2K Sports contacted us about the NBA 2K9 Features List and gave us an update. Just a few slight changes. Check it out and let us know your thoughts. We were promised a lot more information in the coming weeks, keep an eye out for it.
cant wait to hear more about the association. hopefully we can either create a draft class or import draft classes from ch2k8. is the dna stuff the same thing nba live is doing?
To be honest..nothing MIND BLOWING..but liking the shot stick advancement and the online features, want to hear more about those...I think there should be a way where playing in leagues shows on your VIP and such, cause like I said, the best 2k ballers play mostly in leagues
I am calling it now. Whoever is on my team, I don't have en ego. I will controll DeSegana Diop, Dampier, Turiaf, Maxiell, or any non scoring player. I will rebound ansd hustle and set screens. I don't need the ball. I am a team player.
Adaptive A.I. always has the potential to be mind blowing if its implemented well.
Player Personalities, Player Roles, Ambitions can do a lot for the Association mode as well.
if i'm wrong lemme know but wasnt that their this year minus the ambitions? good to get some info but we need more details to explain the features especially the DNA?
Yeah, but isn't Adaptive AI supposed to be in every sports game lately? From NCAA to Madden to 2K, they're always talking about this but I never see it.....
The 2K basketball team is the one set of sports developers who I give the benefit of the doubt to. I've got to image that some of the guys who worked on CHOOPS 2K8 moved over to the NBA game during this game cycle.
If they were able make even incremental improvements from what we saw from post patch CHOOPS 2K8 in terms of A.I., then I'm expecting it to be it to be quite nice.
I am calling it now. Whoever is on my team, I don't have en ego. I will controll DeSegana Diop, Dampier, Turiaf, Maxiell, or any non scoring player. I will rebound ansd hustle and set screens. I don't need the ball. I am a team player.
i will always pick the point guard unless playing with the cavs...im a pass first player and all i do is try to get assists, even when playing with lebron...i basically will play how i do in real life, be the floor general...
Well EA said they were going to have a feature that would change sports games as we know it, and this is a sports game too so it probably is the same Dna feature but with a few tweaks. Just the same as hotspots were last year, the same but tweaked by the competition. Im pretty sure Ea doesnt have exclusive rights to synergy(at least not yet).
I'm gonna guess that player DNA is sort of like NBA Street's create-a-player but probably more indepth. In NBA Street you took a couple NBA Players and morphed their heads together to create a new player, sort of like T-Mac and Kobe had a baby together or something.
But I'm gonna guess that they're gonna give us the ability to take different characteristics of each players face/body and make our own with it, finally. (I see you DC!)