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GameSpot has posted a video clip showing off NCAA Football 09 with Dave Ross, the Project Lead.

Game: NCAA Football 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 95 - View All
NCAA Football 09 Videos
Member Comments
# 101 rudyjuly2 @ 04/28/08 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by Moostache
The cycle of pre-release and post-release comments is as predictable as having a game released every year.

For those who expect revolutionary gameplay and simulation changes, you will always be disappointed. If you have not figured that out by now, you are either 12 or have an IQ around that number....

The pattern plays itself out EVERY TIME:

1) new console released
2) "new" version of Madden / NCAA is developed on new engine
3) annual re-releases come out and tweak gameplay, player models and re-hash old features as "new" by bringing them over for the first time over a series of years.
4) new elements and gimmicks (HFA, Impact Players, Mascots/Cheerleaders) are added and subtracted each year
5) the game "peaks" after 3-4 years on a console and then backslides at the tail end of a generation.
6) lather, rinse, repeat...
This is very true. A big part of this is the life of a console and the constraints of the annual release for sports games. I hope that the lifespan of the 360/PS3 does reach a true 10 years so developers will actually make significant changes to an engine rather than small tweaks every year. Probably won't happen though.

I don't see EA moving to a Euphoria type engine which is unfortunate. However, I still think there are enough things that could be improved with this engine to make NCAA a truly great game. Just think of the things that most people are complaining about: INTs, CPU QB AI, passing pocket, presentation. These things were good on the PS2 (whether for NCAA or 2K games) so there is NO reason these things can't be good on a PS3/360. They don't need a new engine to fix them - just better programming.
# 102 rudyjuly2 @ 04/28/08 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by bad_philanthropy
Yeah the speed is something that I really do like and I don't think the speed of last year's game was at all representative of D-1A college football.
I agree. The fast gamebreakers just didn't feel right and the lack of big plays made the game more predictable. I loved the fear of playing against an impact player in '06 along with the big plays that could change a game. I hope that returns. While I got used to the speed of last year's game on the PS3, I missed the fast speed of the PS2 which made the game a lot more fun as well.
# 103 JMD @ 04/28/08 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by AuburnAlumni
I swear...when I hear Peter Moore jabber on about "wide open gameplay", blah blah blah I want to punch him in the face. The run around, run around, throw deep offense seems to be in full effect, regardless of if he is playing on freshman difficulty.


How hard is it to show a cutscene of the team RUNNING ONTO THE FIELD?!! Honestly...I'm serious.

That would help the "atmosphere" Petey.

Sorry, I'm just venting over stuff that should have been in and STAYED IN this series YEARS AGO.

Still plan on buying it but Good lord I wish there were some guys in charge of this game that UNDERSTAND FOOTBALL. Not a bunch of geeks who have no clue that in reality....football games aren't 65-60 explosions with 17 turnovers a game and 3 penalties.

End of rant.

Please note the bold part I highlighted in the above quote. This is the problem. We all know this game will be the same as last year with a few minor upgrades in the graphic's department. We will still complain about the lack of features the game will not have, yet some of you are still going to support EA by giving them your money. I really don't understand this thinking. If you buy a product and you're not happy with it, why in hell will you buy it again? Take a year off and make a statement, let EA see their sales drop and force them to do better.

I want a great realistic football game, NCAA and NFL, I really do, but if we all just keep buying this crap we will never get what we are looking for. Lets face facts , no other company is ever going to be able to give us an official NCAA or NFL football game, it's all on EA, they will most likely own the rights to the licenses forever and that's sad. But, if we keep supporting them nothing will change.

I can already feel myself being sucked in after seeing the Madden 09 trailer. I love football,. I watch 6 games at once during football season on my multi-TV Direct TV set up. I crave football video games. But how can I justify buying a new EA football game after the past 4 years of disappointment? The truth is I can't. This year I will rent both NCAA and Madden 09 instead of buying them on launch day. I know the millions of diehard fans will run right out and buy the game so my post here is worthless, but I wish just one year all the NCAA and Madden players would just step back and take a year off.
Then we'd get a football game.
End Rant.
# 104 therizing02 @ 04/28/08 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by JMD
Please note the bold part I highlighted in the above quote. This is the problem. We all know this game will be the same as last year with a few minor upgrades in the graphic's department. We will still complain about the lack of features the game will not have, yet some of you are still going to support EA by giving them your money. I really don't understand this thinking. If you buy a product and you're not happy with it, why in hell will you buy it again? Take a year off and make a statement, let EA see their sales drop and force them to do better.

I want a great realistic football game, NCAA and NFL, I really do, but if we all just keep buying this crap we will never get what we are looking for. Lets face facts , no other company is ever going to be able to give us an official NCAA or NFL football game, it's all on EA, they will most likely own the rights to the licenses forever and that's sad. But, if we keep supporting them nothing will change.

I can already feel myself being sucked in after seeing the Madden 09 trailer. I love football,. I watch 6 games at once during football season on my multi-TV Direct TV set up. I crave football video games. But how can I justify buying a new EA football game after the past 4 years of disappointment? The truth is I can't. This year I will rent both NCAA and Madden 09 instead of buying them on launch day. I know the millions of diehard fans will run right out and buy the game so my post here is worthless, but I wish just one year all the NCAA and Madden players would just step back and take a year off.
Then we'd get a football game.
End Rant.
I think we'd all like to believe that if we take a year off from buying this game that it will have an effect on the series and how it progresses. Unfortunately, the people that post here at OS, whether we (hardcore sim players) want to believe it or not, we are a fraction of the smallest fraction that buys this game.

Peter Moore has recently stated (about Madden) that his feedback from the general public was that the game was too hard or the ability to just pick it up and play was kind of difficult. He sees this as a problem. It would be reasonable to assume that the future of EA's games will be dumbed down from a difficulty standpoint so the casual gamer (the most important demographic to EA) can buy it and play it right out of the box. More casual gamers=more money for EA.

The casual gamer picks up the game, looks at the back of the box, sees the great pics, looks at the features, and says "wow this is going to be great." Buys the game, pops into the machine, and starts a game with his favorite team/alma mater. "Holy ****, they have the (choose team) stadium, and the mascot, and the fight song. This is very realistic." Do you think this guy notices any recruiting glitches? Depth chart problems? The ridiculous Super Sim feature? No pocket for QB? The pathetic CPU QB AI? Hell no!

Unfortunately, those are the most important customers to EA. Not us.
# 105 D.Winn @ 04/28/08 12:33 PM
^^This guy has a point.

I think its pretty sad that people are like, "the lighting looks great!". Ok....im playing NCAA football, not Luigi's Mansion. The lighting is a factor, but if its a selling point, then count me out. The stadiums are upscaled and we know this because after every play there is a stadium shot instead of some form or presentation, lol. All of these "new" animations and we can't even get a ref on the field that will run and pick up the ball, but we can go over and dance with the mascot? NCAA is no longer for the hardcore fans, because just like the Wii, it is trying to attract casual gamers. What does that mean for us? Well....when you sign online to play expect people running around for 49 seconds and then launching the ball deep every time because they are "casual" and just want to have fun. Bee-Yeet!
# 106 FlyingFinn @ 04/28/08 12:51 PM
Yeah, I found it laughable that the big talking points of his presentation were the lighting and the being able to celebrate with the mascot. I mean, if that is what you are hanging your hat on for this years version that isn't saying much.
# 107 Rufus @ 04/28/08 01:12 PM
The thing that I noticed is that the SCORE BAR never goes away, its always there. I dont like that at all, anyone else notice this.
# 108 D.Winn @ 04/28/08 01:32 PM
I've noticed that that they talked about cheerleaders, when they will never run an 60 yard touchdown or make the game winning interception in a rivalry game. The only way i care about cheerleaders in the game is if we can get an assault charge for super kicking them in the face after a touchdown.
# 109 coogrfan @ 04/28/08 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by D.Winn
I've noticed that that they talked about cheerleaders, when they will never run an 60 yard touchdown or make the game winning interception in a rivalry game. The only way i care about cheerleaders in the game is if we can get an assault charge for super kicking them in the face after a touchdown.
Well, that was...disturbing. I think someone is a little too stoked for GTA IV.

# 110 D.Winn @ 04/28/08 02:11 PM
lol man i was just ranting.
# 111 thelasthurtknee @ 04/28/08 02:20 PM
do you guys remember on last gen up till about two years ago that you couldn't even return a pick for six. you couldn't return a fumble for a touchdown. no kick returns for touchdowns. the guys on everyone's precious 04 were about twice the size they should of been compared to the field. you could recruit 6'8" guys at any position. the computer couldn't beat you on any level with any sliders. i just saying we had alot of fun with really flawed games. guess what they are still flawed but its still just a video game. even when ea had 2k putting out games ea progressed year to year as much as they do now. they created a new engine and have to reprogram all the old stuff back in while improving game play and correcting flaws. and did anyone ever play 2k's college football game. that was the worst piece of football ever. i not defending ea at all. i hated 08 on next gen but i knew it was going to suck. i played the demo. that's why i still play on ps2 and it was a great game last year with the most amazing playbooks ever in a football game. if you thought 07 and 08 were going to be good on next gen thats your fault. it didn't look good, or play good in the video's or the demo's. i think it looks pretty good (or at least promising) from what i see compared to last year and if the guys who played it said it plays like last gen alot more then that makes me pretty happy.
# 112 spit_bubble @ 04/28/08 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by thelasthurtknee
...i just saying we had alot of fun with really flawed games. guess what they are still flawed but its still just a video game...
Some of the best sports video games ever made are highly "flawed" in that they lack certain sim elements. The thing is the evolution of gaming has shown the ability to get increasingly closer to the real thing, and when games fall short or even take steps backwards... It is somewhat disappointing. NCAA Football seems to fall into that category.
# 113 bad_philanthropy @ 04/28/08 03:16 PM
Here is my question, we criticize them for not creating a "sim" enough experience so that they can tap a casual customer base. But how can the other EA franchises, NHL, and FIFA, and MVP before those two shift their focus so dramatically from arcade to very sim? FIFA is easily one of the most popular game series ever made and has made a dramatic shift in recent years towards a more realistic on-field product. Fifa's appeal spans an extremely diverse customer base. I would think that the world over FIFA would be the most purchased sports title by casual gamers and yet EA Canada still took a sim direction with it.

Is there some preconceived notion that those who aren't hardcore football fans are idiots and wouldn't appreciate a, realistic, in-depth football simulation?
# 114 SageInfinite @ 04/28/08 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by bad_philanthropy
Here is my question, we criticize them for not creating a "sim" enough experience so that they can tap a casual customer base. But how can the other EA franchises, NHL, and FIFA, and MVP before those two shift their focus so dramatically from arcade to very sim? FIFA is easily one of the most popular game series ever made and has made a dramatic shift in recent years towards a more realistic on-field product. Fifa's appeal spans an extremely diverse customer base. I would think that the world over FIFA would be the most purchased sports title by casual gamers and yet EA Canada still took a sim direction with it.

Is there some preconceived notion that those who aren't hardcore football fans are idiots and wouldn't appreciate a, realistic, in-depth football simulation?
I think Tiburon just has to trick the casual crowd into liking a more "sim" style of play. NHL, Fifa, and MVP figured out ways to do that. Madden/NCAA and NBA Live have yet to figure it out. Maybe it just comes down to developer talent and creativity, which I think both teams lack on next gen platforms so far.
# 115 Pared @ 04/28/08 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by D.Winn
The only way i care about cheerleaders in the game is if we can get an assault charge for super kicking them in the face after a touchdown.

Anyway, I'm actually excited for the game. I know everyone is knocking it for what they added... but what they added sure will be "F-U-N."

Imagine playing someone... breaking open a big run to get the go-ahead score... and then being able to celebrate yourself, all in real-time.

Passing defense looks more solid as well... no more 7 INT games.
# 116 D.Winn @ 04/28/08 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by Pared

Anyway, I'm actually excited for the game. I know everyone is knocking it for what they added... but what they added sure will be "F-U-N."

Imagine playing someone... breaking open a big run to get the go-ahead score... and then being able to celebrate yourself, all in real-time.

Passing defense looks more solid as well... no more 7 INT games.

How can the passing look more solid on freshman? I saw tebow roll out and throw a bomb on 3 people. I hope you're being sarcastic.
# 117 Pared @ 04/28/08 03:40 PM
I'm not being sarcastic. I don't care that it was on Freshman.

The defenders were knocking the ball down instead of catching it.
# 118 BrianFifaFan @ 04/28/08 03:48 PM
I will say that I am more than a little bummed about the fact that the game still lacks presentation on the front end. Itr makes me pretty sure that the end of the game will still be boring, as well. I, for the life of me, can't get the design choice decision to not have cutscenes to add to the overall experience. For the offline player this element alone adds depth and immersion to keep playing. I mean that you player the whole season and get a end of game screen for the national championship with a cheap litte trophy. What's the point of playing 13 games? Fifa08 has some presentation elements. They could be better, but they give you that "atta-boy" at the end of the year. And UEFA reaaly blows that away. Why are Tiburons titles so painfully bland?

This whole generation of EA titles are really boring when it comes to the presentation. Madden seems to have gotten a clue from the many complaints of the fanbase. But the NCAA team didn't seem to get it enough. Sure the on the field, in game seems better but what about the build-up? If there is no big celebration after the game or big hype up to it, it simply becomes boring. And monotonous. Tiburon has really made a goof this gen assuming that the vast majority of gamers are the online or head to head types. Unless this game really steps up the presentation, I'll go with Madden and Head Coach. That team seems to have put forth the effort to create a fuller experience for the solo player.
# 119 SageInfinite @ 04/28/08 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
I'm not being sarcastic. I don't care that it was on Freshman.

The defenders were knocking the ball down instead of catching it.
Before the impressions were yanked they said interceptions were still a problem.
# 120 SageInfinite @ 04/28/08 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by Briankingsfan
I will say that I am more than a little bummed about the fact that the game still lacks presentation on the front end. Itr makes me pretty sure that the end of the game will still be boring, as well. I, for the life of me, can't get the design choice decision to not have cutscenes to add to the overall experience. For the offline player this element alone adds depth and immersion to keep playing. I mean that you player the whole season and get a end of game screen for the national championship with a cheap litte trophy. What's the point of playing 13 games? Fifa08 has some presentation elements. They could be better, but they give you that "atta-boy" at the end of the year. And UEFA reaaly blows that away. Why are Tiburons titles so painfully bland?

This whole generation of EA titles are really boring when it comes to the presentation. Madden seems to have gotten a clue from the many complaints of the fanbase. But the NCAA team didn't seem to get it enough. Sure the on the field, in game seems better but what about the build-up? If there is no big celebration after the game or big hype up to it, it simply becomes boring. And monotonous. Tiburon has really made a goof this gen assuming that the vast majority of gamers are the online or head to head types. Unless this game really steps up the presentation, I'll go with Madden and Head Coach. That team seems to have put forth the effort to create a fuller experience for the solo player.
. Hopefully Madden comes through FINALLY on the presentation front.

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