Madden 09 News Post

EA have sent over a Press Release announcing that Madden 09 has "gone gold". What does this mean? Well traditionally it means that the game is ready to ship. In this case it is simply an excuse for EA to build some additional hype around the game. Given EA's tight development schedule and its planned ship date of early August, the game would currently be sitting with first party developers (Microsoft and Sony) as their internal test teams do their best to find as many compliance issues as possible. Its not ready to ship yet, but unless MS or Sony tell EA they must fix a bug, nothing else will be touched. The good news however is that the EA Producers have already made it clear that they want to patch the game sooner rather than later.

EA also sent over some new Madden 09 screenshots and some videos.

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Member Comments
# 41 Solidice @ 06/26/08 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by opd897
I think what people are saying / believing is that the trust for EA / Madden has gone out the window with their next - gen installments. Many of us have been let down the past 3 years with this game and people just have come to expect something or many things to be wrong with the game. Now with the game having gone gold much earlier than other games do before shipping it just raises concerns / suspicions even more. Not sure we should be criticizing just yet but it does raise suspicions and based on the past few installments, I believe rightfully so.

Everyone wants this game to be great. I just want the game to be PLAYABLE, meaning I play it and am able to enjoy it and have fun. Time will tell.
but it didn't. most games are in "final code" 1-2 months before release. the only ones that might get away with it would be 1st-party titles(MS made games for 360, Sony made games for PS3). most companies don't release any news about it till after the certification process is complete, which is why you usually don't see any "gone gold" news till a week or 2 before release.
# 42 countryboy @ 06/26/08 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Solidice
but it didn't. most games are in "final code" 1-2 months before release. the only ones that might get away with it would be 1st-party titles(MS made games for 360, Sony made games for PS3). most companies don't release any news about it till after the certification process is complete, which is why you usually don't see any "gone gold" news till a week or 2 before release.
exactly. I mean has it gotten to the point where now EA can't even "go gold" without receiving backlash or stirring up conspiracy theories? I mean, wait and see what bugs and glitches are in the game and how "major/minor" they are, and then you can start the theories of "well, if they wouldn't have gone gold so soon..." etc..etc...

Wait until there is something to be concerned about before becoming concerned.
# 43 TVNation53 @ 06/26/08 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by opd897
I think what people are saying / believing is that the trust for EA / Madden has gone out the window with their next - gen installments. Many of us have been let down the past 3 years with this game and people just have come to expect something or many things to be wrong with the game. Now with the game having gone gold much earlier than other games do before shipping it just raises concerns / suspicions even more. Not sure we should be criticizing just yet but it does raise suspicions and based on the past few installments, I believe rightfully so.

Everyone wants this game to be great. I just want the game to be PLAYABLE, meaning I play it and am able to enjoy it and have fun. Time will tell.
Exactly as far as I'm concerned as of yet I have no problem with Madden09 but I do have a problem with how EA has handled the past few installments and for that I can bash EA all day if I want. The creator of the thread stated there is really nothing to this information other than creating additional hype around the game if you choose to beleive anything else you truly have drank the Kool-aid.
# 44 PVarck31 @ 06/26/08 07:42 PM
If this is something that concerns or worries you then I really am sad for you. Your life must be pretty horrible. When I say "you" I am speaking in general terms, not singling anyone out.

Then I hear that some people buy the game just to exploit all the bugs and plaster them all of the net. I mean seriously get a life.
# 45 TVNation53 @ 06/26/08 08:22 PM
Are you sure you posted in the right thread? I don't have a clue as to what you are referring to.
# 46 countryboy @ 06/26/08 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by pjv31
If this is something that concerns or worries you then I really am sad for you. Your life must be pretty horrible. When I say "you" I am speaking in general terms, not singling anyone out.

Then I hear that some people buy the game just to exploit all the bugs and plaster them all of the net. I mean seriously get a life.
lets not kid ourselves here. This topic, for some people, is nothing more than something else to criticize EA for. I mean, no one knows what bugs/glitches are/will be in the game and won't until they play it. But yet, they hear that Madden is "gold" already and they are ready to climb to the highest mountain and scream bloody murder. It makes no sense to me honestly.

Yes, there are things that Madden should be criticized and held accountable for, but going "Gold" 7 weeks prior to release date should not be one of them.

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