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waterloo24 is offline
# 17
waterloo24 @ May 3, 2015
Originally Posted by lemonyarmadillo
Hi there. What do you want for one of your epics? I'm interested in your Triston Thompson
hey I dont see chalkboard messages on my phone only now when Im on the computer. I also now have an EPIC David Lee plus my other epics. what cards do you have to trade and how many credits do you have?
EliGKStar is offline
# 16
EliGKStar @ May 3, 2015
Originally Posted by lemonyarmadillo
I meant the David Lee not the thompson
no, sorry - I'm looking for trades of untrained epics with a trained UR, I don't want to lose credits over those deals.
EliGKStar is offline
# 15
EliGKStar @ May 3, 2015
I got some epics untrained I can sell for a trained UR (PF - only david lee).
I can buy your card for 500 than you bid on mine, but if you got 300 only, 500 after tax will only be 350, so you are 150 short. let me know if you find some more budget
Ghostface Killah is offline
# 14
Ghostface Killah @ May 3, 2015
Mostly good faith lol, but there's a ''Good transactions'' thread on the forum where you give props to the person you just traded with and I also put all the people I do deals with in my signatures to let people know they are legit. Ofc, there's always bad people tryin to get your credits, you should look for those in ''Scammers/Bad deals'' thread.
Ghostface Killah is offline
# 13
Ghostface Killah @ May 3, 2015
No problem, thank you. If you need any other epic or legendary cards in the future, let me know. Have a good one

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