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GameSpot has posted 7 video clips from NCAA Football 09.

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Game: NCAA Football 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 95 - View All
NCAA Football 09 Videos
Member Comments
# 61 GetYaWeigtUp @ 05/07/08 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by pjv31
I can't believe all the hooplah about no team entrances. I mean come one you know you will button through them after watching them a couple times. I am much more worried about gameplay.
I agree, but its just nice to see. Adds a little more enjoyment!
# 62 BrianFifaFan @ 05/07/08 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by pjv31
I can't believe all the hooplah about no team entrances. I mean come one you know you will button through them after watching them a couple times. I am much more worried about gameplay.
I'm more worried as well, but I actually like having that added atmosphere when I'm playing Michigan State or OSU. It still goes back to the issue about the lack of nuances that really make it feel immersive. For the franchise guy, there's not really that carrot to really keep you chasing. I still haven't seen any vids addressing my pet peeve about winning the national title, only to get nothing in the way of celebration. I guess what really gets me is that my favorite game of all, Fifa08, has intros, nice cutscenes with players emoting and cutscenes celebrating winning championships. Could they be better? Sure. Do they get repetitive? Yes. But they are there for me to skip. And EA makes the title. So what's the problem. It would be awesome to have a camera or first person view to run out and touch the banner. And to see our 110,000 fans screaming in the stands singing "hail to the Victors." And to have little trivia screens while it's loading with factoids about the whole Michigan/OSU rivalry. Nope. Just a boring hall to wait in and some boring pans of the stadium. Oh yeah, we do get advertisements for Weather Channel and Coke Zero. It's really time to get that aspect of things fixed, after gameplay of course.....
# 63 jayejoyce @ 05/07/08 12:39 AM
if you don't want team entrances then skip it press A or something.let me have the choice.you guys must like madden more and don't care about college fans,or your team sucks.if you comment about something a fan wants then EA will never change a thing.that's a problem,we are suppose to work together to get the best game possible.don't clown a comment someone posted.do you have family at EA?anyway(true college fans)hold EA responsible if they don"t give us the best game possible.they have no competition.
# 64 DubTrey1 @ 05/07/08 01:09 AM
I do not think it is so much the entrences as it is the "little things" that we are all looking for in the football titles that likens back to something like MLB the Show 08 has done. The littel nuances that bring the players, the plays (before and after) to life.
# 65 ODogg @ 05/07/08 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by Briankingsfan
Aren't entrances "presentation" O sarcastic one? Or highlight shows? The guy does have a point......
Uh i wasn't being sarcastic. Entrances are presentation and should be in the game if you want to advertise you're beefing up presentation.
# 66 BrianFifaFan @ 05/07/08 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by ODogg
Uh i wasn't being sarcastic. Entrances are presentation and should be in the game if you want to advertise you're beefing up presentation.
Cool, I really thought you were playing "devil's advocate" as you said you like to play!!LOL!!!!
# 67 Village Idiot @ 05/07/08 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by jayejoyce
if you don't want team entrances then skip it press A or something.let me have the choice.you guys must like madden more and don't care about college fans,or your team sucks.if you comment about something a fan wants then EA will never change a thing.that's a problem,we are suppose to work together to get the best game possible.don't clown a comment someone posted.do you have family at EA?anyway(true college fans)hold EA responsible if they don"t give us the best game possible.they have no competition.
Dude, space bar.
# 68 Foosball39 @ 05/07/08 01:43 AM
Alright, I see some major AI issues by the defense in some of these clips. I understand it's on the easiest level, but this stuff worries me.

Gameplay vid #3, the 2nd play. The user calls a 4-3 Cover 2. Not one of the LBs or safeties react to the run, they just continue to drop in coverage like the QB has the ball and is back to pass. Watch the MLB. He drops 20 yards after the ball is handed off! The OLB starts to go towards the runner, but then backs off. Look at how much space there is between the DL and the next nearest defender...a lot!

Gameplay vid #5, the 2nd play. The defense has the ROLB blitzing and the one safety to play a middle zone, man coverage for the rest. The MLB should have the FB and the LOLB should have the RB. When the ball is handed off, the LOLB just runs to his left when he should be going right at his guy, so this takes him out of the play temporarily.

The safety in the zone coverage just drops instead of stopping and attacking after the handoff. The runner is almost 5 yards past the line of scrimmage before he actually goes toward the runner. Once again, there's a HUGE hole because the defenders that should be reacting to run aren't.

Gameplay vid #7. There are many reasons why this is a huge run and it's defenders just doing dumb things. So let's look at those defenders who should've been there to limit this play.

First is the CB who is playing in tight due to the formation. Instead of staying outside where there are no other defenders, he goes inside right away, gets blocked and its smooth sailing for the RB. This could be a huge way to expose a defense if they always do this against tight formations.

Then let's look at the safety who is on the same side. He just appears to be asleep at the wheel. The other safety is actually making a move right away, but this guy look like he's poppin' a squat at midfield. The runner gets outside of him quite a bit before he starts to make a move...that's not good. He should be at least staying in line w/him before attacking.

Then where are the LBs? I have no idea why the MLB steps toward the weakside of the formation because it makes no football sense. That puts him further away and when he tries to run toward the runner, he's way out of position (and looks to be really slow).

The playside LB should be able to avoid being blocked and be there to make the spot, but he seems to get sucked in to a block and is taken out of the play.

So my worries about these vids are that the defenders are just not doing basic fundamental football things which they should be doing no matter what difficulty you're playing on. I'll be looking forward to seeing if these same issues persist in future videos.
# 69 ODogg @ 05/07/08 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by Briankingsfan
Cool, I really thought you were playing "devil's advocate" as you said you like to play!!LOL!!!!
well this is the first year i'm really starting to chime in and criticize on some of these things that annoy some of us. i figured in the past that ea should be given a chance but they have been on next-gen long enough now that basic things like entrances should be in the game IMO and i'm going to call them out on it. it's ridiculous.
# 70 Village Idiot @ 05/07/08 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by ODogg
i figured in the past that ea should be given a chance but they have been on next-gen long enough now that basic things like entrances should be in the game IMO and i'm going to call them out on it. it's ridiculous.
Word to that. You don't tend to relate games like GTA and COD with sports games, but it's really starting to become an issue: inasmuch as those games are awesome, EA looks like a poor stepchild. I just don't understand it. This is 2008. These games (EA Sports) should be blowing us away, and they're simply not. Wake up, EA. You're a goddamn giant in this industry, and yet your games are mediocre at best. (I won't even mention the lack of competition thing.)
# 71 SageInfinite @ 05/07/08 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by ODogg
well this is the first year i'm really starting to chime in and criticize on some of these things that annoy some of us. i figured in the past that ea should be given a chance but they have been on next-gen long enough now that basic things like entrances should be in the game IMO and i'm going to call them out on it. it's ridiculous.
Good job Odogg. It's good to see a die hard NCAA Football fan come out and voice his opinion about these issues so we all don't look like EA bashers. I too have tried to give EA chances but they have no excuses now. With the power of these systems and the resources at hand, we should be getting classic football games that really push these systems and really immerse us.
# 72 countryboy @ 05/07/08 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by jayejoyce
if you don't want team entrances then skip it press A or something.let me have the choice.you guys must like madden more and don't care about college fans,or your team sucks.if you comment about something a fan wants then EA will never change a thing.that's a problem,we are suppose to work together to get the best game possible.don't clown a comment someone posted.do you have family at EA?anyway(true college fans)hold EA responsible if they don"t give us the best game possible.they have no competition.

This man reeeaaallllyyy wants team entrances.
# 73 Solidice @ 05/07/08 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy

This man reeeaaallllyyy wants team entrances.
how can you tell?
# 74 countryboy @ 05/07/08 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by Solidice
how can you tell?
just a hunch.

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