News Post

Changes from the EA boards

The patch has been released!

Quick re-cap of what it is covering:

The jersey on the EASHL side select screen is more visible than
the team logo. This will make it easier for people to see when jersey
colors clash

Deking controls normal when shooting downscreen with "Always Up"

Checking has been tuned so you will see less big hits from guys
that aren't traditionally known for hitting

Less CPU AI one-timers

Increased the height of dump ins, for a better dump and chase

No more goals from flip dumps

Better CPU AI logic near offensive blueline so they don't go
off-sides as much

CPU goalie will not drag the puck back toward himself in a

We have fixed the goals from outside shots that people are
scoring. We have reduced shot accuracy when on the rush and when turning
quickly, and from far out. You will now have to be more conservative
when shooting on the rush. If you aim all the way to the left or right,
your shot will go wide a lot more. Try aiming more towards the middle to
hit the net from outside. This fixes the cross goal where you shoot back
the other way, and the goal that goes in with the "curve" animation, and
a few others. There's a reason NHL players don't shoot from outside on
the rush very often. Dumping or trying to set up is a better play unless
you have an odd-man situation.

We reduced the time it took to get control of the goalie by 1/3.

When line changes are set to auto, and a user changes
lines/defense manually between whistles, the line/defensive pair you
asked for will come out (or stay out).

If you have line changes off in Be a Pro, line change player
chatter will be turned off.

When using a defenseman in BAP, BAP player won't get stuck on
the bench and will be able to call for change

The EASHL will now go to continuous 5v5 overtime until one team
scores. This way nobody has to sit out, and you get to decide who wins
(this is now just like the NHL Play-offs)

The proper own-goal cut scene will be shown where the player who
scored on himself is upset.

All cut scenes should now show players sitting in their
respective team's bench.

Increase AI team aggressiveness and the likelihood of them
getting called for a penalty on an infraction.

If Vision Control is pressed, you do not throw a hit when in
front of the attacking net. This helps with rebound shots.
Increase the likelihood of a penalty if the stick hits the body
during a stick lift.

Reduce the accuracy of shots for penalty shots and shootouts.
Aiming for just inside the post is a lot tougher now.
Just got prompted for an update. Have been trying things out, the most telling thing to me that I immediately tried out was the dump height, which after my d/l is different than before. Also, puck physics seem quite a bit different in a good way.

EDIT: It's the patch alright. Checked out the always up controls, dekeing is fixed. Unfortunately shot aim is still not correct.

EDIT: I don't know what some people were talking about in regards to shot accuracy being a problem. As long as you're shooting from a good platform the accuracy is just as good as before, some shots even seem to be better quality. You just can't be an idiot and shoot while skating full speed on the rush and expect to hot the net. Also whoever said this game was much better on SS post-patch was absolutely right. It's not even close, SS is fantastic after the patch. Haven't had any stupid goals or seen the cpu one-timer crazy. Can't wait to see what QB and some of the others have to say about this.

Edited by Millennium for front page posting. Good Job, Bad!

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Member Comments
# 1 bad_philanthropy @ 11/11/08 07:23 AM
I am kind of concerned about the cpu play on superstar, they seem nowhere near as able to punish you for your mistakes like they were before. The weak goals are gone but the cpu in general seems less able to counterattack and create offense. I might have to increase shot accuracy to help the cpu score.
# 2 tabulaRasa @ 11/11/08 08:00 AM
I donīt get it...is this a second patch? I got an update today, but some people claim to have played with the patch for weeks? COnfused as I play NHL09 almost every day.

Ps3 got it earlier??
# 3 Flyermania @ 11/11/08 08:03 AM
Yup, PS3 got the patch a few weeks back.
# 4 tabulaRasa @ 11/11/08 08:05 AM
Ok, get it. BTW, played a game today (which I won), but the guy I met scored some cheese goals. 2 turn around close to the post and shot high closest post, you know the half wrap around.

BTW, is there any need to hold down Vision control when you shot? Except on rebounds?
# 5 Poro24 @ 11/11/08 09:00 AM
My feelings are quite positive. There actually were penalties and that did make the game feel a lot different than it was before.

I played my first game with All Star and 8min periods, i was Wild and CPU vas Maple Leafs. Just wow, look at how many penalties i got:

00:37: Alexander Steen (TOR) Cross Cheking 2min
05:41: Jiri Tlusty (TOR) Tripping 2min
09:12: James Sheppard (MIN) Tripping 2min
11:06: Nick Schultz (MIN) Delay Of Game 2min
11 Marc-Andre Bergeron (MIN) Delay Of Game 2min
18:12: Marian Gaborik (MIN) Obstuction - Tripping 2min
18:42: James Sheppard (MIN) Delay Of Game 2min

25:44: Nick Schultz (MIN) Slashing 2min
26 Nikolai Kulemin (TOR) Holding 2min

43:65: Andrew Brunette (MIN) Obstruction - Tripping 2min

Game ended with my 2-1 OT win. I must say that i really enjoyed playing, but there were still too many hits and goalies were too good and did not make any mistakes :/.
# 6 Franchizz @ 11/11/08 09:01 AM
Well I tried a game just now using the Habs and am hesitate as to whether or not this will be an effective patch. I was pleased to have five powerplays on the default All-Star penalty setting however the computer lacked any offensive output whatsoever. Pittsburgh amassed a resounding 10 shots and spent a mere four minutes and change on the attack in comparison to my nigh 30 shots and fourteen minutes on the offense. The hits were also grossly inaccurate with the Pens having 68 (wow) compared to my low 20 or so.

If this is any indication the patch seems to have heavily removed offense, instead having the computer favor the dump and chase gameplay. This is an improvement in theory, yet in practice it forces us to mimic the AI's new style otherwise you can easily dominate them in everything beyond goals. The goalies now can stop shots extremely more effectively then ever before.
# 7 marino13 @ 11/11/08 09:21 AM
I am very happy with the patch, but people will have to play on superstar with shot accuracy at least 4 to have the cpu get some goals.
# 8 mercalnd @ 11/11/08 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by bad_philanthropy
I am kind of concerned about the cpu play on superstar, they seem nowhere near as able to punish you for your mistakes like they were before. The weak goals are gone but the cpu in general seems less able to counterattack and create offense. I might have to increase shot accuracy to help the cpu score.
I had a few good games on default Superstar back when I got the patch (PS3) and was a little worried that it might get too easy but that went away after 5 games or so when the CPU came back to its old ways, cheap goals and all (although there are fewer cheap goals than there used to be). My guess is you are just currently in a good streak.
# 9 nyisles16 @ 11/11/08 12:43 PM
Must say I am liking the patch. In a "play now" game, I was playing against Philly (I was the Islanders of course). Each team had at least 5 power plays.

I managed to score two rather sweet goals -- one where I picked up a loose puck, drove to the net, and when Biron went down to cut off the bottom part of the net, I simply parked it right over him. The other goal I slapped past him from the right circle just inside the near post.

This was on All-Star level..
# 10 Qb @ 11/11/08 12:58 PM
Great news, indeed. I was out of town for a few days to see Metallica in Columbus and was hoping to see this when I finally got around to checking in at OS. Can anyone confirm if the line changes were fixed (ie, separate off/def lines during stoppages)???
# 11 Icelandair @ 11/11/08 01:14 PM
Changes from the EA boards

The patch has been released!

Quick re-cap of what it is covering:

The jersey on the EASHL side select screen is more visible than
the team logo. This will make it easier for people to see when jersey
colors clash

Deking controls normal when shooting downscreen with "Always Up"

Checking has been tuned so you will see less big hits from guys
that aren't traditionally known for hitting

Less CPU AI one-timers

Increased the height of dump ins, for a better dump and chase

No more goals from flip dumps

Better CPU AI logic near offensive blueline so they don't go
off-sides as much

CPU goalie will not drag the puck back toward himself in a

We have fixed the goals from outside shots that people are
scoring. We have reduced shot accuracy when on the rush and when turning
quickly, and from far out. You will now have to be more conservative
when shooting on the rush. If you aim all the way to the left or right,
your shot will go wide a lot more. Try aiming more towards the middle to
hit the net from outside. This fixes the cross goal where you shoot back
the other way, and the goal that goes in with the "curve" animation, and
a few others. There's a reason NHL players don't shoot from outside on
the rush very often. Dumping or trying to set up is a better play unless
you have an odd-man situation.

We reduced the time it took to get control of the goalie by 1/3.

When line changes are set to auto, and a user changes
lines/defense manually between whistles, the line/defensive pair you
asked for will come out (or stay out).

If you have line changes off in Be a Pro, line change player
chatter will be turned off.

When using a defenseman in BAP, BAP player won't get stuck on
the bench and will be able to call for change

The EASHL will now go to continuous 5v5 overtime until one team
scores. This way nobody has to sit out, and you get to decide who wins
(this is now just like the NHL Play-offs)

The proper own-goal cut scene will be shown where the player who
scored on himself is upset.

All cut scenes should now show players sitting in their
respective team's bench.

Increase AI team aggressiveness and the likelihood of them
getting called for a penalty on an infraction.

If Vision Control is pressed, you do not throw a hit when in
front of the attacking net. This helps with rebound shots.
Increase the likelihood of a penalty if the stick hits the body
during a stick lift.

Reduce the accuracy of shots for penalty shots and shootouts.
Aiming for just inside the post is a lot tougher now.
# 12 bukktown @ 11/11/08 01:41 PM
Can anyone comment about how well it plays online now. Is it more of a dump and chase game now with the improved flip dump?
# 13 mudtiger @ 11/11/08 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Qb
Great news, indeed. I was out of town for a few days to see Metallica in Columbus and was hoping to see this when I finally got around to checking in at OS. Can anyone confirm if the line changes were fixed (ie, separate off/def lines during stoppages)???
Yes, that's fixed. You can put out line 1 on offense and line 2 or 3 on defense during play stoppages.
# 14 Papa Burgundy @ 11/11/08 02:10 PM
Anyone else not really notice a difference after playing a game? I only had 2 power plays playing on 8 minute periods with Mudtiger's all star sliders. Goalies still seem to be flopping around a lot. Also I was able to throw huge hits still with guys like Toews and Kane. Almost makes me think I didn't install it properly or something.
# 15 bad_philanthropy @ 11/11/08 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by mercalnd
I had a few good games on default Superstar back when I got the patch (PS3) and was a little worried that it might get too easy but that went away after 5 games or so when the CPU came back to its old ways, cheap goals and all (although there are fewer cheap goals than there used to be). My guess is you are just currently in a good streak.
I think that's actually good news. I had only played three games and the cpu score 1-0-2 against me, so it's not really enough to be indicative of anything, but the cpu did seem less threatening.
# 16 Franchizz @ 11/11/08 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by Papa Burgundy
Anyone else not really notice a difference after playing a game? I only had 2 power plays playing on 8 minute periods with Mudtiger's all star sliders. Goalies still seem to be flopping around a lot. Also I was able to throw huge hits still with guys like Toews and Kane. Almost makes me think I didn't install it properly or something.
Not in my case, as my post stated Pittsburgh had five penalties without having the penalty slider at max as it was default all star. My assumption is Mudtiger's sliders are no longer compatible due to the update. You ought to try a game with default sliders and see how that turns out. I may play with the sliders somewhat myself given the large amount of hits and the computer's sudden lack of offense.

There is one disappointment I have with this update. The visual settings for Action were not corrected. You still are forced to play as if set to "Always Up" regardless of whether or not you have altered that.
# 17 Steven547 @ 11/11/08 02:19 PM
I hope the goalies still aren't flopping. I change all of them to hybrid (if they were butterfly) and they still go down too fast. If this is the case, every goalie will probably be changed to Stand Up to try and eliminate this.
# 18 phillyfan23 @ 11/11/08 02:26 PM
The cpu is DEFINITELY more offensively challenged after the patch. i played on all star pre-patch and got a really good challenge. After the patch, on all-star the cpu is quite better at the puck posession game but their scoring is significantly lower.

I did try one game on SS post patch and the kamikaze cpu hitting was gone and it was easier to set up as the user and play realistic hockey.

The jury is still out on this patch. While the Penalties problem are long gone, the lack of cpu scoring on ALL STAR is a big deal. HOPEFULLY, SS level fixes all that

Another consequence of the patch is the high dumps and this causes way too many delay of game penalties on the cpu while they're on the PK. I've played now 7 games, ( 6 on all star)...and they've been called 5 times total in those 7 games on a delay of game. So basically , I've had a 5 on 3 in 5 of the 7 games I played. That is pretty bad.

They really should have kept the old dump trajectory, I didn't see any problem with it.

I hope you guys keep an eye on the delay of game penalty, could be a game crippler.
# 19 Qb @ 11/11/08 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by mudtiger
Yes, that's fixed. You can put out line 1 on offense and line 2 or 3 on defense during play stoppages.
Awesome, this alone will make single-player and online versus infinitely more fun for me. Now I just need to re-hash some sliders, although I was never really happy with anything I had before the patch...
# 20 Stroehms @ 11/11/08 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Qb
Great news, indeed. I was out of town for a few days to see Metallica in Columbus and was hoping to see this when I finally got around to checking in at OS. Can anyone confirm if the line changes were fixed (ie, separate off/def lines during stoppages)???
That's BA. I'm seeing them monday in St. Louis Go 'Tallica!

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