MLB 2K8 News Post

Operation Sports' Chase Becotte just posted our first Metareview, a new feature at OS, looking at how Major League Baseball 2k8 is doing with the critics.

No single opinion should be taken as the end all be all, so at OS we want to be a hub for readers to get a wide range of opinions. So in addition to the info we provide via our review -- and the info the forum members bring to the table -- we also want to provide some excerpts from various MLB 2K8 reviews. That way people have not only the OS review and forums, but also some other interesting opinions from various types of gaming media outlets. An educated consumer is a happy consumer after all.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 gosensgo101 @ 03/10/08 09:48 PM
How can someone say that MLB 2k8 "lacks authenticity". Its the first game to ever use the analog stick to pitch, and (I believe) throw. If MLB 2k8 isn't "authentic" I'm not sure what is.
# 2 gbx34 @ 03/10/08 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by gosensgo101
How can someone say that MLB 2k8 "lacks authenticity". Its the first game to ever use the analog stick to pitch, and (I believe) throw. If MLB 2k8 isn't "authentic" I'm not sure what is.

MVP NCAA 05 uses analog to hit, throw.
MVP NCAA 06 uses analog to pitch.
# 3 Blzer @ 03/10/08 10:31 PM
I don't even think that's how one would use "authenticity" as an example. When I think of authenticity, I think of players looking and moving like themselves, stadiums being properly represented, and realistic broadcast-like presentatoin. I only think the first item on that list has been done very well, though they seemed to have toned down some faces this year.
# 4 Brophog @ 03/11/08 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by gosensgo101
How can someone say that MLB 2k8 "lacks authenticity". Its the first game to ever use the analog stick to pitch, and (I believe) throw. If MLB 2k8 isn't "authentic" I'm not sure what is.
Have ballplayers in the post steroid age moved to analog sticks instead of bats and gloves?
# 5 CMH @ 03/11/08 08:19 AM
Like Blzer said, authenticy includes the look and emotion on the field from the players to the fans.

Right now, the only thing MLB2k8 does right in terms of authenticity is the signature stuff - walkups, stances, pitching motions, how uniforms are worn, etc.

Their crowd and atmosphere is still not authentic to the MLB experience. And the presentation and announcing is behind that of even the Triple Play series.

I mean, MLB2k8 doesn't even have every single team uniform available in their game.

These are the little things that they need to have to give people a reason to overlook their problems.
# 6 cocobee @ 03/11/08 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
Like Blzer said, authenticy includes the look and emotion on the field from the players to the fans.

Right now, the only thing MLB2k8 does right in terms of authenticity is the signature stuff - walkups, stances, pitching motions, how uniforms are worn, etc.

Their crowd and atmosphere is still not authentic to the MLB experience. And the presentation and announcing is behind that of even the Triple Play series.

I mean, MLB2k8 doesn't even have every single team uniform available in their game.

These are the little things that they need to have to give people a reason to overlook their problems.
I would include the graphics are below par as far as next generation games are concerned. I actually think they took 2 steps back from last year.

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