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Xboxfront has posted a gameplay video from NBA Live 09.

Game: NBA Live 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
NBA Live 09 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 23 @ 08/01/08 10:59 AM
EA will get appreciation when the game releases and people see for themselves that its a good game.

EA deserved the critisisms for Live 06 (half done) and 07 (just plain old screwed up)

Im definitely in the group that recognizes the changes that it seems they've made from the video's which seems to stem from maybe some low sales, and also taking fan input into account seeing that it works. I know they have some passionate guys on the team this year which is terrific, but im not one to not want as many good bball titles as i can get. This is great for everyone.

Again, people have seen good things in the past and got burned on initial release so there is a measure of scepticism that looms around and EA will just have to show everyone they mean business again.

That said, I cannot wait for the demo and I hope its more than 2 2min qtrs.
# 42 EWRMETS @ 08/01/08 11:00 AM
I think as long as this was on an easier level, I'm excited for this game. I dont want to be able to get to the basket and be able to dunk at will, but I'm assuming this was on an easier level.
# 43 Scoop 24 @ 08/01/08 12:20 PM
live looks exciting and fresh. i definetly picking this up this year along with 2k9.
# 44 Greene_Flash03 @ 08/01/08 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows2
As I continue to see this thread grow, I get more disappointed in OS members. I’ve been here for so many years, and now I see all these new accounts of people trying to turn this into a 2ksports forum, which was over taken by children. And are also becoming the bash nation of EA sports, I know it kills a lot of you to give this new dev team some honest appreciation for the turn around they’ve given this series.

And its so bad, when you get post of people knocking it as a none purchase for Net animations, and for a guy who is obviously playing the game in this video, just to show off the smoothness of the ankle breaker and things like that. He’s not a cheeser and who cares what the difficulty is on. He’s just trying to show animations! When I create my gameplay videos, I’m always trying to do stuff that will show off moves and things like that. Mainly trying to get that highlight reel.

But man some people on here are saying oh its not better than 2k8 and blah, blah, blah. I love 2ksports, but seriously Live 09 looks exactly like I was expecting and wanting. To have those same great graphics from 08 with improvements, and the smoothness of the 2ksports basketball. And that’s what is presented here, a game that is just as smooth, with stadiums just as alive, with the Normal Live look! They are not trying to be 2ksports, they are trying to be EA Sports that’s who they are.

Also to knock this team for the downfalls of Live 06 and 07 is just as pitiful, I know a bunch of you don’t do research before criticism, but its not the same dev team who made those games. Everyone is basing this Live off of the previous games. The team who damaged those aren’t here anymore. Give this new team some respect and professional criticism instead of all the childish and petty things. Because let’s be honest, none of you are developers or graphic designers who can do any better, so why jump on another man’s work because they net isn’t swooshing to the left. I mean seriously!

In the thread above this or a few up, someone complaining we haven’t seen any gameplay videos with teams other than Celtics / Lakers. Then they post one and you complain about that one. Someone even said the pace of the game was too fast! Are you serious, it has a flow period now, and it flows with smooth animations and movement. Didn’t know that was a problem!

I download the high quality video, and honestly I like what I saw, except for the Iggy move where he goes through the player to get that falling up and under. Going through players will have to be touched up, in the final stages.

Other than that, can’t wait to see more, and I hope these guys continue to do good work and bring this series home.

Finally after a few years, this is a definite purchase on day 1 along with 2k9. Yes I said 2k9, but in a positive notation to Live. Meaning Live is looking equally great to the competition. I just can’t wait to see what 2k brings to the table. Either way Live is definitely a purchase, not a rental, and not a wait on the demo. Demo’s suck, we’ve learned that from past history. Where they are very misleading to the final product!
Couldn't said it better! Cmon guys, people complain about the net animation...Do guys really want EA to focus on net animation than players animations? It might be the last thing on their list..
# 45 blingballa333 @ 08/01/08 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Greene_Flash03
Couldn't said it better! Cmon guys, people complain about the net animation...Do guys really want EA to focus on net animation than players animations? It might be the last thing on their list..
You seriously think perfecting the net/rim interaction is going to subtract from the player animations??? It's not that hard, just get it done.
# 46 younggrease @ 08/01/08 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by blingballa333
You seriously think perfecting the net/rim interaction is going to subtract from the player animations??? It's not that hard, just get it done.

why cant you have both?? Its possible, I know one group that figured it out. I have played ball to many time to let that slide. Every shot looks screwed up because the ball and rim are too big...It just doesn't look right and screws up the whole vibe. Its takes you out of the game.

Because let’s be honest, none of you are developers or graphic designers who can do any better, so why jump on another man’s work because they net isn’t swooshing to the left. I mean seriously!
what kind of gorilla logic is that?
# 47 Behindshadows @ 08/01/08 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by blingballa333
You seriously think perfecting the net/rim interaction is going to subtract from the player animations??? It's not that hard, just get it done.
might not be that hard, but also might not be on the top of the list.

does it effect the gameplay if the net goes left, right up down...No!!!

The ball goes in the goal, you get points. Scoring is the key to winning. Not rather or not your three went it but it didn't angle right in the goal. I mean come on, I can hear someone now on XBL,"dang man I hit that jumper but the net flew to the right and its suppose to go up, I want to start over until the ball goes in correctly". Sarcasm
# 48 Greene_Flash03 @ 08/01/08 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows2
might not be that hard, but also might not be on the top of the list.

does it effect the gameplay if the net goes left, right up down...No!!!

The ball goes in the goal, you get points. Scoring is the key to winning. Not rather or not your three went it but it didn't angle right in the goal. I mean come on, I can hear someone now on XBL,"dang man I hit that jumper but the net flew to the right and its suppose to go up, I want to start over until the ball goes in correctly".
Winner!!!! DING-DING-DING!
# 49 D.Winn @ 08/01/08 04:08 PM
Some people are just natural haters. This is a new team and even though im critical of them, i still call it fairly. This game is looking good. People complain about animations and how 2k does it best(which they do IMO)..and they fail to realize that 2k games are very HEAVY on animations. I've played 2k for years and sometimes i feel helpless when certain animations are triggered. Matter of fact there are plenty animations in 2k8 that are very exploitable. People that play 2k8 enough will realize this and complain that they can't stop it. When I played live in the past i felt like there weren't enough animations, but my character felt more in my control.

Bottom line is

I'd rather be in control of my character instead of having constant animations do all the work. I'd rather have it 50/50..and i think this is the direction that live 09 is going. =)
# 50 jfsolo @ 08/01/08 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows2
And its so bad, when you get post of people knocking it as a none purchase for Net animations, and for a guy who is obviously playing the game in this video, just to show off the smoothness of the ankle breaker and things like that. He’s not a cheeser and who cares what the difficulty is on. He’s just trying to show animations! When I create my gameplay videos, I’m always trying to do stuff that will show off moves and things like that. Mainly trying to get that highlight reel.
In my opinion tweaking the settings to render the defense totally inept in order to show off moves or animations is always a horrible decision. I want to see offensive players make plays within the context of normal NBA game pressure, not an All-Star game level of attentiveness.

Yes, I see the improvement in the quantity and flow of the animations, but I'm more distracted by the sieve like AND 1 defense. Contextual gameplay vids>>>>sizzle offense only vids.
# 51 bigeastbumrush @ 08/01/08 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by Muzyk23
these are your reasons to buy the game?!
You know just because of your post, I am not buying the game.

Try harder man. I've NEVER seen posters on here try to sway others decisions on what games they should get before. I congratulate you for being the first and being so original.

What's it to you?

My $60 isn't going to you, so why the hell do you care?

Nice sig BTW.
# 52 luv_mist @ 08/01/08 09:48 PM
The game look so much better than previous years. The icing was the fall that happened after the layup. I'm definitely liking that. I think they were showing that easy level to give us a hint on how to unlock most/all those achievements they'll have. Definitely looking forward to how they implement everything together. It's like a big cake you know is suppose to be good. Hope the ingredients mesh well.......
# 53 X*Cell @ 08/02/08 03:15 AM
NBA Live 09 looks super good. At least small guys aren't getting swatted on every layup like NBA 2k
# 54 Muzyk23 @ 08/02/08 06:58 AM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
You know just because of your post, I am not buying the game.

Try harder man. I've NEVER seen posters on here try to sway others decisions on what games they should get before. I congratulate you for being the first and being so original.

What's it to you?

My $60 isn't going to you, so why the hell do you care?

Nice sig BTW.
oh come on bigeast..I was just giving you hard time

my sig means only that I can't wait for 2k, because it has never dissapointed me, if it does I will be as hard on it as I'm on Live..I will definitely try the demo of Live, they have still some time to fix some things
# 55 SageInfinite @ 08/02/08 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by X*Cell
NBA Live 09 looks super good. At least small guys aren't getting swatted on every layup like NBA 2k
No soup for you!
# 56 Vince @ 08/02/08 09:22 AM
Man, they got Andrea's sig style to a T.
# 57 bigeastbumrush @ 08/02/08 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by Muzyk23
oh come on bigeast..I was just giving you hard time

my sig means only that I can't wait for 2k, because it has never dissapointed me, if it does I will be as hard on it as I'm on Live..I will definitely try the demo of Live, they have still some time to fix some things
My bad man
# 58 edubbs @ 08/03/08 09:15 AM
This game finally animates good enough, to warrant a purchase from me.

It really, will come down to how good the AI is AND how well they captured each team's playstyles.

Although 2k has more teams playing the way they do IRL, neither 2k nor Live has yet to replicate EVERY team in the NBA correctly to this point.

The team DNA system should help in this area but, I need to see extensive footage of the AI to determine what strides they have made in this area.

By the looks of things, Live is no longer a poorly animated game and that gave a huge advantage to 2K in previous years.

If there is no clarrification on how well team's playstyles are replicated before release, I'll just wait for some OS impressions when the game comes out to determine if I buy this game or not.
# 59 SageInfinite @ 08/03/08 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by edubbs
This game finally animates good enough, to warrant a purchase from me.

It really, will come down to how good the AI is AND how well they captured each team's playstyles.

Although 2k has more teams playing the way they do IRL, neither 2k nor Live has yet to replicate EVERY team in the NBA correctly to this point.

The team DNA system should help in this area but, I need to see extensive footage of the AI to determine what strides they have made in this area.

By the looks of things, Live is no longer a poorly animated game and that gave a huge advantage to 2K in previous years.

If there is no clarrification on how well team's playstyles are replicated before release, I'll just wait for some OS impressions when the game comes out to determine if I buy this game or not.
Good Post.
# 60 Moshood @ 08/03/08 03:52 PM
NBA Live looks impressive this year. Loving the smoothness of animations etc. I'll preorder this once I go and pick up Madden next week.

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