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NBA 2K9 may very well be the best game to come out this year. But just as with this season's crop of college football teams, even the best seem to have some major flaws. Check out Jayson Young's article: NBA 2K9 Demoted to D-League For Poor Online Performance and then be sure leave your own feedback!

"We’re only a few weeks into the virtual season, but already, NBA 2K9’s online meltdown has earned itself a spot in the NBDL.

There's a chance the online issues will cause some gamers to give up the game completely, but signs of server stability are at least a sign that the real NBA 2K9 is trying to shine through. Either way, surely nobody could have anticipated that this first-round pick, so full of potential, would fall so far so quickly during the launch period."

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Game: NBA 2K9Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 72 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 tehova @ 10/23/08 10:16 AM
I will co-sign for the simple fact that he uses the Grizzles too, yes I know I should have read the rest of the article (i did) but I was sold on that point alone.

# 2 Pared @ 10/23/08 10:19 AM
Ha. Great article.

Can't say I disagree with anything aside from the Ranked team-ups. I can see their mindset behind it: Let's just use the most popular teams so people just won't quit.

Although, when you think about it... it's actually being contradictory to awarding the title of "best team player" every week. If you get stuck with Antoine Walker, you should have to make the best of it. The reality is though I'm sure guys would rather quit than have that happen.

It's an experiment that can be fleshed out in the future. What makes it so great is it's a server side thing that can be addressed at any time.

But the inability to play games against friends with ease is just downright inexcusable. After 3 years, you'd think things would get better, not worse.
# 3 sportyguyfl31 @ 10/23/08 10:23 AM
Didnt you guys give this dang thing a 9.0?
# 4 frostbyte06 @ 10/23/08 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by tehova
I will co-sign for the simple fact that he uses the Grizzles too, yes I know I should have read the rest of the article (i did) but I was sold on that point alone.
What?....make that 3 Grizz fans in the world!!!! When are we going to get our Grizzlies 5-man online team together?

Ok I just read the article, and I won't lie when I first saw the title I thought it was just another rant, but he did do his research and has some stats to back it up....way to represent the M!
# 5 PaulZweber @ 10/23/08 10:39 AM
This is becoming a trend with our sports games...
# 6 elprez98 @ 10/23/08 10:52 AM
Wow. Makes me feel ok about not having the game yet.
# 7 leo2k2ndc @ 10/23/08 11:51 AM
Total waste of my money, All I do is play online, and for the last 2 weeks I haven't gotten in 1 game, but have been online for probably 2 hrs, you do the math,,

Only reason I still got it is because if i trade the game in I'll only get $32, freak that!!
# 8 foofighter2455 @ 10/23/08 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by leo2k2ndc
Total waste of my money, All I do is play online, and for the last 2 weeks I haven't gotten in 1 game, but have been online for probably 2 hrs, you do the math,,

Only reason I still got it is because if i trade the game in I'll only get $32, freak that!!
Check out my league at xboxlivesportsleagues.com

Lots of sim players that feel the same way you do about this game.
# 9 PlatinumJuice @ 10/23/08 12:49 PM
yeah... joining a league is only good when you know the people in it(aka know that they will play)... i signed up for two when i got the game and they have yet to have the 'commish' set up the schedules yet.... 3 weeks later...
# 10 GSW @ 10/23/08 12:57 PM

# 11 videobastard @ 10/23/08 01:00 PM
I find it funny how the thunder vs suns is one of the 5 on 5 matchups. You would think they would try to put together teams with closer ratings to make it a fair contest. Its like the 3 stooges were the ones developing nba2k9 this year...
# 12 maddcatt @ 10/23/08 02:04 PM
Sorry but although this game does lack in some area's.....Especially the online and the new lobbies, I really think they are getting sooo close to perfection and it seems like with a few tweaks here and there they could have done it with this game

It's kind of like a teeze of what should have been something special : (
# 13 Brooklynnets24 @ 10/23/08 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by maddcatt
Sorry but although this game does lack in some area's.....Especially the online and the new lobbies, I really think they are getting sooo close to perfection and it seems like with a few tweaks here and there they could have done it with this game

It's kind of like a teeze of what should have been something special : (
close to perfection is what 2K is slowly not getting too.
# 14 Brooklynnets24 @ 10/23/08 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by GSW

lololol that looks exactly like the game i played last night against some dude who was the heat. I almost threw my controller when i saw that
# 15 cinders @ 10/23/08 02:48 PM
I'm having the same feelings about online...I'd love to play but I can't get past the guys that take advantage of the lag.

My favourite strategy that one guy pulled on me was intentional fouling late game...knowing that I couldn't make a free throw basket do to lag...it made me blow a 10 point lead. After I expressed my sentiments for his tactics vocally he sent me a message explaining that he was the most amazing player online ever in history and that I "ain't never had no shot" at beating him. Obviously, bored with having mastered the english language, he had moved on to NBA2K.
# 16 DaoudS @ 10/23/08 03:47 PM
there have been a string of really solid articles in the past couple of days highlighting the issues in this game - I hope developers noting the issues.
# 17 GSW @ 10/23/08 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by DaoudS
there have been a string of really solid articles in the past couple of days highlighting the issues in this game - I hope developers noting the issues.
I agree.
# 18 Iadf @ 10/23/08 03:51 PM
Great write up, nice and creative. And though i don't play online its still ridiculous they would screw those players over. tisk tisk 2k
# 19 tehova @ 10/23/08 04:00 PM
Lol reading thru the article again, I re- cosign (is that even legal)

I didnt even pay attention to the part about Darko. I do the same thing
# 20 walliworld @ 10/23/08 04:00 PM
I agree with article because we shouldn't be paying $60 BUCKS for a broken game that needs patches every year. And it's not just 2K, any developer.

If this game was $19.99 I wouldn't have a problem.

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