News Post

Jeuxvideo has posted their preview of NBA 2K9. They have also included some screenshots.

"If the turn that we made of the play were rather fast, note that this version promises some improvements and innovations worthy of this name. A new system of dribble should make it possible to vary the actions more in order to slice with the impression passed according to which we were limited in our movements. Less stereotyped, the play should not on the other hand still not be at the origin of scores rivers if one is satisfied with five minutes quarter-time. Difficult indeed to exceed the 80 points without showing an address out-standard. It is perhaps the price to pay to be entitled to a true simulation, perhaps even a little too realistic under the basket. The online game will not be injured since a mode five against five will be part. Each connected will thus take the control of a single player in order to create true human teams. We will detail the whole of these innovations in our test which will appear from here the exit of the title developed by Visual Concepts."

The original link is here, if you want to try and translate it another way.

Game: NBA 2K9Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 72 - View All
NBA 2K9 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 ronnieb @ 09/11/08 11:23 AM
# 2 XenoZograscope @ 09/11/08 11:23 AM
Nice find man.
# 3 Po Pimp @ 09/11/08 11:25 AM
Rooks and Sophs still don't wear their actual jerseys
# 4 blackngoldfan @ 09/11/08 11:28 AM
Big difference from the other screens (worthplaying).
# 5 ronnieb @ 09/11/08 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by blackngoldfan
Big difference from the other screens (worthplaying).
this problem come from the site it s always low rez screen
# 6 blackngoldfan @ 09/11/08 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by ronnieb
this problem come from the site it s always low rez screen
Yeah you're right. The crowd looks very dull. Not as sharp as other screens. I guess I was hoping for more.
# 7 hokupguy @ 09/11/08 11:39 AM
i cant wait for this game i love the the begin of october every year.
# 8 Behindshadows @ 09/11/08 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by ronnieb
this problem come from the site it s always low rez screen
all high rez would do is remove the jaggies and smooth the pictures.

overall, the graphics look average at best. After playing NHL 2k9, and see how those graphics took a step backwards. I don't see the graphics being that great in NBA 2k9. So I'm sure they focused on improving gameplay this season.

Can't wait to see what they improved and how well it will play. As far as graphics, I give up when it comes to 2k. I think the detail they put into stadiums remains amazing. But with with a low grade graphics engine, it will never shine the way they are pushing for. I think with a better graphics engine, 2ksports would just be sick on detail.
# 9 DC @ 09/11/08 11:41 AM
# 10 SageInfinite @ 09/11/08 11:52 AM
WTF is with all these foreign sites having builds of the game? Lol
# 11 ThaGenecyst @ 09/11/08 11:53 AM
Can someone emb the pics in here pweez? i cant view from my phone for some reason
# 12 SageInfinite @ 09/11/08 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by ThaGenecyst
Can someone emb the pics in here pweez? i cant view from my phone for some reason
Aint nuthin special Hill don't even worry about it, lol.
# 13 DC @ 09/11/08 12:01 PM
I feel like I am in 1996 with all of these damn pictorial previews.
# 14 Rebel_INS @ 09/11/08 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
WTF is with all these foreign sites having builds of the game? Lol
I was thinking the same thing!

And 4 people commenting on graphics...if u can remember, the graphics on 2K8 were a major step up from the demo last year so I'm not worried...

Still shots of gameplay do nothing 4 2K I feel...it's all about the fluidity of it's movement. That's where the magic happens
# 15 yungflo @ 09/11/08 12:16 PM
I'm feeling the screens! Looking very lively. Love the scoreboard.
# 16 RubenDouglas @ 09/11/08 01:08 PM
spurs court is finally right. i can confirm with almost 90% confidence, they redid all their court graphics this year.. I hope all for the better.

last year had a WHITE halfcourt line. in real life and now in the 2k9 screenshots, its black. The seating confirguration is still way off. no game has that right it seems.

first set of courtside seating is maybe 15 rows high:

in 2k8 and 2k9 its this HUGE single level lower seating bowl.

-The arena is maybe 35% seating on the lower level, with 65% on the top. its bottom heavy

not a huge deal but where else is there to talk about lol
# 17 RubenDouglas @ 09/11/08 01:15 PM
# 18 DC @ 09/11/08 01:16 PM
Ruben, how the hell do you get the game to show the rafters/cieling/upper deck?
# 19 RubenDouglas @ 09/11/08 01:27 PM
that spurs shot is from 2k9. im guessing its from the opening sequence of each game. truely the ONE and only time you may see the entire arena during the course of a game. so its understandable why they had generics for so much.

its in there among the other photos listed on the french links above.

but in general, you can do it one or two ways.. throw up a full court shot, and when the ball is at the peak, zoom in around it and catch that perfect angle... 2k also lets you adjust the manual camera height by pressing the two bumpers.. its mainly all about trickery and getting the timing down.

if you remember this thread from last year about the arenas:
I did the halfcourt lob zoom in, and the lb/rb height adjustment to catch that perfect angle.
# 20 shindiana @ 09/11/08 01:35 PM
This site is well known for his crappy screens, worse than gamekult.

Nothing really new from the preview :

-The arenas and the public look great.
-The pace of the game is slow, maybe too much.
-New isomotion.

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