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We have posted our review of FIFA Soccer 09.

"The depth and variety of game modes is where FIFA 09 really shines. Returning is the tournament mode, where you can either control up to four clubs in a premier league, or if you want a challenge, play in the lower divisions and try to work your way up the tables. Creating your own tournament as well is still an option; unfortunately, you still can’t hand pick the teams you want in the tournament and that hurts the non-PES soccer gamers looking to create their own UEFA Champions League."

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Game: FIFA Soccer 09Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 28 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 ofdman @ 10/19/08 11:01 PM
Cool! I am not a huge fan of soccer but I haven't purchased a soccer game in YEARS and have been wanting to for awhile and I think I just may have to pick this up along with NHL 09-another sport I haven't purchased in years. NHL 09 and FIFA 09 should be a lot of fun this time around! Thanks for the review!
# 2 SHAKEDOWN @ 10/19/08 11:50 PM
# 3 Maddenforlife @ 10/20/08 12:03 AM
This game is one of the best EA titles along with NHL 09. The Be A Pro:Seasons has to be the most enjoyable game mode in the game. I do think the prices for the Live season are a bit high though. All around I would have to give this game a 8.75 with the only big flaw is the bad A.I. with Be A Pro when they just foul way to much and get carded which happens 2 out of the 3 times there is a foul.
# 4 teambayern @ 10/20/08 12:38 AM
Great review, but I disagree with your comments about defense. I think this is one of the strengths of FIFA 09, as your backs tend to defend as a unit, and realistically react to the flow of the game. Star backs like vidic and ferdinand shine as well, with a real difference between them and lower league generics. This is particularly true when compared to PES defense over the last few years (which you may be more used to, as I was) which has individual defenders taking bad angles, running out of position, and doesn't adequately reward size and strength.
# 5 southernbelle @ 10/20/08 06:04 AM
a fair review.
# 6 mercalnd @ 10/20/08 10:02 AM
Good review. However, the following is simply not true:

Creating your own tournament as well is still an option; unfortunately, you still can’t hand pick the teams you want in the tournament and that hurts the non-PES soccer gamers looking to create their own UEFA Champions League.
When creating a custom tournament, you can indeed hand pick every team.
# 7 poster @ 10/20/08 11:45 AM
Odd review. Why aren't the major Manager Mode issues touched upon? That tiny little blurb is hardly enough information regarding the mode. No wonder EA doesn't fix these issues year after year. No one calls them out on it. Fifa-Blog did the same thing. You should re-write the review to include these issues, do you even know what they are?

As mentioned above, the tourney team selection is absolutely false. I created a pseudo World Cup last night and picked every team myself.

Also not sure about zero offensive ambition on PRO level. One major issue with the game is the pacing. It is way to fast and unrealistic. Teams can't wait to get to your goal. There is no build up at all, it is rush, rush, rush. With the tactics, at least teams get there in different ways (short passing, wings, long balls over the top), but they still get there way to fast. I wish they would slow down.
# 8 htfdthewhale @ 10/20/08 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by poster
Odd review. Why aren't the major Manager Mode issues touched upon? That tiny little blurb is hardly enough information regarding the mode. No wonder EA doesn't fix these issues year after year. No one calls them out on it. Fifa-Blog did the same thing. You should re-write the review to include these issues, do you even know what they are?

As mentioned above, the tourney team selection is absolutely false. I created a pseudo World Cup last night and picked every team myself.

Also not sure about zero offensive ambition on PRO level. One major issue with the game is the pacing. It is way to fast and unrealistic. Teams can't wait to get to your goal. There is no build up at all, it is rush, rush, rush. With the tactics, at least teams get there in different ways (short passing, wings, long balls over the top), but they still get there way to fast. I wish they would slow down.
I've been looking into FIFA for the Manager Mode. Could you breifly detail some of the major issues, poster? Much appreciated.
# 9 asu666 @ 10/20/08 12:37 PM
I was really excited about FIFA 09 after having played FIFA 08 a ton. It was disapoointing to learn that not only did the Manager Mode not really improve, but EA actually took some things like the ability to change knit numbers out. I guess the dev team wanted to just focus on the pitch this year, but Manager's Mode needs to finally get some love too. It bugs me that other teams are picking up star players in the transfer market and not playing them too.

I'm going with PES 09 this year because the demo showed me Seabass' team has finally got its current gen act together this year. Having taken last year off to focus on FIFA 08, I find myself missing Master League mode too.
# 10 Methlab @ 10/20/08 01:03 PM
I would give this game a 9. Online is far more fun then Madden to me, and the game play is the best of all sports games released this year IMO.

Be a player is actually a viable online option that really makes you feel like you are playing in a game.
# 11 AstroLad @ 10/20/08 02:11 PM
I'm seriously at a total loss as to why anyone--short of being stuck on a 56k or being a Dynasty Mode freak--would focus on offline modes. And if you think PES is going to solve your issues with AI :LOL have fun with that. PES AI has been getting progressively worse since Winning Eleven 9 (which was the last semi-decent single-player football game) and, whereas FIFA AI is typically dreadfully dull and uninspired, PES AI simply outright cheats constantly (I can't speak to FIFA 09 vs. AI because I've stopped wasting my time with it).

Simply put, if you're playing single player only, you're a masochist. Get online and join a club, play with some friends in Be-a-Pro Teams, etc. Football vs. AI has been a joke this entire gen and it always leads to frustration, annoyance, and boredom. Here's hoping EA realizes this and puts a bit more polish in to the ambitious online modes (e.g., in-game player stat-tracking for Clubs, better league interface, etc.).
# 12 kerosene31 @ 10/20/08 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by AstroLad
I'm seriously at a total loss as to why anyone--short of being stuck on a 56k or being a Dynasty Mode freak--would focus on offline modes. And if you think PES is going to solve your issues with AI :LOL have fun with that. PES AI has been getting progressively worse since Winning Eleven 9 (which was the last semi-decent single-player football game) and, whereas FIFA AI is typically dreadfully dull and uninspired, PES AI simply outright cheats constantly (I can't speak to FIFA 09 vs. AI because I've stopped wasting my time with it).
I prefer offline play for Fifa because:

-I'm not very good at it, and would get destroyed online

-Soccer/football is not my #1 game. I simply don't have as much time to devote to it to make myself better. In order to play online, you better practice a lot, and I don't have the time. I play online for NHL, and that's it. Even then, I stick to franchise offline most of the time.

-People online are... not always conductive to a perfect gaming experience. I only have 1-2 hours to play most nights (if that) and I don't need some teenager screaming in my ear for that time. Also there are so many cheesers and idiots ruining every game out there.

-I don't always want to play ManU, Barca or whatever other top teams everyone uses online every time.

-AI in sports games should not be dismissed as irrelevant. Lots of people play offline. Every AI cheats... they have to or we'd all figure them out. Still, you can get good single player sports games. PES 2008 was fun offline (far from perfect, but it gave you a good offline game). The PES 2009 demo feels like the AI is much improved (we don't have the final version here). The backline is much smarter and they defend the wings better.
# 13 AstroLad @ 10/20/08 02:58 PM
Well I definitely don't mean to say there's no purpose in offline whatsoever, just that my experiences with all of the next-gen games have made me swear off it (especially considering how much more fun online play can be). Your complaints about online play are valid, but I would point out that they all relate to playing with random people. If you can play with a group of people you know (e.g., from here), then I don't think any of them would be applicable. I wouldn't say playing with randoms is worthless, but it pales in comparison to playing with a group of friends/acquaintances.
# 14 mercalnd @ 10/20/08 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by htfdthewhale
I've been looking into FIFA for the Manager Mode. Could you breifly detail some of the major issues, poster? Much appreciated.
The main issues have to do with the CPU teams not managing their lineups well. They play the same lineup every game regardless of fatigue and they don't even insert big name players that they buy on the transfer market. Those guys basically sit on the bench, occasionally being subbed late in games.
# 15 Methlab @ 10/20/08 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by mercalnd
The main issues have to do with the CPU teams not managing their lineups well. They play the same lineup every game regardless of fatigue and they don't even insert big name players that they buy on the transfer market. Those guys basically sit on the bench, occasionally being subbed late in games.
I wonder if some of these things will be patched.

I consider offline mode a fantastic way to get your game tight enough for online play. It is really key to figure out what formations work for your style.
# 16 kerosene31 @ 10/20/08 03:48 PM
Is it true that the Adidas live season only works for quick games? It doesn't apply to other offline games? (like tournaments?)
# 17 AstroLad @ 10/20/08 03:50 PM
Yes. The Adidas Live Season is one of the worst and most meaningless EA gimmicks ever, which is saying a lot. I can't believe they got it branded. Hey EA, how's about creating online leagues that are on par with leaguedaddy, or at least barely functional, and getting that branded?
# 18 italianguy @ 10/20/08 04:09 PM
Good points but I believe the game is better than an 8.0

As a player of soccer for 18 years this is as good as it gets minus a couple problems with the A.I. which can be patched by EA but this game has the flow of the game and you can actually play defense.

You can notice a clear cut difference with playing guys like Nesta and Terry online, they can shut down players.

This game imo is sports game of the year. This is the first time in a long time that I've had so much fun playing FIFA in an realistic way.

I played online with 20 players and I had no lag and it was a ton of fun being able to control one player and have a great group of people and dominate.
# 19 therizing02 @ 10/20/08 04:36 PM
I love FIFA 09 in spite of the limitations in Manager Mode and some of the AI issues. I know I'll be able to overcome the AI deficiencies the more I play the game.

The thing that I like best about this game as that each team plays liek their real life counterparts. Additionally, they adjust tactics based on what's happening in the game. Adaptive AI! What a concept! maybe the Madden and NCAA teams should talk with the FIFA producers. (I couldn't resist)

Because each team has pre assigned custom team tactics EVERY game plays out differently. That will keep the game in my console for a long time.
# 20 Peninc @ 10/21/08 08:44 AM
Well Ive shunned FIFA for a long time and last year a few friends had me playing 08 which was an obvious improvement over what i was used to from EA. This year I can honestly say that this is one of the best virtual football experiences Ive ever had. The gameplay in the mid field is absolutely beautiful from the player movement to the weight and zip of passes and trapping animations. I have problems with the fact that all AI opponents only seem to want to do is send endless crosses in the box and there is still need for more randomness in the box in loose ball situations ala PES. However this game has stripped PES of the football simulation king title for me and deserves atleast an 8.5-9 score

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