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We have posted our review of FIFA Soccer 09.

"The depth and variety of game modes is where FIFA 09 really shines. Returning is the tournament mode, where you can either control up to four clubs in a premier league, or if you want a challenge, play in the lower divisions and try to work your way up the tables. Creating your own tournament as well is still an option; unfortunately, you still can’t hand pick the teams you want in the tournament and that hurts the non-PES soccer gamers looking to create their own UEFA Champions League."

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Game: FIFA Soccer 09Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 28 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 asu666 @ 10/21/08 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by AstroLad
Yes. The Adidas Live Season is one of the worst and most meaningless EA gimmicks ever, which is saying a lot. I can't believe they got it branded. Hey EA, how's about creating online leagues that are on par with leaguedaddy, or at least barely functional, and getting that branded?
I totally agree that the way Adidas Live Season is currently integrated into the game is pretty much a total waste. It really stinks that the license is not attached to the game, but to the user ID too.
# 22 buzzguy @ 10/21/08 07:49 PM
I understand why people are a bit peeved at EA not tweaking Manager Mode that much, but really, it's not that bad. I play a fair bit of offline FIFA, and M-Mode is a great way to learn the game before going online (and subsequently destroyed by some 12 year old playing as Barca, Man Utd, etc.).
Of all the sports games, though, I find FIFA one of the most fun online. The games are short, there're tonnes of players online, and much of the time the lag is very minimal. A lack of variety in the teams you face is one of my beefs...would love to see more lower-tier euro teams/MLS/A-league players online. That would make my year.
# 23 dukagjin @ 10/28/08 07:03 AM
# 24 BIG CAROLINA @ 10/28/08 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by dukagjin
# 25 punkologist @ 11/10/08 05:29 AM
i love this game! By far the best representation of the beautiful game ever in a video game.

It has its AI issues and a few annoying glitches but everything else is so good.

Tactics and formations are really important too online, mess those up and those 12 year olds will be sending ronaldo, berba and rooney on runs into the box at will!!
# 26 bert P @ 11/11/08 12:23 AM
I have played most of the soccer games made, for a long time. I can honestly say fifa 2009 is one of the best games that EA has ever made.
I am picking up PES 2009 because I hope that the game is as good or even better that 2008( that game was alot of fun) I guess everyone will have to see. P.S The game World tour soccer was very good on playstation for any one who loves soccer . Good luck with the game.
# 27 Dylema @ 11/11/08 02:55 AM
I wish the game speed settings on this game helped a bit more. Slow is still way faster then 08 which in mine opinion was perfect.

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