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Even though the baseball postseason is in full swing, it is never too early to start thinking ahead to next year's baseball games. MLB '09: The Show will be hitting store shelves in approximately 6 months and our own Kris Watson is anticipating the games release with a new article MLB '09: The Show - Always Room for Improvement.

"In my franchise, Game 5 of the Division Series has just ended and the Tampa Bay Rays have just won its third game, moving the squad one step closer to the American League Championship. This should be a joyous time for a gamer. I'll now be able to sit back and watch the dugout and bullpen empty, as they all run at full speed waving their hands and tossing their gloves off as they engulf closer Troy Percival on the mound. However, there's one huge problem here. The cut-scene begins and lasts for about two seconds before the normal "end of game" summary is given by Matt Vasgersian. I think I noticed what seemed to be my Rays, but unfortunately I must have blinked just once, which made me miss the whole celebration."

MLB '08: The Show screenshot gallery - Click to view
Game: MLB '08: The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSPVotes for game: 97 - View All
Member Comments
# 61 walezy @ 12/10/08 07:48 AM
yeh that would be cool

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