NCAA March Madness 09 News Post

The NCAA Basketball 09 patch is now available for the Playstation 3.

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Game: NCAA Basketball 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 29 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 J-Unit40 @ 11/26/08 12:19 PM
NIT is in the game. I noticed it this morning when simming a season.

I never realized there was a Tournament Selection Show with bracket breakdown in this game. There isn't any commentary or talking heads, but it's still very clean and nice looking. Pretty cool.
# 42 jnelson32 @ 11/26/08 12:49 PM
I think I'm onto something here or I'm on something. My mistake, I do see the tournaments are in dynasty, but only if you're playing as a team that's in that specified tourney. I started a season with Purdue and the NIT was in, but no other tourney. I then started with Indiana and the Maui Invitational was in, but no other tourney. I play as Minnesota so that's why I didn't see any tourneys during the regular season. This to me is far from authentic scheduling. Is this something that was completely missed by EA?
# 43 Bumble14 @ 11/26/08 01:10 PM
I don't really mean to rile everyone up here, but why is there so much complaining about trivial matters that don't effect the gameplay?

I'm sure there will be some small deviations from authentic schedules due to liscensing issues, and I am sure there may be some quirks in recruiting logic- are these really game killing issues?

Sorry again, but it just seems that people do nothing but complain on these forums about the smallest of things.
# 44 countryboy @ 11/26/08 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by Bumble14
I don't really mean to rile everyone up here, but why is there so much complaining about trivial matters that don't effect the gameplay?

I'm sure there will be some small deviations from authentic schedules due to liscensing issues, and I am sure there may be some quirks in recruiting logic- are these really game killing issues?

Sorry again, but it just seems that people do nothing but complain on these forums about the smallest of things.
I don't think anyone is calling things gamekillers, just pointing out things they wish were fixed/tweaked/added/omitted/whatever.

If we don't voice our opinions on whats wrong, then how will Sean and his crew know what we want fixed for next year?

Also, people bring up these topics so they are discussed. Maybe someone doesn't noticed something, comes on here and "complains" and then another member points them in the right direction or for the lack of a better phrase "sets them straight".

This is a place to openly discuss the game whether it be in praise or concern. So long as no one is simply bashing the game for the sake of trolling, then I don't see the harm.
# 45 Da Birthday Boy @ 11/26/08 01:35 PM
Still no 360 patch?
# 46 thanvar @ 11/26/08 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by arca
Hello everyone

I live in Europe and i have no access to PSN US.

If my PS3 linked with Internet, Is the new patch dowload automatically when i start my PS3??

Help and Thanks

I have the game and live in Europe (Greece).
Everything went fine, and the patch got downloaded easily...
so don't worry

I would like to say that in general NCAA 09 is a very nice game! But i still have personal issues with the gameplay as it is tough to play NBA 2k9 and NCAA 09 at the same time. Unfortunately, I've gotten used to the 2k gameplay and I can't enjoy the game to the max.
# 47 crques @ 11/26/08 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by jnelson32
I think I'm onto something here or I'm on something. My mistake, I do see the tournaments are in dynasty, but only if you're playing as a team that's in that specified tourney. I started a season with Purdue and the NIT was in, but no other tourney. I then started with Indiana and the Maui Invitational was in, but no other tourney. I play as Minnesota so that's why I didn't see any tourneys during the regular season. This to me is far from authentic scheduling. Is this something that was completely missed by EA?
So in otherwords, the tourneys are only in if you are using a team that's playing in one of them, and it's only that specific tournament included in the dynasty? So how are they filling the schedule spots for the teams playing in other tournaments?
# 48 jnelson32 @ 11/26/08 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by crques
So in otherwords, the tourneys are only in if you are using a team that's playing in one of them, and it's only that specific tournament included in the dynasty? So how are they filling the schedule spots for the teams playing in other tournaments?
Correct, it's only the specified tourney for the team you're using. It looks like they include the 1st game of the tournament, i.e. ND/IU, for non-user teams and that's it. I noticed some teams with only 5-6 non-conference games due to this. What a bummer.
# 49 jnelson32 @ 11/26/08 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Bumble14
I don't really mean to rile everyone up here, but why is there so much complaining about trivial matters that don't effect the gameplay?

I'm sure there will be some small deviations from authentic schedules due to liscensing issues, and I am sure there may be some quirks in recruiting logic- are these really game killing issues?

Sorry again, but it just seems that people do nothing but complain on these forums about the smallest of things.
To each his/her own. I just think that tournaments that EA has licenses for should be in dynasty mode whether the team you're playing as is in the tournament or not. I really do enjoy the game and my Gophers schedule isn't effected by this, but it's an issue I think EA should know about.
# 50 jaygg1 @ 11/26/08 02:44 PM
As a 360 guy, I must say I am way jealous! Hopefully we get our patch soon.
# 51 Scoop 24 @ 11/26/08 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by jnelson32
To each his/her own. I just think that tournaments that EA has licenses for should be in dynasty mode whether the team you're playing as is in the tournament or not. I really do enjoy the game and my Gophers schedule isn't effected by this, but it's an issue I think EA should know about.
i think in season 2 you can join what ever tourney you want. the first year is ment to be authentic
# 52 ehh @ 11/26/08 03:12 PM
Yeah I think you'll get invited to one of the preseason tournaments each year after Year 1.
# 53 crques @ 11/26/08 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by jnelson32
Correct, it's only the specified tourney for the team you're using. It looks like they include the 1st game of the tournament, i.e. ND/IU, for non-user teams and that's it. I noticed some teams with only 5-6 non-conference games due to this. What a bummer.
Well that sucks then. So where the tournaments like this before the authentic schedule patch and can you customize schedules for your first season?
# 54 jnelson32 @ 11/26/08 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by ehh
Yeah I think you'll get invited to one of the preseason tournaments each year after Year 1.
I'm really not concerned by getting invited, I just find it odd that the other teams don't play out the tournaments.

Nice job with the roster, btw. You guys did great!
# 55 sportdan30 @ 11/26/08 04:15 PM
Can't describe it, but I'm not feeling the game play as much post-patch. Maybe it's the new initial game feel wearing off, but it seems to play tighter and more rigid.
# 56 whittleboy615 @ 11/26/08 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by cdj
Noticed that the patch now puts your favorite team's next game (real life) in the upper left on the campus hoops screen. Nice little touch.
That was in the game before today's patch.
# 57 Marino @ 11/26/08 04:51 PM
So cool how when you do the shoot around with the guy before the menus, it will tell you your favorite team's next game.
# 58 cdj @ 11/26/08 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by whittleboy615
That was in the game before today's patch.
Are you sure? I only saw my the local weather box in the upper left - and very random at that. This is the first time that has ever popped up for me.
# 59 countryboy @ 11/26/08 05:51 PM
this game is better after the patch both on the floor and in dynasty. As for on the court, I like that my guys no longer trap in the press for no good reason. They trap when you'd expect and then back off after that. That was something that really bugged me. Also, they are now calling 3 secs in the key which I never saw pre-patch. I was called 3 times in the first 10 minutes I played. Not sure how the post play has improved but it will probably surface as I dive deeper into the games.

As for dynasty, the one thing that stood out to me was that upsets didn't happen on a regular basis. Don't get me wrong, I like upsets, but in the first two weeks of my dynasty pre-patch, the #1 team had been beaten twice, and it was nothing for a Top 25 team to be beaten by even the smallest team. In fact they happened so often, they could hardly be called upsets.

All in all, I am happy with the first patch as it did some significant changes. Although they may be small they will go a long way in ensuring the enjoyment of this game.

Nice job Sean and crew. Keep up the good work.
# 60 Scoop 24 @ 11/26/08 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by cdj
Are you sure? I only saw my the local weather box in the upper left - and very random at that. This is the first time that has ever popped up for me.
yea it was

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