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NBA Live has thus far not translated well to next-gen consoles. Carlos Hernandez checks in today with an article talking about how Live can begin to close the quality gap between itself and NBA 2k so hardcore gamers will consider it again. Check out his article, Closing the Gap Between NBA Live and NBA 2k.

"Whether fair or not, the differences between Live and 2K are obvious. EA has a way of dramatizing their new features that turn off basketball enthusiasts, making them wonder how long before the online community abuses the new addition in game play. Whereas Visual Concepts pours in so little information, which is vague at most, that gamers become more receptive to their motives and new game play enhancements."

Game: NBA Live 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 lovesnikes @ 06/26/08 06:13 PM
wat about 2k u seem like a ea fan bud....
# 2 edubbs @ 06/26/08 06:18 PM
I do not have much to say in response to this article.

Other than to stress the need for the developers of Live, to incorporate team specific playstyles and tendacies for EVERY team in the league.

This is the 4th installment of Live on NextGen, and it makes no sense that each team still plays too much alike.

This article explains in detail what EA needs to do to become relevant again, in regards to the battle with the NBA2K series.

Very well written, and I agree 100% with the opinions of the author.

Good job.
# 3 hokupguy @ 06/26/08 06:20 PM
its a big gap grand canyon it would be nice to see live as good game again , dam most of us grew up on it. I think that 06 360 was a great start then they took a huge step back in 07 and are playing catch up
# 4 RaychelSnr @ 06/26/08 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by lovesnikes
wat about 2k u seem like a ea fan bud....
I think Carlos was writing this about Live. I'm sure once we learn more about NBA 2k9 and what they will be offering you'll see some of our authors start to chime in on what 2k9 needs to keep doing to maintain their lead. I know I am eagerly anticipating the release of 2K9, hopefully OKC is represented
# 5 lovesnikes @ 06/26/08 08:33 PM
live 08 was a good basketball game not great...thats a little far to say it was a great game. 2k8 was still much better even though live got much better. people dont give it cred because since 04 it has been it the game has been atrocious bud.....08 was a big step up but no where near perfect..the dunk animations were horrific u could just actually run up the court and dunk on anyone. rebounding was bad to but luckily their fixing those things. nba 2k9 isnt just gonna sit back and let this game surpass them though even if their having contracting problems with take two
# 6 thmst30 @ 06/26/08 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by huddy187
Live is a great basketball game and no one gives its cred
And now nobody is going to give you cred. A great basketball game!?!?!?
# 7 Whaaaazuuuuup @ 06/26/08 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by jrcain
I would rather play NBA Live 2000 over any incarnation of Live since then.
you said it. i LOVED LIVE 2000 for the pc. i this think it's the best basketball game (gameplay) ever made. the tv style camera angles have yet to be duplicated...
# 8 DubTrey1 @ 06/26/08 10:56 PM
Used to love the Live series, however 2K won me over with the gameplay overall. I really liked what EA has tried to do but seemingly have missed the boat in regards to what 2K managed to get so right. EA is a power developer and it may only be a matter of time before they get the right devs and dev leads to right the ship for Live. Til' then, I think 2K will continue to rule - especially without CHoops to work on....
# 9 CMH @ 06/26/08 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by lovesnikes
wat about 2k u seem like a ea fan bud....
Originally Posted by nbalivebeast
I agree with him 50% he sounds bias Live was one of the best selling basketball games the best versions were 95,98,2000,2001,2004,2004,2005,2006,2008,2009
This site never seizes to amaze me.

One guy says I'm a Live fan and the other says I'm biased toward 2K. Good stuff.

I'm not here to argue, though. I just wanted to point out that most, if not everything, written in this article comes from posters here on OS. Every point has been beaten to death on both 2K's and Live's forum. I tried to take an unbiased approach here and not ridicule the things that Live fans enjoy about the game. Because if you enjoy the title then obviously EA is doing something right. Instead, I tried to emphasize the little things that Live fans mostly complained about - weird dunk animations, dark arenas, and such.
# 10 Hassan Darkside @ 06/27/08 12:16 AM
Where'd all these guys come from? There's 3 people attacking thmst30 with 23 combined posts. Look out thmst!
# 11 Moses Shuttlesworth @ 06/27/08 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by huddy187
i didnt ask for cred, from what i heard from the producers said that live will be the best version so **** you thmst30
Woah, woah, calm down there buddy. This is a discussion board, not one for flamers.

I love that.
# 12 texbuk84 @ 06/27/08 12:57 AM
the people who think live is a great game then good luck to you because live cant even be considered as a SIM BASKETBALL GAME TO HARDCORE GAMERS. this game lacks gameplay, fluidity, player models are sub par at best, and the shooting in this game is horrible. i own both live and 2k and i love lives dynasty mode but i cant stomach playing the regular games. 2k presentation and gameplay wise blow live out of the water. PERIOD!!!
# 13 tril @ 06/27/08 01:45 AM
Good article.
I do hate the fact that Live tends to give their new features these gimmicky names.
Based on how LIve and 2K markets their product ,
Live seems to have a target audience of 12-18 year olds. thats the age group that tends to like the run and gun, and gimmicks. where superstars are super human.
2K's target audience is the true sports gamer who wants a true sim experience.

Ive watched 2 of my nephews go from a NBA LIVE fans to 2K die hards. and age had everything to do with it.
Im now watching a 3rd nephew go through the similar transition. I used to get him his annual game of NBA LIVE, but this past Christmas he asked for 2K it just so happens he just turned 18.
# 14 lovesnikes @ 06/27/08 02:08 AM
huddy ur a fruit leave these discussion....u cant say live is a great game and expect not to get bashed, im not a 2k fan or a live fan im a nba fan...and we all know 2k has been better then live 2k wasnt great it was good so we know damn well live was great it was ok animations were bad
# 15 SpartanBaller @ 06/27/08 04:47 AM
I can already tell from the few pics and vids out that live is going to suck once again.
# 16 CMH @ 06/27/08 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by lovesnikes
huddy ur a fruit leave these discussion....u cant say live is a great game and expect not to get bashed, im not a 2k fan or a live fan im a nba fan...and we all know 2k has been better then live 2k wasnt great it was good so we know damn well live was great it was ok animations were bad
I'm no mod but I would advise that you and everyone else avoid getting personal with the comments. Terms like "fruit" or cursing on the boards is not appropriate here.

Just my word of advice and friendly warning before you end up hearing it from a mod.
# 17 BlyGilmore @ 06/27/08 11:02 AM
Listen I'm all for sticking up for games you liked, but I don't think there's even a debate when it comes to the quality of Live 08 vs. NBA 2k8. Nearly ever review I saw last fall gave 2k8 significantly higher scores (meta-critic has Live at 73 and 2k8 at 81). This was after NBA Live 07 got a 59 on the 360 (which for a company like EA is horrible).

The sad thing is EA can just point to its sales and declare victory. Despite being inferior, Live almost doubled 2k8's sales in the US and Europe.
# 18 CMH @ 06/27/08 11:16 AM
Yes. EA can rely on it's sales and I mentioned that in the article. By dropping gimmick titles it won't really affect much but perhaps get more serious gamers interested in the title.

Young kids that buy Live without much thought are going to buy Live no matter what new feature is on the box. Live is now a brand for EA. It just needs to be out there and people will buy it.

But if EA is interested in winning the ratings war and winning over sim-fans then they need to pass a little love in that direction. It won't hurt sales at all. It'll only make them even bigger.

I admit that I like 2K even more than Live - though I think Live 08 was a fun, good game. And I'm over here trying to help EA destroy 2K with a bit of advice. Personally, I believe that EA has the manpower and resources to make Live the greatest basketball game and I'd like to see it happen because that's great for the gamer.
# 19 BrianFifaFan @ 06/28/08 09:15 AM
That is a great article, Carlos! You hit a homerun with this one.......
# 20 Pared @ 06/28/08 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
This site never seizes to amaze me.

One guy says I'm a Live fan and the other says I'm biased toward 2K. Good stuff.

I'm not here to argue, though. I just wanted to point out that most, if not everything, written in this article comes from posters here on OS. Every point has been beaten to death on both 2K's and Live's forum. I tried to take an unbiased approach here and not ridicule the things that Live fans enjoy about the game. Because if you enjoy the title then obviously EA is doing something right. Instead, I tried to emphasize the little things that Live fans mostly complained about - weird dunk animations, dark arenas, and such.
I'm glad you made this comment, because to me that article stated the obvious. Maybe it's obvious to some and not to others.

I would say it's a well written and focused article though, and a very entertaining read.

Here's probably the best, and IMO, the main reason this article should have focused on:

"It is time for the developers to step out from behind the curtain and reveal their true selves. Opening up to the community allows that same community to feel willing to do the same."
All sports games that have done this have proven to be better received with our "sim" community. We call ourselves the "die-hards" and "hardcores" of sports gaming, and seeing our opinion heard AND implemented is a great way to not only provide a solid foundation for a sports game but also a great way to foster a title's acceptance amongst its audience.

Great read, YP. Thanks.

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