Madden 09 News Post

Wil McCombs returns from his long hiatus to give us another article, this time discussing why he hates (and why you should also hate) the Madden Mulligan feature. Check out his article here.
"A while back, I brought to light the debate of restarting your console mid-game, to avoid the agony of defeat. While the feedback of said article was largely not in favor of such an activity, I have a sneaking suspicion that last year’s Madden/NCAA turnover system led to an all-time high in in-game restarts."

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Member Comments
# 21 NevadaBallin @ 05/22/08 02:47 AM
Since this feature isn't one that can be used for online play, it doesn't bother me in the least bit.

I'll use it offline instead of Practice Mode though (which has needed a serious fix for years now). Practice Mode has always been a practice in futility. The best way to practice new stuff vs the CPU has always been the 2:00 Drill. Now i'll just load up a normal offline game and use the Rewind to find all the AI glitches for this version of Madden .. lol.
# 22 LP @ 05/22/08 04:01 AM
Yeah, we can disable this crap feature, but that is not my issue. I want the Madden team to work on FOOTBALL. Not worthless features, FOOTBALL. All the "new features" mean nothing when the FOOTBALL part is BROKEN.
# 23 tril @ 05/22/08 04:45 AM
maybe Madden should just implement an Arcade mode for the casual gamer.
# 24 Rawdeal28 @ 05/22/08 08:20 AM
this is how u know people just like to complain for the hell of it. turn it off and go about ur business.

# 25 Sandman42 @ 05/22/08 08:28 AM
I swear some of you people don't even read the article before responding. Yes, we can turn the feature off, but Wil brings up a very good point.

My next problem with the new Rewind system is pure speculation, even though I believe it is rooted in solid logic.

Seeing as how Madden 09 is including an easy do-over tool, it can be inferred that they have not corrected the dreadful shortcomings of Madden 08’s turnover system. While the turnover system did need a serious tweak going into last season, things went from one extreme to another. We went from having no turnovers to having six or seven per game. I have commented before that this problem seemed like short-cut to eliminating "money plays" and balancing gameplay between offense and defense, when the root of the issue rested in the defense’s AI and its ability to react to plays.

The Rewind feature in 09 could thus be a band-aid on top of a band-aid, on top of a bullet wound. The initial quick-fix was flawed, so we now see a new quick-fix for the original quick fix. Ugh, I’m giving myself a headache.

Long story short, the implications are that interceptions and fumbles could be equally as numerous this year as last year. Rather than fixing the real problem, EA now offers the consolation price of allowing in-game do-overs. I hate to say it, but it feels kind of like EA Sports is giving me the middle finger out the window while driving to the bank to cash my $60 check. Figuratively speaking of course.
# 26 Trevytrev11 @ 05/22/08 09:39 AM
As someone else said, obviously you can shut it off, but it's just continuing the trend of dumbing down sports games that is irritating in general. Sometimes these features can be shut off, sometimes they can't.
# 27 roadman @ 05/22/08 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by Sandman42
I swear some of you people don't even read the article before responding. Yes, we can turn the feature off, but Wil brings up a very good point.
For those that did read the article, the writer used words like speculation, could be, implications, could thus be etc....

Basically, it's one writers opinion.
# 28 Shadymamba @ 05/22/08 10:12 AM
for those who took my short comment out of content:..yes i know its an option we all know its an option and we can turn it off, but i mean cmon instead of concentrating on have a great game..with some great game play they focus on this non sense.....im quite sure the same people who are here saying just turn it off..were complaining just like the rest of us about the fumbles and the interceptions and the lack of pc challenging plays or lack of free agents in franchise, so yes we can turn it off..but as many mentioned if the gameplay stinks we can thank the countless hours of adding a feature that we wont even use.
# 29 adembroski @ 05/22/08 10:37 AM
Wow.. so many baseless presumptions... Well written article, but I think you're jumping to a lot of unconnected conclusions.

Rewind exists because they didn't want to fix the turnover problem? That's a pretty big leap.
# 30 astronut @ 05/22/08 10:39 AM
I think I would have rather gotten custom soundtracks in like ncaa than do overs
# 31 The 24th Letter @ 05/22/08 10:57 AM
i could see the whole "theyre not concentrating on more important things" argument if the game was actually out and we physically saw the things that were omitted ...
# 32 IStillDoWhatIDo @ 05/22/08 10:58 AM
The fact of the matter is that people are more likely to like a game that they are good at.
# 33 Pared @ 05/22/08 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
i could see the whole "theyre not concentrating on more important things" argument if the game was actually out and we physically saw the things that were omitted ...
Someone gets it...
# 34 ezekiel55 @ 05/22/08 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by roadman
For those that did read the article, the writer used words like speculation, could be, implications, could thus be etc....

Basically, it's one writers opinion.
But as many people stated, features that have been on Wishlists since the first Next Gen Madden came out, are still not in the game. The devs are obviously taking development time to implement this feature which over 90% of us have already stated that we'll turn it off.

I cant remember one person ever saying "hey, you know what thia game needs....a rewind feature, cause thats sim!"

For those who think this is a simple replay feature therefore it was probably implemented quite quickly, look at the big picture.

In the video Collinsworth has specific commentary as to where the ball should be thrown to, why it should be thrown there, and what position that player was...Commentary AI like that takes significant time to implement.
# 35 The 24th Letter @ 05/22/08 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
Someone gets it...
Not to say this isnt a GREAT article (props to the author) I just think this discussion is way too dramatic for a optional feature in a game that isnt anywhere near being out...
# 36 Pared @ 05/22/08 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Not to say this isnt a GREAT article (props to the author) I just think this discussion is way too dramatic for a optional feature in a game that isnt anywhere near being out...
Oh I know. It's funny how people make comments like "did you even read the article??" when it's obvious the comments were referring to the feature and speculation behind it... when we don't even know how the game will play.

Nothing to do with article; Just spillover from the other thread regarding this feature.
# 37 oukingpen @ 05/22/08 11:14 AM
do we have to use this feature?
# 38 Scott @ 05/22/08 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by oukingpen
do we have to use this feature?
No, you can disable it.
# 39 SidVish @ 05/22/08 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Not to say this isnt a GREAT article (props to the author) I just think this discussion is way too dramatic for a optional feature in a game that isnt anywhere near being out...

I agree. I love reading the responses of an optional feature because it's actually quite entertaining. I'll rent the game and then come up with my own conclusions. But if the turnovers are still as prevalent as 08 I'll pass again. I just hope this feature is there for the casual gamer and not there because they didn't fix the turnovers. But until I play it I won't know.
# 40 NevadaBallin @ 05/22/08 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by roadman
For those that did read the article, the writer used words like speculation, could be, implications, could thus be etc....

Basically, it's one writers opinion.
And that's all anyone can say since no one has actually played the game yet. It "could be" that when you play on All-Madden you will get more hardcore than you ever bargained for. There's also that adaptive AI thing, what is it called, Madden IQ? It's supposed to adapt the game play to your level. Now this could be a problem if it doesn't work right. But the Rewind thing? Not a big deal at all.

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