MLB 2K8 News Post

We have just posted screenshots from all of the major league stadiums, from our beta copy of Major League Baseball 2K8. Did they capture your favorite stadium correctly?

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 21 SPTO @ 02/29/08 12:59 PM
Thank the Baby Jesus they actually put in artificial turf at Rogers Center! Even then there's still a problem. The turf is a little too pristine. The Jays' turf isn't as nice looking as Minnesota's as it has some areas that are more faded then others in RL.
# 22 chapmanosu1 @ 02/29/08 01:03 PM
There might be a few inaccuracies, but I think most the stadiums LOOK really good.
# 23 RedLine @ 02/29/08 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Thanks, Steve!

Looks like Busch Stadium was corrected, but it pisses me off they haven't corrected Miller Park or updated PETCO Park.
Yeah Blzer, as a regular fan at Petco Park it looks like from this picture that Petco Park was not updated. There should be more buildings in the background, as the park is almost fully enclosed now with hi-rise condos, etc.

Also, it doesn't look like they adjusted the distance to right-center. As you know, they moved that wall in about 10 feet to about 400 ft now. Considering they said they spent time updating all the wall heights and distances, it's a little disappointing.

I would also like to see them show the new Tony Gwynn statue in some of the intro video. I doubt it's there this year, but maybe in 2K9.

Overall it still looks nice, not sure until I see it in hi-def though. Hopefully they didn't sacrifce too much other detal for the 60 fps.
# 24 ab713 @ 02/29/08 01:28 PM
Nobody probably cares but Dolphin Stadium is completely wrong.
# 25 ehh @ 02/29/08 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Yes, but at least last year's game had seats. They took out the seats in this game to optimize for 60 FPS.

Hopefully they can find ways to up the graphics and maintain 60 FPS next year.
Eh, I'll take 60 FPS over individual seats eight days a week.
# 26 CarryTheWeight @ 02/29/08 01:54 PM
The stadiums, for the most part, look good. I'm hoping they'll rebuild most of the stadiums from scratch in 2K9 (since KushGamer said that 2K recently hired a new "atmosphere guy"), but who knows at this point. Can't stand that they still haven't updated Rogers, but I'm not too mad.

Are Minor League stadium pics next on the agenda, Steve?

EDIT: Oops, my bad. Saw a few minors in there...
# 27 Tomba @ 02/29/08 02:23 PM
Colors look off. reminds me a lot of MVP 2005.

I think the graphical engine is to blame for the framerate issue it's almost as if it's contrast and brightness(which are the culprits in framerates) are also off or too exaggerated so they had to put a blur effect to calm those effects down...
# 28 rock85 @ 02/29/08 02:40 PM
Liked the stadiums alot , and i loved the minor league parks as well. Can't wait to get the game
# 29 soltrain @ 02/29/08 03:23 PM
US Cellular's scoreboard is the wrong color. It hasn't been blue for about 3 or 4 years now. It's weird though, they put in the fan deck - and the scoreboard color changed in that same year.
# 30 rvaswan1103 @ 02/29/08 04:10 PM
Dodger Stadium: Outfield wall color is wrong (why is is GREEN ?!), missing flags in center. Big gigantic speaker in center is missing. Bullpen walls are incorrect. "Think Blue" sign is not visible in background. Retired numbers in outfield roof not there. Outfield # markers for feet is not there (380, 395 , etc). Moutains in back incorrect and the parking lot is 100% wrong (not a big deal for those). Baseline seats are incorrect.
# 31 ehh @ 02/29/08 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by UncleMo
I can tell right now graphically this look like a minor upgrade from MVP.
WTH? Because of non-HD screens? I have never seen so many people bashing a game over crappy res screens and vids. Unreal.
# 32 blackngoldfan @ 02/29/08 04:31 PM
I don't see how some of you guys can have fun with the game being so critical. This game has a ton of new signature stances, new right stick gameplay mechanics, 90 minor league teams, new user interface, possibly custom music, more camera angles, etc. Damn, I don't get it. OK, some of the parks need to be updated a little, but they look beautiful. If you took all of the signage and logos off those screenshots, you still would know every stadium. Instead of putting a fresh coat of paint on a broken product, they're actually trying to fix the broken product, but some of you guys are still worrying about the paint.
# 33 A.M. Son @ 02/29/08 04:34 PM
I've mentioned this before- last year the stadiums looked a little "off" in all the beta footage, only to see that some were fixed for the final version. I know for sure that the Fenway .406 club as fixed in the final build last year, whereas it wasn't in the beta/ demo footage.
So what I'm saying is don't judge the book by the beta cover... lets all wait for the final version. I'm not saying they'll all be perfect, but who knows, maybe they'll surprise us with a few treats!
I sure hope so!
# 34 Fatalah @ 02/29/08 04:41 PM
Right off the bat -- that's the wrong NY logo behind home plate at Yankee Stadium.
# 35 sirwoodz @ 02/29/08 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by blackngoldfan
I don't see how some of you guys can have fun with the game being so critical. This game has a ton of new signature stances, new right stick gameplay mechanics, 90 minor league teams, new user interface, possibly custom music, more camera angles, etc. Damn, I don't get it. OK, some of the parks need to be updated a little, but they look beautiful. If you took all of the signage and logos off those screenshots, you still would know every stadium. Instead of putting a fresh coat of paint on a broken product, they're actually trying to fix the broken product, but some of you guys are still worrying about the paint.
- it baffles my mind too...sometimes I think i'm the only person on the internet that actually sees no problem with the game from anything I've seen.
# 36 blackngoldfan @ 02/29/08 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by rvaswan1103
Dodger Stadium: Outfield wall color is wrong (why is is GREEN ?!), missing flags in center. Big gigantic speaker in center is missing. Bullpen walls are incorrect. "Think Blue" sign is not visible in background. Retired numbers in outfield roof not there. Outfield # markers for feet is not there (380, 395 , etc). Moutains in back incorrect and the parking lot is 100% wrong (not a big deal for those). Baseline seats are incorrect.
The "Think Blue" sign is there. You gotta look close. It's right under "pitching tutorial" in the menu. The menu almost shades it out. I see the 2 flag poles in center also. I think the flages are just laying flat because of no wind, or we are just facing the edges dead-on.
# 37 blackngoldfan @ 02/29/08 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by sirwoodz
- it baffles my mind too...sometimes I think i'm the only person on the internet that actually sees no problem with the game from anything I've seen.
You definitely are not the only one. I'm so anxious about this game it's making me sick. I can't stay away from the computer for 15 minutes, just to see if something has been updated. Another thing is I can't leave the house. I tracked my xbox360 and it's on a FedEX truck in town and will be delivered today (3 red lights). Perfect timing huh?
# 38 brendanrfoley @ 02/29/08 05:03 PM
I understand the need to want everything perfect, but I'm not totally hung up on it.

To this day, I think a tweaked "tune file" and High Heat 2002 is the best baseball experience out there. MVP 05 is an incredibly close second. And, I think MLB Power Pros is a freakin' blast.

All of those game have inconsistencies. High Heat was downright ugly, even for its time. MVP had issues (sometimes, homerun trots never touched first base), and Power Pros... well... it has its own look and horrible commentary. But they're all fun to play.

I can live with inaccuracies at Fenway, or any other stadium, if the game plays well (and smoothly) between the lines. And if it's fun.
# 39 ehh @ 02/29/08 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by blackngoldfan
You definitely are not the only one. I'm so anxious about this game it's making me sick.
I'm ecstatic as well. It hurts to not have a baseball game for three straight years now that I've really loved and gotten into long-term. I think 2K8 could be that. The amount of nitpicking going into this game is unreal. Almost everything I've seen so far I've liked and I haven't even experienced it in true HD yet. I have a feeling Tuesday will be a very good day.
# 40 nccomicfan @ 02/29/08 05:10 PM
most of it looks fine, but like Carew said I guess 2k just chooses to pretend there's not a gigantic structure going up behind Shea

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