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Tomkmb is offline
# 3
Tomkmb @ Jul 3, 2021
Originally Posted by hardcor2
No problem! Happy my post helped you out!
Ah I'm glad you saw this! May I ask, just for my own understanding. When I make the amendments to that binary looking stuff using hex, taking the line from the default and amending the line on the edit......what am I actually doing there? What is that fixing? and why is it happening?

This is more for my own troubleshooting and peace of mind in the future!

Thanks mate
Tomkmb is offline
# 2
Tomkmb @ Jun 25, 2021
Hey dude, I'm just writing to thank you for your detailed post on how to access Mjavons dynamic dynasty tool for xbox 360 without getting the 'file corrupted' error when transferring it back into the console. You're a real life saver, it's allowing me to enjoy this fantastic tool. I tried to PM you this but who knows if you'll see it! Either way, thanks again.

GatorGlory is offline
# 1
GatorGlory @ Feb 21, 2019
Hey...I'm in need of a little help with Modio

I downloaded the file from your post but when I install it I get a message that "Couldn't load the newsfeed" and signing up fails (404 error) because the server for "game-tuts" server is down

Soory to ask but....How do I get modio to work?

Thanks in advance

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