MLB 2K8 News Post

We have just posted some Operation Sports exclusive screenshots from Major League Baseball 2K8.
"Major League Baseball® 2K8 returns to the diamond with the most complete MLB® experience available on every major video game console. Revolutionizing your control of the 5 tools in baseball are brand new pitching, fielding and baserunning controls and completely overhauled batting interface. Featuring a totally unique trading card mode, robust Minor League™ system, all-new Signature Style™ animations for 2008, and more, Major League Baseball® 2K8 brings a new level of fun to the virtual baseball world."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/24/08 12:33 PM
Steve, does this mean OS has received a DEMO Disc from 2k LA?
# 2 TwinsTerritory @ 02/24/08 12:36 PM
The way Garza just stands is impressive. As a Twins fan, I saw him pitch, and just that part of him looks real.

These pictures look like they're from the final build, much better than some of the others, and they show signature styles well.

Also, the Rays jerseys look pretty nice...
# 3 donbo63 @ 02/24/08 12:38 PM
Very nice
# 4 Pigskin11 @ 02/24/08 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
We have just posted some Operation Sports exclusive screenshots from Major League Baseball 2K8.
blzer beat you too it.

LOCK it up...just kidding
# 5 bomberooski @ 02/24/08 12:49 PM
Stadium backgrounds look really good. And I dig the glove that Reyes is wearing
# 6 brendanrfoley @ 02/24/08 12:50 PM
Looking nice.

The dirt textures appear to be the same as 2K7, but it does look like volumetric grass had to bite the dust in order to lock in 60fps.

It may not look quite as nice as that "other" game, but it doesn't look bad either. 2K8 looks pretty darn nice.
# 7 Steve_OS @ 02/24/08 12:51 PM
Blzer is quick! Use this one from now on guys, to keep it organized.
# 8 SportsTop @ 02/24/08 12:53 PM
It looks pretty good. I'll definitely give it a rent.
# 9 Steve_OS @ 02/24/08 12:53 PM
# 10 hdaniel1 @ 02/24/08 01:00 PM
Screenshots look amazing!
# 11 A.M. Son @ 02/24/08 01:04 PM
I don't know, they just don't "wow" me. I think more and more I'm searching for something to really appeal to me about this game.... I can't really explain it.
# 12 brendanrfoley @ 02/24/08 01:40 PM
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I have a hard time understanding the hate this game is receiving from this board.

Maybe it's because last year's title over-promised and under-delivered, but 2K8 has an all new hitting model, a new pitching mechanic, Sliders that actually work, and now runs at 60fps.

Everyone who's played it says it's much improved over last year and a lot of fun to play. So what's the problem again?
# 13 RedLine @ 02/24/08 02:20 PM
I think the anti-aliasing really makes the game look sharper overall, especially the players.

Even if the graphics are toned down a little, it still looks good in the pics and I expect it to look nicer on a big screen HDTV.

The one thing that stands out as not looking so hot is the grass, very flat, 2D. Oh well.
# 14 NYJets @ 02/24/08 02:27 PM
Is it just me or does the wall at Fenway Park look really weird?

The padding on the monster/centerfield wall looks like it's own seperate fence in front of the actual wall.
# 15 brendanrfoley @ 02/24/08 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by NYJets
Is it just me or does the wall at Fenway Park look really weird?

The padding on the monster/centerfield wall looks like it's own seperate fence in front of the actual wall.
Now that you mention it, I see what you're looking at. It looks like the padding doesn't follow the centerfield wall into left center. I'm sure it's just a lighting thing!
# 16 MizzouRah @ 02/24/08 02:35 PM
Thanks for posting these, they look great!
# 17 MildlyPsycho @ 02/24/08 04:43 PM
The pic of Hardy is really sweet. Gotta have the big slide in the background.
# 18 unlikelyhero56 @ 02/24/08 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by sask3m
hey if these are exclusive OS demo pics throw us bone guys, tell us if the bat sounds are fixed

Brinkman already stated that yes the bat sounds are all new this year
# 19 Spin @ 02/24/08 09:37 PM
now those are nice.
# 20 Mrcabone @ 02/24/08 10:52 PM
Nice screens,can't wait till the 3rd.

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