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Pasta Padre has posted an article that talks about NBA 2K9's Team-Up mode, not fixed by the patch.

"One of the supposed fixes in the patch for NBA 2K9 was to make the 5 on 5 Team-Up mode playable. The mode has never worked properly having been inflicted with crippling lag (the worst I’ve ever experienced), disconnects, and frustration. I was concerned with the wording in the patch details and wanted to see how much it improved the performance. Two months after release would Team-Up mode actually function properly and deliver what was advertised?

The short answer to that is no. I spent a considerable amount of time trying to play it with very little success. The only games I was able to load into and play involved only a couple other users. There was no success with 7 or more users involved. Here are a couple of the instances I experienced and a few thoughts on it."

Game: NBA 2K9Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 72 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 trobinson97 @ 12/04/08 08:11 AM
That was the first thing I tried post patch. I got in after a few tries and the lag was just as bad as I remember when I tried it the first week of release. It didn't get better until several people left and even then it was still choppy.
# 2 ront75 @ 12/04/08 12:22 PM
i dont know, i just installed the patch last night and the first game i tried was some 5 vs 5.

i was able to play 2 games that were almost lag free before going to bed. one game had 10 players (with 1 quitting mid game) and another with 8 players.
# 3 Shakedowncapo @ 12/04/08 12:26 PM
what a joke
# 4 SeaNNyT @ 12/04/08 04:58 PM
I don't understand how NHL 09 can have next to lag free games with up to 6v6, yet NBA 2k9 does not even come close to achieving this even with 3v3.
# 5 Brooklynnets24 @ 12/04/08 05:14 PM
Like i said they didnt fix crap on 5 on 5 except make it kinda lag free.
# 6 Stumbleweed @ 12/04/08 05:20 PM
I haven't had any issues with it really. I ran a 5-on-5 match with zero issues last night in the Ranked Match area. Two people dropped partway through the game, but it didn't make any difference in performance and the game was great.. ended in a loss for me on the final shot.

I did get a few occasions where I tried starting a game (Ranked) and it would take you to the lobby area but when it started, it would do the countdown thing and eventually say "Network Conditions are too poor for this game to continue", but I've only seen that maybe 5 times in a bunch of attempts. I played probably 10 Team-up games on Tuesday, most were 5-on-5 or close to it, and most of them ran just fine. Occasional lag and people dropping (causing the countdown screen) is something that 2K probably can't fix.
# 7 SeaNNyT @ 12/04/08 05:39 PM
The 3 times I tried, we had a full game. Then at the start the player connect loop would start.
# 8 Stumbleweed @ 12/04/08 05:43 PM
It seems like that "network conditions are too poor" happens instead of the game dropping once it starts or being so laggy it's unplayable. I think that if one of the people trying to join has a really crappy connection, it'll just basically say" not worth it" and give that error message. That's what it seems like to me anyway.

I love this mode and it's gotten a lot better since the patch, as have the others. You can connect easier to Ranked, there's less drops and lag, and Player Matches work perfectly.
# 9 toneloc99 @ 12/04/08 05:59 PM
5 on 5 is a lot better online. Might have to due more with the gameplay changes than anything else though. The lag is down a lot and you can play a full game with minimal lag. Is it perfect? No not even close and probably never will be. Still a lot of fun IMO.
# 10 Brooklynnets24 @ 12/04/08 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by toneloc99
5 on 5 is a lot better online. Might have to due more with the gameplay changes than anything else though. The lag is down a lot and you can play a full game with minimal lag. Is it perfect? No not even close and probably never will be. Still a lot of fun IMO.
it is hella fun when you got 10 people going on but it just takes too long and too many attempts for it to happen
# 11 Fiasco West @ 12/04/08 08:06 PM
The first game I played was with 10 people and it ran just fine for me.
# 12 orrkl2002 @ 12/04/08 08:16 PM
It works very smooth when you go and join one of the games in the lobby, This was actually my first time enjoying a few online games.
# 13 Chris Smoove @ 12/05/08 10:06 AM

the 5 on 5 mode is a perfect example of false advertising, this terrible feature will never be forgotten
# 14 jerseyballer7 @ 12/05/08 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by Chris Smoove

the 5 on 5 mode is a perfect example of false advertising, this terrible feature will never be forgotten

Totally agree. That should be shown on the 2k forums and anywhere else so people can see that even tho the patch helped 5v5 lag and camera, it still makes it very difficult to play with 10 ppl! they need to fix it. All the possibilities that feature could of had. Leagues, clans, etc all down the drain.....
# 15 Stumbleweed @ 12/05/08 12:01 PM
Yes, categorical statements are awesome, especially when multiple people are reporting an entirely different experience.

I've played several 5-on-5, 5-on-4, and 4-on-4 games in the past few days that worked very well with minimal lag, no disconnection, and only a few extra attempts to start the game (countdown screen normally).

I have a great time with it. It's not a terrible feature. They have a ton of extra gameplay elements and controls for that mode, and when you get a real game happening with sim people, it's an incredible experience. Try the Player Match lobby if you're having problems, because those work perfectly. Stirring up controversy and making unqualified statements gets us nowhere.
# 16 bigball12 @ 12/05/08 12:16 PM
I disagree with pasta. I think that they did fix up the team play. It works fine for me!
# 17 Pappy Knuckles @ 12/05/08 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by jerseyballer7
Totally agree. That should be shown on the 2k forums and anywhere else so people can see that even tho the patch helped 5v5 lag and camera, it still makes it very difficult to play with 10 ppl! they need to fix it. All the possibilities that feature could of had. Leagues, clans, etc all down the drain.....
That dudes voice puts me to sleep.
# 18 Brooklynnets24 @ 12/05/08 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by bigball12
I disagree with pasta. I think that they did fix up the team play. It works fine for me!
how are people disagreeing with pasta when more then one person is having the same exact problems...
# 19 Brooklynnets24 @ 12/05/08 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Stumbleweed
Yes, categorical statements are awesome, especially when multiple people are reporting an entirely different experience.

I've played several 5-on-5, 5-on-4, and 4-on-4 games in the past few days that worked very well with minimal lag, no disconnection, and only a few extra attempts to start the game (countdown screen normally).

I have a great time with it. It's not a terrible feature. They have a ton of extra gameplay elements and controls for that mode, and when you get a real game happening with sim people, it's an incredible experience. Try the Player Match lobby if you're having problems, because those work perfectly. Stirring up controversy and making unqualified statements gets us nowhere.
what are you talking about the dude just posted a video of what is wrong with this feature the same problems i reported the same problems Padre reported.If you guys been getting clean games and not one single problem you are either BS to protect this game or you have won the golden Game. Now idk if it is entirley different with non ranked team up games but many people dont want to play non ranked
# 20 Bornindamecca @ 12/05/08 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Brooklynnets24
what are you talking about the dude just posted a video of what is wrong with this feature the same problems i reported the same problems Padre reported.If you guys been getting clean games and not one single problem you are either BS to protect this game or you have won the golden Game. Now idk if it is entirley different with non ranked team up games but many people dont want to play non ranked
In the video he says that it is impossible to get into a 5 on 5 game without major problems. That's just not true.

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