leading the way of such a high profile game for the company. These guys from VC know football, they know basketball, and now they have come to baseball. The best sports game maker of all time is working on a baseball.
I am not worried at all.
I'm excited!
# 24 NAFBUC @ 01/16/09 10:31 PM
I would not get overly excited about the game until 2k can show us they can release a good game of baseball.
# 25 e0820 @ 01/16/09 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by magoo1967
I'm confused, wasn't Visual Concepts always involved with making this game since the 2K series first appeared on the Sega Dreamcast?
No I think Blue Castle made the dreamcast ones and Kush made the current ones.
# 26 King Gro23 @ 01/17/09 03:33 AM
For those of you who avidly complain about lack of media out for MLB 2K9 think about this:

MLB 2K9 is a little over 1&1/2 months aways from release. All the negativity is not logical, you are all putting 2K in this giant company as a whole like there is no blue castle,kush, vc, 2K Boston etc...
Think about it, I'd be like Madden 2010 being made by EA Big co.
To top it in relevance MVP Baseball made from EA Big.
It cant be judged because this is the first time this company has tried to create a next gen baseball game.
The Info will come just be patient. All I'm saying is its undisputable because of the circumstances

sit back and enjoy what comes this march.
# 27 Riotboy @ 01/17/09 03:35 AM
2K is up to their old tricks again. Waiting until the last minute to release MLB 2K9 gameplay videos means they are behind schedule and will release another glitchy product. I will not be making the same mistake I did last year by buying MLB 2K8 the day it came out without playing the demo first.
# 28 bigfnjoe96 @ 01/17/09 09:54 AM
As I've said before it really seems like VC is trying to get back to basics by tightening-up the Pitching, Batting & Fielding.

The presentation has been lacking for years so we see the addition of Real-Time World Feature which if done right should be fun to watch. Cut-scenes with this feature should be limited if not totally gone.

My only worry so far is that there was no info on FRANCHISE in that leaked featured list. Franchise Mode has been broken for a while. Players out of position on the field, batting in weird spots in the line-up & rotations getting all screwed-up.

Here's hoping they've fixed these issues & if not hopefully they have allowed us to have TOTAL CONTROL of all the teams in the game so we can fix these issues ourselves.

Lastly I hope they have tweaked the STATS/RATINGS Engine. This may be a lot to ask for because NO Sports Game has been able to get this correct in a long time, but it is an important part of Franchise Mode.

All of these things, a more than likely upgrade to the graphics & VC now in charge of this title has me optimistic that this game is finally heading in the right direction
# 29 BFawlty @ 01/17/09 11:49 AM
Well we have a PS3 in the house along with the Xbox, so this is going to have to be one heck of a game to replace The Show. Frankly I'm in the camp of people that is a little concerned over the lack of info coming out.

# 30 Jgainsey @ 01/17/09 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by funky_chicken
Any truth to the rumor that Major League Baseball 2k9 will only be available for purchase at Circuit City.
lol, yeah it's going to be part of their going of business special.
# 31 OliDegu2008 @ 01/17/09 05:53 PM
I am getting excited, sounds like they are going back to the basics again and just looking to make a solid good game of baseball
# 32 jeffy777 @ 01/17/09 10:59 PM
According to 2K's forum:

"MLB screens are on the horizon so expect some good stuff to drop within the next couple of weeks."

So let's see what happens......
# 33 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/17/09 11:18 PM
Could this really be a "First Look", when there was no look at all at the game?

# 34 Artman22 @ 01/18/09 01:24 AM
When a company has smothing good to show. They have no problem showing it to the public. If by next week we dont see anything. We all know what time it is
# 35 OliDegu2008 @ 01/18/09 01:28 AM
Who knows...we shall see.
# 36 SFGiantsFan22 @ 01/18/09 10:30 AM
I'm hoping once again that this game turns around and becomes something good..
# 37 brendanrfoley @ 01/18/09 11:55 AM
I expect to see screens of 2K9 this week.

Otherwise, count me among those who are concerned. We do, however, know a good deal about 2K9 (more so than we did this time last year).

Between the features list and what the former 2K employee (totally blanking on the name right now, sorry) told us before leaving the company, here's what we know:

-New announcing duo
-Presentation a "major" focus
-New stadium guy was redoing parks before 2K8 shipped
-No more "loading" cutscenes to tax the game engine
-Zone hitting
-Increased hit variety
-Streamlined pitching
-New fielding options

From everything I've read, Visual Concepts knew it was taking over MLB well before 2K8 shippped, and that 2K9 was in pre-production before 2K8 was in our hands. They've likely had longer to work on 2K9 than most teams get to work on a yearly sports release; that has me hopeful we'll all get something we can enjoy.
# 38 MizzouRah @ 01/18/09 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by brendanrfoley
I expect to see screens of 2K9 this week.

Otherwise, count me among those who are concerned. We do, however, know a good deal about 2K9 (more so than we did this time last year).

Between the features list and what the former 2K employee (totally blanking on the name right now, sorry) told us before leaving the company, here's what we know:

-New announcing duo
-Presentation a "major" focus
-New stadium guy was redoing parks before 2K8 shipped
-No more "loading" cutscenes to tax the game engine
-Zone hitting
-Increased hit variety
-Streamlined pitching
-New fielding options

From everything I've read, Visual Concepts knew it was taking over MLB well before 2K8 shippped, and that 2K9 was in pre-production before 2K8 was in our hands. They've likely had longer to work on 2K9 than most teams get to work on a yearly sports release; that has me hopeful we'll all get something we can enjoy.
The thing that bugs me about 2k is their lack of marketing when (at least it seems to me) they aren't confident about a title.. (see MLB 2k8, NHL 2k9)

Like everyone here though.. I'm crossing my fingers they come through this year. The game doesn't have to be the end all.. just bring us a fun, out of the box experience.
# 39 ehh @ 01/18/09 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
According to 2K's forum:

"MLB screens are on the horizon so expect some good stuff to drop within the next couple of weeks."
Yeah, like the game.

Well, most likely minus the "good" part.
# 40 King Gro23 @ 01/18/09 01:45 PM
I would like to see screens of the New Stadiums that have been designed. I'm anxious, I'm really not concerned about the lack of media
honestly its nothing new with any 2K game. NBA 2K rarely has screens and its a great game if you fix one or two problems and problems are caused by the User.

To get the feel I popped in MLB 2k7 that games graphics as well all know were astonishing
MLB 2K8 just felt cheesy like they gave up on the game. It had graphics of backyard baseball for the gamecube. With VC with 2K MLB I have more confidence in their game

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