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NBA 2K9 Videos
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# 1
XenoZograscope @ 10/21/08 11:03 PM
I'll try to post my impression in a lil bit after I play a few games, just got my copy.
# 2
bowdown2shadi @ 10/21/08 11:58 PM
Not really a impression, more like a question, well it is a question. To those who have the game, how does it feel when playing it on PC? How are the graphics? C'mon I want some IMPRESSIONS!
The game is amazing, I'm absolutely blown away. Of course at the same time it's not difficult to be blown away by a sports game on the PC considering the utter garbage EA Sports has crapped out in the past ~5 years.
I play on my 46" 1080p LCD HDTV at 1920 x 1080 resolution and the game looks and plays amazing. THIS is what a PC is capable of, and it's great to see a company actually prove that the PC can easily handle next-gen sports games. As if any real PC Gamer had a doubt to begin with.
Thank You so much to 2K Sports for treating us PC Gamers right, the game is just fantastic. I may buy a 2nd copy to send to my friend just to help support the game.
And now I will imagine MLB, NHL, and All Pro Football 2K on the PC....
I play on my 46" 1080p LCD HDTV at 1920 x 1080 resolution and the game looks and plays amazing. THIS is what a PC is capable of, and it's great to see a company actually prove that the PC can easily handle next-gen sports games. As if any real PC Gamer had a doubt to begin with.
Thank You so much to 2K Sports for treating us PC Gamers right, the game is just fantastic. I may buy a 2nd copy to send to my friend just to help support the game.
And now I will imagine MLB, NHL, and All Pro Football 2K on the PC....
# 4
Moses Shuttlesworth @ 10/22/08 12:41 AM
amd quad core 9600
2gb RAM
ati 4850
And yes it runs perfectly smooth, with details/etc turned up all the way.
2gb RAM
ati 4850
And yes it runs perfectly smooth, with details/etc turned up all the way.
oh where did you get it? in store? or did you order online?
I got it at Gamestop, most other stores should have it in stock tomorrow. Best Buy, Target, etc.
oh Farcry 2 is close to...gah...
Something to look forward to. I have the ps2 version and was actually satisfied with it except for the sonics being in still but I will definitely be getting the pc version now.
I'm also blown away by the PC Graphics. On my system (e8400 3ghz,8800 gts, 4 gigs of ram) textures look incredible and super sharp at 1920X 1200! And the frame rates never skip a beat! The game almost feels like a new gen game ,but I'm comparing it to the 360 version on a standard def TV set.
One thing I have noticed though is that theres no cloth movement. Can some one confirm if this feature was left out on the PC? Or is there a setting somewhere to enable this? Would be a major let down for me if it was left out.
One thing I have noticed though is that theres no cloth movement. Can some one confirm if this feature was left out on the PC? Or is there a setting somewhere to enable this? Would be a major let down for me if it was left out.
how is playing with the keyboard? better than using 360 controller?
Uh, I'm sure most of us are using controllers. I'm using a 360 controller.
You have to put the player details to Ultra High.
I love the game so far, just need to tweak the controls and find out if I can get the game to say the letters of the buttons rather than B1 B2 etc. I don't know what those are.
I also hope they fix some of the menus, because even with vsync off the menus run at 4FPS at times.
I only play on a dinky resolution but here is one screen I took quick.

And either way, I mean a "major" letdown? Really? With how unbelievable the game looks already? It can't be that big of a deal...but like I said on Ultra High I see them move.
Sure it can be. Having static clothes this generations is a total kick in the pants. It totally takes away from the graphics.
Is the PC version different in any way compared to the XBOX 360 version? I doubt it would be but I figured I'd ask.
It's definitely not a game to try and run at the minimums. It'll be interesting to see if it can be modded and if so to what extent.
So we should be able to find this in stores today fairly easily? I checked Gamestop's website and it said every store in my area has it in stock. I'll have to take a trip on my lunch break today.
If you have a system that can support it, the game looks ridiculously crisp at 1920x1200.
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