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Boilerbuzz is offline
# 2
Boilerbuzz @ Aug 14, 2010
Originally Posted by kempes84
Hi man, you seem to know the game pretty well. I have a question about the headbands issue. Is there any way I can update the roster without losing my changes like rotations, shoe color, sig shots, etc? It's just I've edited so much... thanks.
Sorry dude. I know this is WAY late, that it doesn't matter anymore. Just letting you know that I didn't ignore your question. I don't think avoid losing your changes. A new roster replaces the one you had as far as I know. Sorry. But I guess you already found out.

Take care.
Boilerbuzz is offline
# 1
Boilerbuzz @ Nov 9, 2009
Originally Posted by kempes84
Hi man, you seem to know the game pretty well. I have a question about the headbands issue. Is there any way I can update the roster without losing my changes like rotations, shoe color, sig shots, etc? It's just I've edited so much... thanks.
Sorry man. Wish I knew of a way it could be done. The headbands, it would seem, are controlled by the part of the roster file that we can't change.

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