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If you have been struggling with defense with NBA Live 09, check out our newest article by Christian McLeod. In his article, Christian highlights five defensive tips which should help you improve your game.

"As a seasoned veteran of the NBA 2K series the last 9 years, it should come as no surprise that learning how to play NBA Live 09 was a bit of a struggle. As many of you know, Live 09's control scheme takes some getting used to, and is a completely new experience to many, even those who have played the Live series in the past. The biggest struggles I faced early on during my gameplay experience dealt with the defensive side of the ball. I figured I would put together some quick tips to help with defense, and hopefully help some of you out that are still having a tough time keeping opponents from lighting you up. Without further delay, here are my five keys to playing successful defense in NBA Live 09."

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Member Comments
# 21 sportyguyfl31 @ 10/15/08 11:35 AM
Try playing post defense with the twin sloths: Eddie Curry and Zach Randolph .

Dwight Howard went for 30/15, and I actually felt like I did as well as I possibly could.
# 22 Chairman7w @ 10/15/08 04:26 PM
Bumble, thanks for posting all this. Great stuff, and I'm real anxious to get home and work on it.
# 23 sportyguyfl31 @ 10/15/08 08:40 PM
Here's a couple of clips of a game i recently played..default superstar. Onball D.

# 24 Bumble14 @ 10/16/08 02:41 PM
I'm heading out of town for a family wedding this weekend, but will try and get some videos up tonight. If not, look for them next week.

Additionally I am putting together an offensive strategy article for the site either next week, or the week after. Feel free to PM me if you have some tips you have found particularly helpful, and would like to see included in the article.

Let's make sure OS is the #1 stop for those looking for Live 09 strategy. Spread the word.

Thanks guys.
# 25 Chairman7w @ 10/16/08 04:18 PM
I have tried different guys in Post Defense and what you said is very accurate: Different players have different skillsets! Some players (seems to me) simply aren't able to do that quick hop block move. They HAVE to take time to gather themselves and leap. No swatting for them.

Others are great at the quick swat, or quick hop up block. Either way, you can body up in the post and kinda "learn" the shoot animations and tell when the opposing players starting his shot motion and time it right.

Ultimately, good defense IS possible, but is a definite "skill" that needs to be learned and practiced. And that doesn't (by any means) mean you're going to stop the other guy cold - it just means that you can lower his chances of scoring.

Kinda like real basketball.
# 26 NBAliveSucks @ 10/16/08 09:07 PM
Sorry I had to register just to post this. The problem of this game is offense is superior to defense. You have to make an effort to miss any shot. I double team and lock down Stojakovic, in the face defense, the clock counts down to 1 and he can make 3 pointers regularly anyway. Tell me that's normal. It's not just Stojakovic. I'm making an example. This game just plainly sucks. This is from a guy that really tries to like NBA Live and don't own NBA 2K.
# 27 sportyguyfl31 @ 10/16/08 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by NBAliveSucks
Sorry I had to register just to post this. The problem of this game is offense is superior to defense. You have to make an effort to miss any shot. I double team and lock down Stojakovic, in the face defense, the clock counts down to 1 and he can make 3 pointers regularly anyway. Tell me that's normal. It's not just Stojakovic. I'm making an example. This game just plainly sucks. This is from a guy that really tries to like NBA Live and don't own NBA 2K.

Funny, I held Peja Stokakovic to 2-6 shooting. Nice try Mr. Troll.
# 28 coastset @ 10/17/08 01:27 AM
I REALLY NEED HELP with defensive rebounds,,it seems like yao ming neva goes for the rebounds and i be getting killed by second chance points,,,,,what can i do,,why doesnt yao ming go for the rebounds?
# 29 coastset @ 10/17/08 01:27 AM
sum1 pleeez tell me y doesnt yao ming go up to get the defensive rebounds
# 30 Bumble14 @ 10/17/08 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by NBAliveSucks
Sorry I had to register just to post this. The problem of this game is offense is superior to defense. You have to make an effort to miss any shot. I double team and lock down Stojakovic, in the face defense, the clock counts down to 1 and he can make 3 pointers regularly anyway. Tell me that's normal. It's not just Stojakovic. I'm making an example. This game just plainly sucks. This is from a guy that really tries to like NBA Live and don't own NBA 2K.
I'd highly suggest if you are having these types of problems to read the defensive guide outlined in this article. This just does not happen in this game unless you are leaving players wide open.

As far as getting Yao Ming to get defensive boards, I recommend #1 reading the article on how to properly use the jump button, and #2 go into NBA Academy and practice defensive rebounding. The key is to not spam turbo, be light on the sticks for proper player movement, and to box out.
# 31 coastset @ 10/17/08 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by Ballatician
Didn't even know about the defensive assist button. Great article
what is the defesive assisit button on the xbox 360? how to use it n what it do?
# 32 coastset @ 10/17/08 04:25 PM
by spamin turbo do u mean pressin it all the way down? so u recomend i prees it half way down n i would get a better jump?
# 33 Shonpac @ 10/18/08 05:19 AM
IMO This years 2k Sucked ! Exactly the same, if not worse than last years. Gameplays simpleton ways have relied too much on more realism graphics than its competitor, has run out of its novelty. NBA 09 is fa more in depth and complex just like the nba. Adding Country Olympic teams deserved kudos. Graphically even 2k must admit envy.
# 34 Pared @ 10/18/08 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by Shonpac
IMO This years 2k Sucked ! Exactly the same, if not worse than last years. Gameplays simpleton ways have relied too much on more realism graphics than its competitor, has run out of its novelty. NBA 09 is fa more in depth and complex just like the nba. Adding Country Olympic teams deserved kudos. Graphically even 2k must admit envy.
Great first post. You're a welcome addition to OS.
# 35 bls @ 10/18/08 10:52 AM
Yeah I have to confess, you'll learn alot defensive using the NBA Academy. I was doing the low post defense one and if you don't use the "turbo" button at all and tap the Y button right when the offensive player is going up for the shot then you'll a ball strip and knock it out his hands right as the offensive player is going up for the shot. The thing is you have to guess right has to what side the defender is turning in for the shot.
# 36 bls @ 10/18/08 08:35 PM
Another defensive tip. You have to know a players DNA depending upon who you play. I'll use the Nuggets as an example. If your guarding Iverson, he likes to go to his right so if he does the crossover animation from left to right you have to be prepared to use the lockdown and jump his drive to the right. Because if you don't 9 times out of 10 he'll be successful and you'll be slipping. So what I normally do is shade is right side to begin with and force him to go left. This prevents me from having to deal with the quickstrike crossover and it changes up what he's comfortable doing. Just a tip.
# 37 talbain @ 10/19/08 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by coastset
sum1 pleeez tell me y doesnt yao ming go up to get the defensive rebounds
he does for me...
# 38 coastset @ 10/20/08 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by talbain
he does for me...
how wat do u do 4 him 2 rebound....? especially defensively
# 39 myANGELO @ 10/22/08 09:01 AM
Hi guys, I dont know if its just me. But when playing on-line, I cant stop the fastbreak. Like after the inbound, I cant anticipate the pass of the point guard. It really frustrate me. Can anybody help me. THANKS!!
# 40 GSW @ 10/22/08 10:45 AM
Im fiinding it hard to contest shots and get the feeling liek I'm the reaosn they actually missed, computer seems to make almost any shot with a hand in the face

is there somethng im doing wrong

I also need some more tips on post defense.. i cant ever slap the ball away shelden williams went 5-5 on me last night

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