Madden 09 News Post

With the mixed reactions NCAA has been receiving thus far in the community, one could say there are probably some good reasons why Madden should top NCAA this year. Our very own Will Soistman has a few ideas of his own and shares them in his article, Why Madden Will Be Better Than NCAA.

"I love the sport of football, and summer is the best time of year to fill my need for video game football. But while NCAA Football is a great game in its own regard, it simply does not fill the void."

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Member Comments
# 21 Bigfoot365 @ 07/23/08 04:45 PM
You can't assume that any of the problems that have been found after the release of NCAA will be fixed in Madden. Madden supposedly went gold before the NCAA release, so if these issues are fixed in Madden it means that EA knew about the issues but just decided not to fix them in NCAA before release.

After NCAA, you also can't assume that any of the new Madden features will actually work.
# 22 Brandwin @ 07/23/08 04:51 PM
I don't agree about the online leagues.

No way you could ever get an online league to finish with 32 user controlled teams.

Our Online dynasty is halfway done in week 3 and will be done by week 4 before the weekend is up, and we just started last Sunday.

It's easier to get games in when you don't have to meet up with someone for every game.
# 23 frankstallone83 @ 07/23/08 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by fistofrage
Madden better be superior to NCAA, because in its current state NCAA is a disaster. On top of that, Madden should benefit from alot of free Beta testing and customer feedback on NCAA. So if things like kick coverage are ruined like in NCAA, its just inexcusable.

I don't know how much I will like the adaptive AI. It sounds a little suspicious. Oh, your not passing well against the Bears. Don't worry, they'll start playing like the NCAA defenses so you can complete 95% of your passes. Wait the AI is getting stuffed in the running game because you have a good gameplan. We'll fix that, there, now your linebackers run backwards at the snap and get suction blocked. That along with Mulligans sound like you could be in for a tour of the EA Cheese factory.
that's a good point. I don't remember if it was last year or 07 when all-madden was ridiculously hard but if it's like 09's heisman I'll probably just roll with that. If the cpu can't beat me thats its problem!
# 24 PVarck31 @ 07/23/08 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by bigjake62505
NEWSFLASH.......Madden is going to suck.......Why? Because people are going to b lined up to buy it, even with the glitches and garbage that was Madden 08 and NCAA 09. So there you go same ole EA.
If that's the case then shame on me. I hope you are wrong, but certainly don't blame you for feeling that way.
# 25 fistofrage @ 07/23/08 06:14 PM
You either have to be a masocist or just have money to burn if you buy this on day 1. It might turn out to be a very good game, but only if the developers patch the glaring problems that all of you are going to QC for them for free.

Not only does EA steal your money, but they make you work for free too. You all might as well be building the Bridge on The River Qwai. Just make sure you whistle while you sit there trying to find out if all the sliders work and if the defenders can actually run to stheir speed rating.
# 26 trobinson97 @ 07/23/08 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by RealmK
And you can't compare two seperate skus with two seperate dev teams. Most of the shared resources are things like front end menus and the such.

Another thing that dawned on me today and this goes back to the NCAA Devs Stepping Up write up with all the negative comments, does anyone truely think that if Take2/2ksports actually made half the effort with marketing and getting their dev members on here and other forums on a regular basis you'd see the same kind of attention paid to 2k that has recently been paid to EA? Think about it before going off on childish "OS is EA Bias" rants next time, because that certainly isn't the case.
2K devs have been here for a while now, I am guessing you haven't? Ah, just checked your profile, you've been a member for 5 years now, and y ou didn't know that? You thought EA was a pioneer here or something, or you just wanted to give them more props for doing something other companies have been doing for years?

Anyway, take this article how you want to folks. Personally I see it as another marketing angle to get you to spend your $60 dollars on day 1. Pay now, cry later.

I really hope though that the game is good. No, not good, great. I really would like a next gen football game to finally be worth my purchase. Last year was the last time I spend money on NCAA, and I haven't touched Madden since that terrible 06' title. I will await all the bug and AI complaint threads with much patience to help me with my purchasing decisions.
# 27 countryboy @ 07/23/08 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by fistofrage
You either have to be a masocist or just have money to burn if you buy this on day 1. It might turn out to be a very good game, but only if the developers patch the glaring problems that all of you are going to QC for them for free.

Not only does EA steal your money, but they make you work for free too. You all might as well be building the Bridge on The River Qwai. Just make sure you whistle while you sit there trying to find out if all the sliders work and if the defenders can actually run to stheir speed rating.

Or you could buy on day one or earlier because you like Madden. Or is liking Madden not even an option anymore?
# 28 Potatoes002 @ 07/23/08 08:11 PM
Lets hope its not as hyped up as Madden 08 and fail big time.
# 29 Herky @ 07/23/08 08:12 PM
Remember when you popped Madden in when it first came out on PS2 and were blown away how far it came since PS1?

I have yet to feel that way with Madden on next gen. Visually it's better, but after you get past that it's been unplayable.

Madden is here to stay and I am praying they actually get it right this year.

No matter what though it will sell, and EA will make money.
# 30 SemperVictoria @ 07/23/08 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by bigjake62505
NEWSFLASH.......Madden is going to suck.......Why? Because people are going to b lined up to buy it, even with the glitches and garbage that was Madden 08 and NCAA 09. So there you go same ole EA.

Exactly. EA has zero incentive to really improve this game. Nada, zilch, none. And I hate to say it, but…anyone who thinks Madden (or NCAA) is going to make any serious strides in game play is fooling themselves. Just look at last three years. So long as EA has this market cornered consumers will be getting half-assed football games.
And to those who actually enjoy the recent versions of Madden and NCAA—more power to you. I honestly wish I could look past the many problems and enjoy the games, but I can’t.
# 31 statum71 @ 07/23/08 09:12 PM
People that are complaining about NCAA will hate Madden as well. Because they are impossible to please. The problem isn't the game....its they're expectations.

NCAA is fine, and the roster bug is being patched right now. I'll hate to see the chaos if Madden has a bug, which could very well happen.
# 32 SemperVictoria @ 07/23/08 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by statum71
People that are complaining about NCAA will hate Madden as well. Because they are impossible to please. The problem isn't the game....its they're expectations.

NCAA is fine, and the roster bug is being patched right now. I'll hate to see the chaos if Madden has a bug, which could very well happen.


As I said.
# 33 acarrero @ 07/23/08 10:05 PM
Madden is boring. Not as many plays as NCAA, not as many formations, not as many teams, all the teams are comparable, not as many stadiums, not as many rivalries, no recruiting, no dynasty mode (huge advantage to NCAA), no option, not as many chants or cheers (are there any chants in Madden?), and the same engine we get in NCAA months before. I din't get Madden last year and unless online dynasties turn out to be as impossible to play as some people claim they are right now, I probably will stick with NCAA.
# 34 countryboy @ 07/23/08 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by Malachi
Give it a month, after luster and pretty graphics wear off, and then you're force to look even more at the little things Madden gets wrong year after year.... Hell give it two weeks and you guys will be putting Madden in the same boat with NCAA Football 09. This is going to be hilarious just like it has been ever since Madden went to the next gen consoles.
Give it a month and you won't see me on the boards. I'll be engrossed in Madden and NCAA.

# 35 PVarck31 @ 07/23/08 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by acarrero
Madden is boring. Not as many plays as NCAA, not as many formations, not as many teams, all the teams are comparable, not as many stadiums, not as many rivalries, no recruiting, no dynasty mode (huge advantage to NCAA), no option, not as many chants or cheers (are there any chants in Madden?), and the same engine we get in NCAA months before. I din't get Madden last year and unless online dynasties turn out to be as impossible to play as some people claim they are right now, I probably will stick with NCAA.
Um yeah, its he NFL. Of course it doesn't have those things.
# 36 jewelz1132 @ 07/23/08 10:14 PM
# 37 Vikes1 @ 07/23/08 10:19 PM
Just like with NCAA, some people will have Madden early. I'll read what gamers have to say as I did with the NCAA game. Personally, I didn't like what I was hearing about NCAA...so I didn't buy it.

I'll do the same with Madden. If I hear of major bugs, glitches and flaws...I'll pass on Madden as well.

I'm hoping big time that doesn't happen with Madden.
# 38 countryboy @ 07/23/08 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by Vikes1
Just like with NCAA, some people will have Madden early.
*points to self*

# 39 Vikes1 @ 07/23/08 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
*points to self*

I'll be looking forward to reading what you have to say CB.
# 40 xV3L0CiTY @ 07/23/08 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by Vikes1
I'll be looking forward to reading what you have to say CB.

That way if I'm not hearing good things I can go to Gamestop the night before release and cancel my pre-order, just as I did with NCAA.

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