
MLB Formulas - All Teams plus Montreal

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Old 05-21-2018, 06:58 PM   #1
RandallB21's Arena
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MLB Formulas - All Teams plus Montreal

Here’s all the team formulas. Will be adding WBC teams soon

SUGGESTION: Work the layers from the bottom up. It works much better



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Last edited by RandallB21; 05-22-2018 at 11:28 PM.
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Old 05-21-2018, 09:44 PM   #2
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Re: MLB Formulas - All Teams plus Montreal

Originally Posted by RandallB21
Here’s all the team formulas. Will be adding WBC teams soon
Very impressive Randall, however I'm not sure how to use your formula to make an Oriole Name/Logo/Colors.
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Old 05-21-2018, 11:47 PM   #3
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Re: MLB Formulas - All Teams plus Montreal

Originally Posted by JayBee74
Very impressive Randall, however I'm not sure how to use your formula to make an Oriole Name/Logo/Colors.
I am glad you asked. I have the same question. I figured i was just me because other people seemed ro be having no trouble. Totally foreign to me.

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Old 05-22-2018, 12:51 AM   #4
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Re: MLB Formulas - All Teams plus Montreal

Originally Posted by JayBee74
Very impressive Randall, however I'm not sure how to use your formula to make an Oriole Name/Logo/Colors.

Do you mean how to use the coordinates to build the logos?
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Old 05-22-2018, 01:19 AM   #5
RandallB21's Arena
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Re: MLB Formulas - All Teams plus Montreal

Originally Posted by JayBee74
Very impressive Randall, however I'm not sure how to use your formula to make an Oriole Name/Logo/Colors.

What are you unsure of? I am willing to help

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Old 05-22-2018, 10:01 AM   #6
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Re: MLB Formulas - All Teams plus Montreal

Originally Posted by KBLover
Do you mean how to use the coordinates to build the logos?
Yes, that's one of the things, LOL.

Originally Posted by RandallB21
What are you unsure of? I am willing to help
Generally how to do it, LOL. Appreciate it Randall whenever you get the time.
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Old 05-22-2018, 12:28 PM   #7
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Re: MLB Formulas - All Teams plus Montreal

Originally Posted by JayBee74
Yes, that's one of the things, LOL.

Generally how to do it, LOL. Appreciate it Randall whenever you get the time.

What he's giving in the layers and the order they need to be in.

So, for example, if I wanted to make the B for the Red Sox (picking that one since it's two layers so I can do it).

First, of course, Customize -> Teams -> Add Team (since I'm starting a new edit) then pick whoever because you're going to delete it all anyway.

Then, I delete the existing layers so I have a blank canvas.

Now, I can start building the logo.

The first column is the layer name. Things like "Rectangle 2" are shape layers, things like "Sock" are either mascots or props. Text names (like "B" or "ARLINS") in the column are text layers. "Outline" is an outline layer. For shape and props, you want to create an Image layer (Mascots, Shapes and Props are tabs that appear when you create an image layer).

So, to make the B, I need to create a layer and this is text so I need a Text Layer. When I select it, the game asks me for the text I want. In this case, I type a "B". Then, the name of my layer is now "B". That's where the name comes from in the formula. This naming convention applies to all layers. So if I had done "Rectangle 2" that would be the name of the layer. Or the Socks image, "Socks" would be the name of the layer.

Next, I apply the design in the formula. The B is supposed to be Red. So I go to the color box (the box with the number in it...the number refers to the color in the color pallete, that's all, and what is in there depends on the team you picked to start). Red is not one of the colors in my palette, so I click the box with the + in it to create a new color. Then I use the color picker to make Red and select it.

Now my B is red. Next, I use the coordinates to position it. Select the "B" layer and then hit the "Move" button (X if using a controller, the box with the horizontal and vertical lines in it if using a mouse). Now you get to play with the coordinates and scale of the layer. At this point, set them to match what the formula gives.

That layer done, I move to the next. I do Create Layer -> Outline. It should start under my existing B layer, which is fine because that's the order in the formula.

Order of the layers does matter. It's how the game prioritizes what to render on top of something else. Maybe not so much for something simple like this B, but for something like building the red socks or the Oriole, I imagine it would make a difference.

So, back to the outline. Now that I have my outline layer, I do the same thing, follow the formula. Color needs to be white. So I go to my palette, and white is listed this time, so I select it.

Next is setting the thickness of the line. The "4th thickness" in the formula is which of the thickness settings to use. Since it starts out on a thickness as the "1st thickness", I need to go up 3 more. To do that, click the box with the multiple lines in it three times.

And now, it should be done.

Ahh, but I made a mistake! I put this as the primary logo. This is the hat logo!

It's fine. Keep calm and copy the design.

On top of the canvas, you have the logo picker. In the future, I need to make sure I've picked the right logo to edit. I rushed (because I should be working, not playing SMB2, ) and now I have an extra, though simple, couple of steps.

So how do I get my B over there without starting over? I make my logo with the B active, in this case Primary Logo, then select "Copy Logo" (Y button if using a controller). The game shows me the same logo picker but asks me to pick where I want to copy the logo. I need to be careful because this will overwrite whatever I pick.

Rushing here could be catastrophic. Well...at least it could throw away a lot of work. You won't die, your pets won't hate you, your partner won't leave you, and your computer or console won't blow up. Probably. Hopefully.

Since I need to copy what's in my Primary Logo to Hat Logo, I select Hat Logo (Home), then do the process again so I can select Hat Logo (Away).

Of course, I do need to clear Primary Logo. So I select it and then delete the layers...and crisis avoided.

And there it is. I put the B on the hats.

I know this was just a simple, two-layer design, but hopefully it gives you some idea to get started. It's not as hard as it looks to follow the formula. Just a matter of getting comfortable with the editor.

I would also probably print the spreadsheet. It would be easier I think to have a hard copy to refer to instead of tabbing in and out of the game, especially since the game changes control scheme on the fly based on what you use.
"Some people call it butterflies, but to him, it probably feels like pterodactyls in his stomach." --Plesac in MLB18

Last edited by KBLover; 05-22-2018 at 12:35 PM.
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Old 05-22-2018, 04:08 PM   #8
RandallB21's Arena
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Re: MLB Formulas - All Teams plus Montreal

Originally Posted by KBLover
What he's giving in the layers and the order they need to be in.

So, for example, if I wanted to make the B for the Red Sox (picking that one since it's two layers so I can do it).

First, of course, Customize -> Teams -> Add Team (since I'm starting a new edit) then pick whoever because you're going to delete it all anyway.

Then, I delete the existing layers so I have a blank canvas.

Now, I can start building the logo.

The first column is the layer name. Things like "Rectangle 2" are shape layers, things like "Sock" are either mascots or props. Text names (like "B" or "ARLINS") in the column are text layers. "Outline" is an outline layer. For shape and props, you want to create an Image layer (Mascots, Shapes and Props are tabs that appear when you create an image layer).

So, to make the B, I need to create a layer and this is text so I need a Text Layer. When I select it, the game asks me for the text I want. In this case, I type a "B". Then, the name of my layer is now "B". That's where the name comes from in the formula. This naming convention applies to all layers. So if I had done "Rectangle 2" that would be the name of the layer. Or the Socks image, "Socks" would be the name of the layer.

Next, I apply the design in the formula. The B is supposed to be Red. So I go to the color box (the box with the number in it...the number refers to the color in the color pallete, that's all, and what is in there depends on the team you picked to start). Red is not one of the colors in my palette, so I click the box with the + in it to create a new color. Then I use the color picker to make Red and select it.

Now my B is red. Next, I use the coordinates to position it. Select the "B" layer and then hit the "Move" button (X if using a controller, the box with the horizontal and vertical lines in it if using a mouse). Now you get to play with the coordinates and scale of the layer. At this point, set them to match what the formula gives.

That layer done, I move to the next. I do Create Layer -> Outline. It should start under my existing B layer, which is fine because that's the order in the formula.

Order of the layers does matter. It's how the game prioritizes what to render on top of something else. Maybe not so much for something simple like this B, but for something like building the red socks or the Oriole, I imagine it would make a difference.

So, back to the outline. Now that I have my outline layer, I do the same thing, follow the formula. Color needs to be white. So I go to my palette, and white is listed this time, so I select it.

Next is setting the thickness of the line. The "4th thickness" in the formula is which of the thickness settings to use. Since it starts out on a thickness as the "1st thickness", I need to go up 3 more. To do that, click the box with the multiple lines in it three times.

And now, it should be done.

Ahh, but I made a mistake! I put this as the primary logo. This is the hat logo!

It's fine. Keep calm and copy the design.

On top of the canvas, you have the logo picker. In the future, I need to make sure I've picked the right logo to edit. I rushed (because I should be working, not playing SMB2, ) and now I have an extra, though simple, couple of steps.

So how do I get my B over there without starting over? I make my logo with the B active, in this case Primary Logo, then select "Copy Logo" (Y button if using a controller). The game shows me the same logo picker but asks me to pick where I want to copy the logo. I need to be careful because this will overwrite whatever I pick.

Rushing here could be catastrophic. Well...at least it could throw away a lot of work. You won't die, your pets won't hate you, your partner won't leave you, and your computer or console won't blow up. Probably. Hopefully.

Since I need to copy what's in my Primary Logo to Hat Logo, I select Hat Logo (Home), then do the process again so I can select Hat Logo (Away).

Of course, I do need to clear Primary Logo. So I select it and then delete the layers...and crisis avoided.

And there it is. I put the B on the hats.

I know this was just a simple, two-layer design, but hopefully it gives you some idea to get started. It's not as hard as it looks to follow the formula. Just a matter of getting comfortable with the editor.

I would also probably print the spreadsheet. It would be easier I think to have a hard copy to refer to instead of tabbing in and out of the game, especially since the game changes control scheme on the fly based on what you use.

Ahhh... what KBLover said

Thank you sir for those incredibly detailed instructions

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