News Post

ESPN the Magazine has posted an article they've entitled, You're Never Too Old For MLB 08, where they talk to our very own jim416 (Stewart). Keep on gaming brother!

ESPN: "When did you first get into playing video games?"

Stewart: "I remember when Atari and the Odyssey first came out and me and my buddies would play those dumb little Pong-like baseball games. And every year, when the new games came out, we'd play them, but it was nothing more than passing the time. The games back then always had something missing. But when Sony came out with MLB 07: The Show, that's the one I thought dramatically changed the face of baseball gaming. And with MLB 08, the jump was night and day. That's the game that made me finally buy an LCD TV."

Game: MLB '08: The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSPVotes for game: 97 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 bronco92 @ 12/09/08 05:32 PM
Awesome read. Great to see OS in print. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy. Nice work Jim!
# 2 Steve_OS @ 12/09/08 05:40 PM
Nice interview Stewart, we gotta get a game in!
# 3 AlexBrady @ 12/09/08 05:47 PM
Good for you Jim.
# 4 Millennium @ 12/09/08 05:51 PM
Stewart, I'm not going to lie. That is the best gamer interview I have read in a while, in regards to the responses you gave.

Way to stand up for the simulation gamer!
# 5 EnigmaNemesis @ 12/09/08 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Millennium
Stewart, I'm not going to lie. That is the best gamer interview I have read in a while, in regards to the responses you gave.

Way to stand up for the simulation gamer!

In total agreement. I cant think of a better person to give us a voice on here either.

Great job Jim!
# 6 jpup @ 12/09/08 06:17 PM
Someone needs to give the guy a blue name because he just did more for OS than 99% of this community.
# 7 Scott @ 12/09/08 06:23 PM
Great job, good interview too. I'm stoked for MLB 09
# 8 Steve_OS @ 12/09/08 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by jpup
Someone needs to give the guy a blue name because he just did more for OS than 99% of this community.
Indeed. Stewart, you're all setup as a "Supporter" at OS.
# 9 Cubfan @ 12/09/08 06:47 PM
Great interview Jim.
# 10 carolo59 @ 12/09/08 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by jim416
I have GOT to land an Agent, lol.
I come cheap were do I sign. hop!! Nice job Jimbo,our voice for old hard core gamers. Great job my friend.
# 11 tree3five @ 12/09/08 06:53 PM
that was a great read Jim, You are the man, thats great I am truly happy for you.
# 12 SoxFan01605 @ 12/09/08 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by jim416
Hey, that was really nice. I'm certainly not the most deserving, at all, but I do appreciate it.
Thank you, really. (humbled)
You certainly deserve it Jim. You can be a grumpy old man(lol...) but, jokes aside, we certainly appreciate all you do for your fellow baseball junkies. Great work and keep it up!
# 13 SoxFan01605 @ 12/09/08 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by jim416
Well, they wanted me for the lead in "Natural Born Killers", but unfortunately it was the female role, ugh. Yeah, things get lost in translation when you type. But I can almost assure you, I haven't killed a neighbors pet in, oh, gotta be six weeks.

I'm sure your neighbors are very grateful...lol.
# 14 Trax @ 12/09/08 07:26 PM


Thanks for being here and representing all of the sim baseball gamin nuts!

# 15 Kolbe @ 12/09/08 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by jim416
Hey, that was really nice. I'm certainly not the most deserving, at all, but I do appreciate it.
Thank you, really. (humbled)
Thing is, you do deserve it. Great work Jim - keep it up!


P.S. - practically the whole team has read the article. We're all getting a big kick out of your story
# 16 jpup @ 12/09/08 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by jim416
Well, Fluffy ain't.
get off my lawn.
# 17 green94 @ 12/09/08 07:58 PM
Who knew we had a celebrity among us!!!!

Congrats Jim - and AMEN to this paragraph:

I understand how difficult it is to program a baseball game, so I'm not looking for nirvana, but there are some animations that didn't quite fit when it came to throwing the ball. I'd say the fielding animations, some kind of weather progression and a night-day progression would be great additions, but the game doesn't want for much. That's going to be my Christmas, when they release MLB 09. Forget December 25, I'm looking forward to late February/early March when they release the game.
# 18 bcruise @ 12/09/08 08:05 PM
Congrats Jim! And welcome to the "blue" crew!
# 19 statum71 @ 12/09/08 08:35 PM
This is tight. OS gettting more and more publicity
# 20 Knight165 @ 12/09/08 08:40 PM

Great stuff.
That is a great write up.


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