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GameStop has posted their weekly Madden Monday.

"If you're a Madden fan, passing the time from now until the August 12 release of Madden NFL 09 can be like watching the movement of the minute hand on a clock. Sure, you can watch the NBA or NHL playoffs, but it's just not the same, is it? And baseball? You'd probably prefer the clock-hand thing.

We're here to make it easier for you over the next several weeks because we're beginning a new weekly segment called "Madden Mondays." Exclusively here at the GameStop blog, we'll reveal a different feature for Madden NFL 09 every Monday that nobody else knows about. These are not necessarily THE new features of Madden NFL 09, but they are nonetheless interesting features that the good folks at EA Sports will reveal to us before they give them to anyone else. While they are keeping many of the core features under wraps until later, you can rest assured that they are working to make Madden NFL 09 the most realistic experience ever, and they would never just add purple horseshoes to their cereal and call it a day."

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Member Comments
# 21 SageInfinite @ 04/14/08 10:34 PM
Always nice to get some Madden info, especially this early. This is not really a big deal, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it. The lighting and the detail in that screenshot looks really good to me.
# 22 spankdatazz22 @ 04/14/08 11:18 PM
Yeah really early - game doesn't release for another four months. Interesting marketing approach; this is the first Spring I can remember that's somewhat thick w/heavy hitters releasing in succession (GTA 4, Star Wars, Ninja Gaiden, Metal Gear). Perhaps a way to make sure the game stays in the general dialogue
# 23 bkrich83 @ 04/14/08 11:25 PM
To be honest is this probably a feature I'll never use.
# 24 inkcil @ 04/15/08 12:24 AM
Well, I say bring back ALL of the last-gen features that added to the depth an immersion of the game. You won't hear me complain. I'd rather have those old features in than to not have them. They've proven for 3 years in a row that leaving out the old-gen features DOES NOT make the game better.

If we have to wait for them to get the gameplay right first, then we will NEVER get these features back in the game. So I say, good job EA, bring it on. Better late than never.
# 25 FlyingFinn @ 04/15/08 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by countryboy
I actually think that this is going to be one of the best Madden's that we have ever seen. But thats just me.
On next gen, that isn't a very tough feat!
# 26 CM Hooe @ 04/15/08 11:05 AM
A neat little addition for this year's game, but this feature alone won't turn my opinion around on next-gen Madden.

Hopefully you can punt the ball into the stands like in one of the old NCAA Football games, lol.
# 27 BezO @ 04/15/08 12:01 PM

More substance, EA. Please. Until the QB pocket, player interaction, animations & AI are up to par, I can't get excited about these perpheral features.
# 28 countryboy @ 04/15/08 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by Joborule
How many times have we said that the past few years.

Time for EA to prove to the community that will be the best one ever and meet expectations, because you can only say it so many times and not prove it to the community majority wise.
I don't how many times you've guys have said it, but I've said it a few times and have yet to be let down.
# 29 countryboy @ 04/15/08 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by FlyingFinn
On next gen, that isn't a very tough feat!
I am saying that I think it will be the best Madden that we've ever seen.
# 30 Rhudey @ 04/15/08 06:15 PM
Actually having weather in games would be cool too
# 31 countryboy @ 04/15/08 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Rhudey
Actually having weather in games would be cool too
I take it you are talking about franchise games?
# 32 GrnEyedBanditTN @ 04/15/08 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by hcook21
Doesn' it look as if Randy Moss in the above pic have nike cleats instead of them lame reebok cleats ea have been using in the past
I certainly hope that they are Nike. It was ******** for every player to wear Reebok... pure laziness! It only makes for Nike to be included considering the commerial that came out toward the end of the '07 season which used the Madden '08 engine. Also, toward the middle to end of the season, Nike was making NFL gloves. I actually bought a pair to workout in two weeks ago!!!
# 33 Skyboxer @ 04/17/08 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by countryboy
I am saying that I think it will be the best Madden that we've ever seen.
Did EA hire new programmers? That's the only way that it would possible to get what you are thinking.... IMO of course.
Sorry to sound bitter but Madden hasn't been nothing but a black spot on next gen gaming and I see nothing yet that says this year will be any different. Will they deliver? I freaking hope so. Counting on it? Not even remotely.
# 34 countryboy @ 04/17/08 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Did EA hire new programmers? That's the only way that it would possible to get what you are thinking.... IMO of course.
Sorry to sound bitter but Madden hasn't been nothing but a black spot on next gen gaming and I see nothing yet that says this year will be any different. Will they deliver? I freaking hope so. Counting on it? Not even remotely.
opinions vary.
# 35 ODogg @ 04/20/08 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by loudiamonds1979
Yeah, Ea's about 4 years late. 2k5 also had halftime and postgame show. Man EA is lazy. I hope they improve the game but I'm not holding my breath!!!
So EA should just not bring any features ESPN had 4 years ago then? Jeesh, you guys find a way to criticize either way. If they don't bring in features a previous game had then you're furious. If they do bring it in then you're mocking them.
# 36 countryboy @ 04/20/08 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by ODogg
So EA should just not bring any features ESPN had 4 years ago then? Jeesh, you guys find a way to criticize either way. If they don't bring in features a previous game had then you're furious. If they do bring it in then you're mocking them.
thats the way it is these days man. EA could do everything exactly like 2k5 and it still wouldn't be right because the cover still says EA.
# 37 spankdatazz22 @ 04/20/08 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
thats the way it is these days man. EA could do everything exactly like 2k5 and it still wouldn't be right because the cover still says EA.
If they did everything exactly like 2K5 they'd deserve to be criticized - 2K5 was four years ago. From my understanding, both FIFA and NHL '08 have taken their respective genres beyond what came before it, even though those titles had their own rough years in next gen. Yet now they're celebrated. That's the reason EA doesn't deserve a lot of credit for adding last gen features. People want them to go beyond what's already been done, not take years to implement what 2K5 and Madden did last generation. The problem is the game has been so bad that for some of you the only bar Tiburon has to meet is to simply make a competent game.
# 38 bkrich83 @ 04/20/08 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by ODogg
So EA should just not bring any features ESPN had 4 years ago then? Jeesh, you guys find a way to criticize either way. If they don't bring in features a previous game had then you're furious. If they do bring it in then you're mocking them.
Yup that's the rub. If they don't have the last gen features, people complain, and if they implement them people complain. It's a no win situation. But it makes it easier for certain individuals to push their little agenda's and blind company loyalties.

It's certainly become the popular trend to pile on to EA at any given chance. Which is unfortunate. While I have not been a big fan of Madden the last couple of years, I'll actually wait until I get some quality time with the game, before passing judgement.
# 39 countryboy @ 04/21/08 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
If they did everything exactly like 2K5 they'd deserve to be criticized - 2K5 was four years ago. From my understanding, both FIFA and NHL '08 have taken their respective genres beyond what came before it, even though those titles had their own rough years in next gen. Yet now they're celebrated. That's the reason EA doesn't deserve a lot of credit for adding last gen features. People want them to go beyond what's already been done, not take years to implement what 2K5 and Madden did last generation. The problem is the game has been so bad that for some of you the only bar Tiburon has to meet is to simply make a competent game.
then why did I hear last year that Madden was terrible because they didn't have LG features? And people said they wanted LG features in the game. And now they add them, and its still not good enough? And why do I hear that Madden should implement this and that, that was done by 2k? As I said before, EA is in a no win situation.

And I agree that its disappointing that Madden has lacked these features and the atmosphere on CG that it had LG. With that said, you have to crawl before you walk. Maybe they are taking to scenic route to get to where many of us want the game to be, but at least they are making the trip.

Now, I'll sit back and await your next, but certainly not last, anti-EA/Tiburon/Madden post and for you to tell me how silly I am to be happy with the product that EA is delivering. Go ahead, post away, I'll wait.
# 40 djordan @ 04/21/08 10:53 AM
Snow Day! Madden Mondays Week 2: Weather

Although some games are played in domes, football remains one of the sports in which weather can be a factor. Some of the most memorable football moments come when teams battle the elements and each other. Who can forget last year's blizzard-like Seahawks vs. Packers playoff game, or the 1967 "Ice Bowl?"

For our continuing Madden Mondays series, EA Sports has given us another exclusive sneak peek at one of the features of Madden NFL 09, shipping out August 12, as well as the 20th Anniversary Collector's Edition of Madden NFL 09 for Xbox 360 and PS3. In their efforts to enhance the drama and emotion of a real football game, they've taken on the weather.

To give Mother Nature the respect she deserves, they've overhauled everything from Madden 08 to give you a movie-like experience. One of these overhauls is fog, and lots of it. It gives a greater sense of depth and scale and makes the stadiums seem huge. We've heard that no two snowflakes are alike, and although we haven't seen every flake in Madden 09, we can tell you the snow is more realistic than ever. You'll see deeper snow on the fields, with dramatic accumulation and realistic wear from play. Player's footsteps will leave imprints, snow will be piled on the sidelines and the yardage lines will be shoveled, just like in a real game. We probably won't see a snowplow clearing off a space for a field goal since the NFL banned their use after the infamous 1982 "Snowplow Game." But you never know.

Improved color correction and stadium light bloom mean that you'll see the steam of a player's breath on a frosty night, as well as splashes of water when his feet hit the rain-covered turf. And the 3-dimensional interaction that snow and rain particles have with the wind may tempt you to bundle up when you play. You'll see it all at a movie-quality 60 FPS rate on the Xbox 360 and PS3. All of these subtle differences add up to give you an immersive NFL experience that may tempt you to bundle up.

Remember, these exclusive peeks aren't necessarily the main new features. They're just the tip of the iceberg. EA Sports is keeping the rest of the iceberg top secret for now. But we will continue to chip away at the iceberg with another exclusive every Monday for the next six weeks.


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