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The WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 demo is available for the PS3. Please post your impressions here.

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Game: WWE Smackdown! vs. Raw 2009Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PS2 / PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 16 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 countryboy @ 10/23/08 06:52 PM
I'm actually getting ready to try this out now. Be back in a few with impressions.
# 2 countryboy @ 10/23/08 06:55 PM
4 wrestlers are available:

*Triple H
*Shawn Michaels
*Jeff Hardy
*Matt Hardy

You can choose between single match or tag team match, both normal. Entrances are in the game. And of course, it looks fantastic.
# 3 countryboy @ 10/23/08 07:04 PM
There is a new out of the ring camera which I am not a fan of. Its almost floor level and at an angle. Going to take time to get used to. Controls are the same as last year except now you store signature moves and can only perform finishers when you have a stored sig move and have full momentum.
# 4 Hooe @ 10/23/08 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
There is a new out of the ring camera which I am not a fan of. Its almost floor level and at an angle. Going to take time to get used to. Controls are the same as last year except now you store signature moves and can only perform finishers when you have a stored sig move and have full momentum.
I actually like the sound of this approach, so long as a single finisher will actually end a match now.

Is there any indication in the demo as to what each superstar ability does? I know the wrestlers have APF2K8-esque attributes now (on top of the rating system), and IGN has been listing the attributes each wrestler has in their countdown, but there's been no documentation to this point on what any of the attributes do.
# 5 countryboy @ 10/23/08 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Krioniq
I actually like the sound of this approach, so long as a single finisher will actually end a match now.

Is there any indication in the demo as to what each superstar ability does? I know the wrestlers have APF2K8-esque attributes now (on top of the rating system), and IGN has been listing the attributes each wrestler has in their countdown, but there's been no documentation to this point on what any of the attributes do.
not that I can see.

You can only store one sig move at a time.
# 6 robbiedizzle @ 10/23/08 08:14 PM
Where are you guys located? I'm in the US central time zone and it dont have it yet and its 715 pm
# 7 countryboy @ 10/23/08 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by robbiedizzle
Where are you guys located? I'm in the US central time zone and it dont have it yet and its 715 pm
its available in the European Playstation Store. If you have a European account, or set one up, you can download it.

After about an hour or so of gameplay, I got bored with it. Not saying the final version will be boring, but there is only so much you can do in the demo. I'll play it here and there for the next week or two.
# 8 Rawdeal28 @ 10/24/08 02:05 PM
I also downloaded the demo from the UK Store. so here are my impressions.

one on one- first let me say im glad they kept the pace of the match the same as in 08. i know alot of people complained that they thought it was too slow but i personally like it. i always hated how fast it was in the ps2 days and earlier next gen editions. it felt too arcadish.

now with that, mostly everything is the same. controls are the same as last year. there are some small tweaks like pressing and holding triangle to heal yourself. (ps3 of course) and now u can guard against people trying to hit you while ur trying to get off the mat. and like country said u can store and use signature moves as well.

now as for tag team matches, it is simply FUN!!! the new stuff they added is very cool and make much better than before. your partner standing on the apron can do a little more than before to help u out. he can distract the referee and/or your opponent inside ring. he can grab ur opponent and give u a free punch to his head but u can also miss and hit your own partner. there is also more double team moves as well. and the HOT TAG feature really cool and can give ur team a little boost. i will surely play some more tag matches now.

the graphics still look good. wrestlers look just like themselves. i really like how now they play the wrestlers theme musics on the menus now. gets me more pumped to play. and u can also change tracks by pressing L3.

the only thing i didnt like was that they had cpu level on easy or something so i couldnt tell if they improved the AI this year. i had matches against the CPU and they did absolutley nothing against me. they basically just stood there and let me go off on them. the CPU has been so easy to beat on Smackdown for years now which has made the game kinda weak for me as i would like to play the career mode and actually finish or at least play a whole year. cuz in the past, bumping the difficulty only meant the CPU would reverse every damn thing u did and i dont find that fun.

but i will be definetly getting game like i do every year. the improvements they made really help make the matches better. hopefully Road to Wrestlemania is fun as well.

overall, a Very good demo! Smackdown here i come!!!
# 9 Rawdeal28 @ 10/24/08 02:08 PM
and i didnt know u play wrestling games too country. thats cool!
# 10 countryboy @ 10/25/08 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by Rawdeal28
and i didnt know u play wrestling games too country. thats cool!
I don't much anymore, as I don't follow wrestling anymore. I played last year's for about a month or so before getting "bored". But yeah, I have all wrestling games created.
# 11 countryboy @ 10/26/08 01:36 PM
played the game this morning and must admit, that it started growing on me. I like how the referee yells about getting back in the ring or when I had a weapon telling me not to use it. Would've been cool if he got in front of me telling me not to use it, but it was nice nonetheless.

I may pick this one up.
# 12 Rawdeal28 @ 10/26/08 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
played the game this morning and must admit, that it started growing on me. I like how the referee yells about getting back in the ring or when I had a weapon telling me not to use it. Would've been cool if he got in front of me telling me not to use it, but it was nice nonetheless.

I may pick this one up.
did u also notice that when u argue with the ref now that he actually speaks. i argued with him after a close 2 count i thought was three and he said, "dont look at me, that was a 2 count!" and another time he said, " just let me do my job!" lol good stuff.
# 13 countryboy @ 10/26/08 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by Rawdeal28
did u also notice that when u argue with the ref now that he actually speaks. i argued with him after a close 2 count i thought was three and he said, "dont look at me, that was a 2 count!" and another time he said, " just let me do my job!" lol good stuff.
How do you argue with the ref?
# 14 vernond @ 10/26/08 06:06 PM
How's the AI? It's been way too easy to win matches in the past couple years.
# 15 TimmeH @ 10/26/08 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by vernond
How's the AI? It's been way too easy to win matches in the past couple years.
AI in the demo is horrible. Hopefully they just put it on easy difficulty or something
# 16 vernond @ 10/26/08 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by TimmeH
AI in the demo is horrible. Hopefully they just put it on easy difficulty or something
not good, i'm not going to buy another squash match smackdown. It's like Hogan vs Barry Horowitz every match.
# 17 Rawdeal28 @ 10/27/08 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by countryboy
How do you argue with the ref?
after a 2 count press triangle.
# 18 Rawdeal28 @ 10/27/08 06:46 AM
Originally Posted by TimmeH
AI in the demo is horrible. Hopefully they just put it on easy difficulty or something
yeah its definetly on easy so u wont be able to test it until the actual game comes out.
# 19 countryboy @ 10/27/08 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Rawdeal28
after a 2 count press triangle.
# 20 countryboy @ 10/27/08 05:31 PM
its hard to judge the AI in the demo because its on easy. One thing you can do is wait and let the cpu beat you down for a little bit, and you get to see a little into how good he might be.

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