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nemss316 is offline
# 4
nemss316 @ May 4, 2014
Good deal! Game is awesome, I just hope the lighting issues are patched.
mselite87 is offline
# 3
mselite87 @ May 4, 2014
thanks man. It all worked out. A different store, but I pulled some stops and got it...wouldn't be playing right now though if it wasn't for you. You da man!
nemss316 is offline
# 2
nemss316 @ May 3, 2014
Glad you enjoyed it! I got it at slackers in south county. They had quite a few yesterday. Good luck!
mselite87 is offline
# 1
mselite87 @ May 3, 2014
What's up man. Appreciate the stream! I'm from StL as well and I couldn't help but notice you said you got the game from a local store. If it's a thing where you knew somebody and that's how you got it early I totally understand. But I figured it was worth asking for the location if it was possible that I could get the game early as well. Either way I enjoy your stream. Go Birds!!!

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