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Xboxfront has posted a gameplay video from NBA Live 09.

Game: NBA Live 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
NBA Live 09 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Jano @ 07/31/08 06:18 PM
Wow that video was pretty bad because all you see is some cheeser driving to the basket on every play.

Reminds of a guy I played on 2K8 all he did was run around the court until he could get a layup. So I'm not going to analyze this video too much because the guy playing was obviously a cheeser.

Nice find anyway.
# 2 lamoyou401 @ 07/31/08 06:20 PM
yeah i only thing i really liked was the iguodala reverse layup and he basically ran through a defender hopefully ea fix that
# 3 DakkoN @ 07/31/08 06:24 PM
My god I can't stand cheesers. Dude literally did 5 crossovers to get in the lane with TP and finally a layup...

Best thing I seen was the knock down foul on a fadeaway.
# 4 DakkoN @ 07/31/08 06:25 PM
Iggy getting knocked down on that reverse layup was pretty sick too.
# 5 Jano @ 07/31/08 06:28 PM
Yeah the layups that were shown looked pretty good especially the ones where the players were so off balance they fell. Never seen those type of animations before and for them to actually be in Live is even more surprising.
# 6 DakkoN @ 07/31/08 06:28 PM

Wow... that's scary.
# 7 DW3 @ 07/31/08 06:38 PM
I have been waiting for those types of animations since i first played 2k6. They finally have created a drive animation that 2k has done so well and the animations flow smoothly. Those off balance touches are very life like. Cant wait to play the demo!
# 8 Stumbleweed @ 07/31/08 06:39 PM
That Iggy animation was nice even though he did kinda clip through another player to pull it off... the fall afterwards was perfect and looked amazingly nice.

Overall though, kinda disappointed... still had that odd jerky quality to it. I'm sure whatever cheeser was playing didn't help because he was always doing weird crossovers and constantly driving into traffic, but the post-up engage and drive animations were snapping in a lot it seemed like, and the few jumpers that were shows still looked awkward..

Hmm, on 2nd viewing, those snap-ins are definitely there and take away from the overall look... but the off-ball animations, pick-and-roll system, and the dunks/layups all looked solid. That pick and roll looks especially nice -- you can see the pickee struggling to get past and it seems like it will really open up the mid-range game.
# 9 quesmoney @ 07/31/08 06:52 PM
rudy gay lookin like he was an extra in i am legend
# 10 rockchisler @ 07/31/08 06:55 PM
can someone please turn up the difficulty? When I start my online dynasty, that is the first thing I will change.
# 11 bateman11 @ 07/31/08 07:47 PM
Well, everything looked so much smoother and flowed much more realistically than last year.
# 12 BiggD @ 07/31/08 08:02 PM
Nice find man! gotta agree with you guys,the Iggy reverse and fall down was nice!

the guy playin obviously loves his crossovers a bit too much
# 13 videobastard @ 07/31/08 09:11 PM
It was like a red carpet to the lane... I hope online play will not be that easy for people to drive to the basket.
# 14 23 @ 07/31/08 09:15 PM
Man those fall down animations are tight
# 15 jewelz1132 @ 07/31/08 09:36 PM
damn that was nice..I shoulda been playing tho, all that running looked stupid
# 16 RICH72601 @ 07/31/08 09:47 PM
Looks a lot smoother in deed. The game really looks like it has more flow than the previous versions. Hoping the passing is significantly better, and from the previews so far it seems it has, because in Live 08, the passing was very non-responsive. I also hope than when a team or player is on a fast break, they actually run like they're on a fast break. In Live 08, it seemed like such a struggle in the open floor to get to the basket. Two good basketball games would do my heart great joy.
# 17 Hassan Darkside @ 07/31/08 10:09 PM
Like the new animations, especially the off balance ones. I'd like to see a high quality version though.
# 18 DakkoN @ 07/31/08 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Ruff Ryder
Like the new animations, especially the off balance ones. I'd like to see a high quality version though.
I'd rather see somebody that actually plays a ball game like an organized game of basketball instead of trying to run up the middle like a running back.
# 19 Tomba @ 07/31/08 10:33 PM
holy 567890 s890 bags

NBA Live 09 looks REAL good now....!
# 20 HoosierDaddy @ 07/31/08 10:57 PM
I'm a bit disappointed, don't get me wrong. I love the new animations and it looks much smoother than Live 08; however, the speed is still WAY TOO FAST (sliders may fix it) and the crossover looks like it may be too effective.

Hopefully this is an earlier build and Live has toned down the speed and fixed a few of these issues before launch. (crossovers, passes hovering/threading needles, etc...)

A few things that stuck out: Ginobili pass to Parker in the lane looked terrible. Igoudala reverse dunk was unrealistic. Bargnani was moving at light speed.

WOW at some of these animations though.

I think the speed is amped up due to the players playing as well, holding turbo the whole time, etc...

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