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DJazzyJefff23 is offline
# 1
DJazzyJefff23 @ Mar 15, 2014
What's up man,

You still looking for a sim Madden league? I currently have two spots open, and am looking to get filled with only the best owners.

A little about us: We're currently midway through Season 2, with a good core group of guys that are active, sim, and act like a community. I put too much time into running the league for it not to be the best around, so we are always looking for ways to improve and take us to the next level.

For example, we recently just upgraded to Twitter for league updates and news, and have plans on expanding and having our own form of ESPN just for the league.

I could really go on all day, but if you're looking to get into a league that's going to be around for a very long time, you're in luck. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

Everything you need to get set up is in this link:

I look forward to speaking to you more in the future.

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