Background: Hi all, I’ve primarily been in the NCAA scene, heading up the project of the OS sliders there. Also part of the OS Sliders for FIFA as well. In terms of football, that’s how I found OS all those years ago. I’m originally part of MaddenMania, and held a number of franchise reports there. I’ve been waiting for a real good Madden version to sink into, and this year’s has everything I’m looking for.
⏭ Game Settings
Skill Level: All-Pro or All-Madden
Game Speed: Normal
Game Style: Simulation
Quarter Length: 9 minutes
Accelerated Clock: Off
⏭ Gameplay Helpers
Ball Carrier Special Move: Manual (prev: Assist)
Defensive Auto Strafe: Off
Defensive Ball Hawk: On (prev: Off)
• Thanks to my good friend JoshC on this recommendation. I think it creates that extra sense of awareness and reaction that is necessary for both User and CPU.
QB Accuracy: 48/48 (prev: 52/52)
• Dropping this down from 52 back down to 48. Like the variety in the throws and some bad ones as well. Overall very pleased with this change.
Pass Blocking:20/20 (prev: 10/10)
• Bumped this up to help the CPU from instantly scrambling. Gives just a bit more time in the pocket, especially on Hail Mary's, etc. CPU loves their 4-verts as well, so this gives a bit more time.
WR Catching: 50/50 (prev: 48/48)
• Bumped this up because the hits are pretty instant in traffic, and about 90% of the time, the receivers are dropping the ball. IRL, these catches are made more often in traffic, especially by big tight ends or receivers, etc. This will also help the CPU QB be a lot more decisive, which is never a bad thing.
Run Blocking: 30/50 (prev: 30/35)
• With the stuck in mud glitch, there has to be some room to increase the CPU chances of getting more yards. I honestly have used this for my videos so far, and completely forgot to include it here in the OP. At least there is a good amount of sample size, and I'll gladly accept more CPU yardage at this point.
Fumbles: 52/52 (previous 48/48)
• 1.08 has the ball carrier run with the ball in a protective fashion already. So I figure, let's increase the chance of them fumbling and evade more tackles. Yes, the spin move is choice 1 for most runners, but at least it's for positive yardage.
Pass Defense Reaction Time:85/95 (prev: 50/52)
• This title update made the passing game frustratingly wide open. I had to remedy this by increasing the pass reaction and coverage to quite high numbers. Keep in mind, my set uses a lower threshold, so this type of high value actually works just fine. It still brings in the rating separation, but the key is that the defensive players are reacting to the ball in a realistic fashion.
Interceptions: 35/35 (prev: 35/45)
• It started to become a bit easy for defensive players to intercept the ball. Too many diving interceptions, etc. I wanted this to be unpredictable, relative to the type of pass/deflection that occurs.
Pass Coverage: 85/95 (prev: 48/95)
• Thankfully this value is no longer separate from CFM to Play Now, so I was able to test a lot more in different scenarios. Definitely seeing good coverage, and still seeing a separation in player ratings. Finding the proper matchups still key as they always are, and there’s always that chance that an unknown becomes well known.
Tackling: 46/46 (previous 48/48)
• The tackling at 48 was just a little too good. Form was perfect, and the big hits were pushing players completely off their feet. I wanted to see more wrap up tackling and more missed tackles in some cases. I think that's important to establish the pretty strong run game variety that is going on with this set. It's not to see more random play with the lowering of the tackle value.
⏭ Special Teams
• Keep in mind, these are personal preferences, but I believe the irony of special teams is just how important they are in a football game. There needs to be more error and more humanizing this speciality roles from default.
FG Power: 60
• I know some may not like this change, but I absolutely love it. As a former kicker myself, we can hit 55-60 yarders in practice. What most struggle with is the sync that is necessary between the snap to the kick, to the equipment (your helmet for example) worn. NFL kickers are the best in the world. They get paid to be able to have enough leg. EA seem to think this isn’t the case, and instead of focusing on the fundamentals of kicking (leg extension = height = distance), they focus on keeping the ball mid-level height. I want some oomph with the kicks, and let the accuracy then determine the quality.
FG Accuracy: 42
• With a higher power, there needs to be some risk/reward, that’s where accuracy comes in. Have seen such a great variety of kicks this way. Wide left, narrow left, narrow right, wide right, posts, you get the point.
Punt Power: 40
• Punters can definitely kick the ball far, but on default I was seeing consistently 60-70 yard bombs. In practice, sure, but not that consistent in game situations. Needed to humanize this a lot more.
Punt Accuracy: 40
• Pressure to perform is what Punters and Kickers live by. Accuracy to kicking the ball of their side of their foot or getting it inside the 20, it’s make or break, and it’s unpredictable - really like this combo.
Kickoff Power: 48
• On default, it felt like the wind made no difference to the kick off power. While yes they are moved up in the kick off mark, there still needs to be the chance of a return and respect to the wind. That’s why it’s not gone down much, but just enough for variety’s sake.
⏭ Game Options
Injuries: 30
• Good balance of in-game dingers to season enders.
Fatigue: 48 (previous 50)
• Started to get really tired, no pun intended, of the stamina meter go down so rapidly. Regardless of rating, any player who runs for 30 yards straight forward should be able to. They don’t let fatigue kick in when adrenaline dominates in those situations. This is a small bump down, but it works very nice to now not have to worry about the User or CPU seem like they are struggling to breathe in key moments.
Min Player Threshold: 0 (previous 5)
• Just had to reduce this and separate players out. The coverage is much tighter with the less speedy runs off the ball on the routes, so separating players out as much as possible is key.
⏭ Penalties
Offside: 70 (prev: 75)
• Reducing this one to less penalties, but also a bit more jump for OL vs DL, as the DL was instant shedding blocks a bit easier.
False Start: 65 (prev: 70)
• Reducing this one to less penalties, but also a bit more jump for OL vs DL, as the DL was instant shedding blocks a bit easier.
Holding: 65 (prev: 70)
• Reducing this one to less penalties, but also a bit more jump for OL vs DL, as the DL was instant shedding blocks a bit easier.
Defensive Holding: 55 (prev: 50)
• Bumped this down just a bit as the lower tackling = more wrap up = more facemasks called. So, this is just a needed change to balance things out.
Face Mask: 52 (prev: 55)
• Bumped this down just a bit as the lower tackling = more wrap up = more facemasks called. So, this is just a needed change to balance things out.
Defensive Pass Interference: 55 (prev: 70)
• With the tighter pass coverage and reactions, there had to be some give so the CPU QB would throw the ball and not just opt for long passes or dink/dunks constantly. I do want this to show up more in games, and it does , so can’t complain too much about dropping it down. I also feel having it too high made the animation show up less and the coverage worse.
Offensive Pass Interference: Off (prev: On)
• So with the 1.08 issues, I had to turn this off. Had to give the receivers some space (even on threshold at zero), but not so much that they aren't covered well. Have had so many games with DPI called instead of OPI, so the adjustment here is helpful overall.
Kick Catch Interference: On
Illegal Block in the Back: 50
• More emphasis for this penalty to occur often in special teams, but it may rear its head outside of that realm.
Intentional Grounding: On
Roughing the Passer: 35
• This will still get called, but at 50 it was occurring too often and the animation didn't make sense to see the player just "walk" into the QB and get flagged.
Roughing the Kicker: Off (prev: On)
• Pursuit angles improved as a result, better blocking as well.
Running into the Kicker: Off (prev: On)
• Pursuit angles improved as a result, better blocking as well.
********************* Previous All-Pro Data (so I don't lose it!)
Version 2 Purpose: Phew! This title update really took me a while to adjust to. I grew pretty frustrated on how wide open it made the game, and I had to scrap my zero threshold, but still found a lot of good with 5 threshold. I explain every value change, so please let me know if you have any questions. The goal with this set is to maintain the best things of a lower threshold, which creates proper separation of ratings and great animations, while still creating a sense of a challenge. I wanted animations to remain contextual, and also realistic. I want that feeling in which I don't feel cheated, or feel like I was given charity. Overall, I feel fantastic about this set, and I hope you give it a real go as it's not very similar to what's out there. I hope that's a good thing
Note: While you can play in both, the majority of my testing was done in Franchise Mode. I do this because this is where I will spend most of my time playing anyways. So if you would like to provide feedback, please try franchise mode as well.
1/1/18: Been testing this one for a minute, and am really enjoying the change. Have turned off the Roughing the Kicker and Running into the Kicker penalties. This allows the pursuit angles defensively to be much better throughout the pitch, and it actually helps the offensive line blocking in the run as well because they are zoning in on who to pick up. I was thinking it would result in some suction blocking, but that is primarily controlled by a higher RBL - so with this set - it shouldn't happen as often. Try them out!
12/27/17: One real quick adjustment to help CPU run game. I forgot to include this on my 12/21 update.
12/21/17: We all know that 1.08 is in bad shape, but I don't see a patch update anytime soon. So I wanted to just enjoy the game, and see if there were some small areas I could modify. Try these out, let me know your thoughts. They may be temporary, for now, but that's assuming 1.09 will fix things.
⏭ Player/CPU Skill Settings
Run Blocking: 30/50 (prev: 30/35)
• With the stuck in mud glitch, there has to be some room to increase the CPU chances of getting more yards. I honestly have used this for my videos so far, and completely forgot to include it here in the OP. At least there is a good amount of sample size, and I'll gladly accept more CPU yardage at this point.
⏭ Player/CPU Skill Settings
QB Accuracy: 52/52 (prev: 40/48)
• I wanted a lot more decisiveness from the QB. Started to see that the CPU in particular did not throw the ball downfield, and miss some obvious passes. With the more handicapped offense (due to 1.08's running) it was a necessity to increase these values.
Pass Blocking:20/20 (prev: 10/10)
• Bumped this up to help the CPU from instantly scrambling. Gives just a bit more time in the pocket, especially on Hail Mary's, etc. CPU loves their 4-verts as well, so this gives a bit more time.
Fumbles: 52/52 (previous 48/48)
• 1.08 has the ball carrier run with the ball in a protective fashion already. So I figure, let's increase the chance of them fumbling and evade more tackles. Yes, the spin move is choice 1 for most runners, but at least it's for positive yardage.
⏭ Game Options
Min Player Threshold: 0 (previous 5)
• Just had to reduce this and separate players out. The coverage is much tighter with the less speedy runs off the ball on the routes, so separating players out as much as possible is key.
⏭ Penalties
Offside: 70 (prev: 75)
• Reducing this one to less penalties, but also a bit more jump for OL vs DL, as the DL was instant shedding blocks a bit easier.
False Start: 65 (prev: 70)
• Reducing this one to less penalties, but also a bit more jump for OL vs DL, as the DL was instant shedding blocks a bit easier.
Holding: 65 (prev: 70)
• Reducing this one to less penalties, but also a bit more jump for OL vs DL, as the DL was instant shedding blocks a bit easier.
Defensive Holding: 55 (prev: 50)
• Bumped this down just a bit as the lower tackling = more wrap up = more facemasks called. So, this is just a needed change to balance things out.
Offensive Pass Interference: Off (prev: On)
• So with the 1.08 issues, I had to turn this off. Had to give the receivers some space (even on threshold at zero), but not so much that they aren't covered well. Have had so many games with DPI called instead of OPI, so the adjustment here is helpful overall.
Roughing the Kicker: Off (prev: On)
• Allows the pursuit angles defensively to be much better throughout the pitch, and it actually helps the offensive line blocking in the run as well because they are zoning in on who to pick up. I was thinking it would result in some suction blocking, but that is primarily controlled by a higher RBL - so with this set - it shouldn't happen as often.
Running into the Kicker: Off (prev: On)
• Allows the pursuit angles defensively to be much better throughout the pitch, and it actually helps the offensive line blocking in the run as well because they are zoning in on who to pick up. I was thinking it would result in some suction blocking, but that is primarily controlled by a higher RBL - so with this set - it shouldn't happen as often.
This set’s purpose: Animations, but more importantly contextual animations. I’ve discovered that this game does have a bit of warping more than I am used to, but I understand it’s an EA product - and that will always happen somewhere within its scope of sports gaming. I want there to be a humanistic approach to the games. I am focusing on teams to truly have an identity when you play against them. I want to see quarterbacks who step up, or step down, under pressure. Big catches, big hits, big moments - that’s the NFL; however I am such a defensive minded gamer, that I love the games that are just all about the defense and pressure is on the kickers.
Final word: Safe to say QB Statue is fixed, so now we can focus on building the All-Pro set. Should not be far off the mark though.
UPDATE: 11/27/17 - switch from Pro to All-Pro
⏭ Game Settings
Skill Level: All-Pro
Game Speed: Normal
Game Style: Simulation
Quarter Length: 9 minutes
Accelerated Clock: Off
⏭ Gameplay Helpers
Ball Carrier Special Move: Assist
Defensive Auto Strafe: Off
Defensive Ball Hawk: Off
Defensive Heat Seeker Assist: Off
QB Accuracy: 35/45
• I believe that this is a good value to see a good mix of throw types, and is impacted by how you move the analog stick.
Pass Blocking:10/10 (previous 15/25)
• CPU QB to get rid of the ball a tad quicker. Starting to see that by forcing the lower Pass Block now. Had a game that had Zero sacks given up by CPU QB, but it doesn't mean he head all the time in world, just so very good sign.
WR Catching: 45/48
• All about the receiver's catch ability in traffic, under pressure and just overall dependability. I want key players to stand out, and non stars to have their shot. See a solid balance of drops to catches here.
Run Blocking: 5/60 (previous 10/60)
• Agreed that the user RB is getting a bit too much space at the LOS, and getting into the secondary a bit too easily. The adjustment here + fatigue should definitely help reduce that.
Fumbles: 40/40
• Have always liked the setting to favor for more fumbles, but not affect the run animations, this will apply to the CPU as well of course. With the type of tackles in this set, I expect more strip fumbles, but also have seen simply jarred loose.
Pass Defense Reaction Time:50/62 (previous 50/52)
• Bumped this up for the CPU to get a bit more reaction to the ball in the air, and hoping to create some good battles from improved awareness.
Interceptions: 35/45
• QB's need to be punished when they make those ill-advised throws, and this is no different. Since the QB statue issue is lessened, you will see more risk taking by the QBs who can afford to, but also see the dump off if absolutely necessary.
Pass Coverage: 48/20 (PLAY NOW); 48/95 (CFM)
• Something interesting here. Seeing that the values are reversed in Play Now games, but in CFM they are true to value. Going to separate this value out while I test some more, but for now it will be 48/20 (Play Now) and 48/95 (CFM)
Tackling: 35/45 (previous 35/55)
• Update 11/27/17: Can lower this a bit now because the balance is there for wrap tackles and big hits with the update. Feels good with the threshold + penalties.
⏭ Special Teams
• Worst part about Pro is that these values are all pretty sensitive and since they affect both User/CPU, there's not much to do here.
FG Power: 50
FG Accuracy: 50
Punt Power: 50
Punt Accuracy: 50
Kickoff Power: 50
⏭ Game Options
Injuries: 30
• Good balance of in-game dingers to season enders.
Fatigue: 50 (previous 48)
• Update 9/20: Definitely overlooked this when changing to 48. It actually caused a lot of the sticky OL/DL interaction, and a whole lot of areas that affected the overall play. Very sensitive slider, so let's keep this at 50 and let things play out. The adjustments for the user side below should be complimented by this change.
Min Player Speed Threshold: 0 (previous 10)
• Update 9/28: I was reluctant to make this change, but man, very glad I did. Instantly much better reactions towards the run defense on both sides. The CPU run game may be slightly affected, but needs more sample size. I love how the players have true separation in open field as well. Love the organic OL/DL interaction as well - and pleasantly surprised with the pass defense maintaining.
⏭ Penalties
Offside: 95
• Using a bit of what was learned in NCAA where this allows players to disengage their blocks and not just remain blocked out of context.
False Start: 48 (previous 40)
• Update 11/8: Bumped this up to get more organic OL/DL interaction. Helps with the CPU throwing the ball and the user's run game difficulty a bit more.
Holding: 35
• With the combination above, I needed players to hold their blocks just a tad longer. I also need this penalty to be called a bit. Again, even though it's at a low value, it definitely does not eliminate the penalty from being called.
Defensive Holding: 40
• This is the one I like to see in animation and helps the receivers disengage their blocks. I do want this one to be called more than offensive holding, so I've raised it up quite a bit.
Face Mask: 50
• No need to change here as I've seen a great balance of 5-yarders to 15-yarders.
Defensive Pass Interference: 70
• Have tweaked this all over the scale. With All-Pro and All-Madden I think this is what might've been a small factor in the QB statue sacks, but with Pro I think it's well balanced. The CPU will get rid of the ball just a bit quicker, and if they call a 4-verts, they will try to get a Def PI called; which is what I believe All-Pro and All-Madden are trying to do, but the animations are too intense for the decision making of the QB.
Offensive Pass Interference: On
Kick Catch Interference: On
Illegal Block in the Back: 50
• More emphasis for this penalty to occur often in special teams, but it may rear its head outside of that realm.
Intentional Grounding: On
Roughing the Passer: 35
• This will still get called, but at 50 it was occurring too often and the animation didn't make sense to see the player just "walk" into the QB and get flagged.
Roughing the Kicker: Off (previous On)
• Update 9/23: CPU run defense dramatically improves. They are now less hesitant to go after the ball carrier after shedding a tackle. Seeing more corner blitzes as well as safety coming up to the LOS quicker. You can still break big gains if you stick to it, but overall it's a much better showing by the CPU run defense.
Running into the Kicker: Off (previous On)
• Update 9/23: Same above with Roughing the Kicker. I feel these two values go hand-in-hand.
⏭ Video Gallery:
*note: these are currently videos of the previous Pro set*
Here are the QB highlights with PBL at 10 (from 25). Controlling secondary (safety).
Previous Pro Data (so I don't lose it!)
Matt10's Madden 18 Sliders
Background: Hi all, I’ve primarily been in the NCAA scene, heading up the project of the OS sliders there. Also part of the OS Sliders for FIFA as well. In terms of football, that’s how I found OS all those years ago. I’m originally part of MaddenMania, and held a number of franchise reports there. I’ve been waiting for a real good Madden version to sink into, and this year’s has everything I’m looking for.
Pro Theory: For now, Pro is the way to go for me. I feel that it offers the best balance of difficulty against the CPU’s defense and offense. I like the playcalling on Pro much more than All-Pro and All-Madden. The QB statue issue was my biggest hurdle to get over on All-Pro and All-Madden, and it wasn’t till I discovered Pro that this terrible bug starts being lessened. It does still occur, but not as much as the other difficulties. I also feel that the animations on Pro seem to be smoother on Normal speed, which is what I prefer.
This set’s purpose: Animations, but more importantly contextual animations. I’ve discovered that this game does have a bit of warping more than I am used to, but I understand it’s an EA product - and that will always happen somewhere within its scope of sports gaming. I want there to be a humanistic approach to the games. I am focusing on teams to truly have an identity when you play against them. I want to see quarterbacks who step up, or step down, under pressure. Big catches, big hits, big moments - that’s the NFL; however I am such a defensive minded gamer, that I love the games that are just all about the defense and pressure is on the kickers.
Final word: If the QB statue issue gets addressed on the higher difficulties, I may look into it. However, if this set holds up on Pro, I would love to keep it that way. Note that I started this set as a base on All-Pro difficulty, and realized that the playcalling of the CPU was not going to mesh with its intents. As a result, if the issues with the game do get addressed, I do not see a tough transition occurring between Pro to All-Pro; but we will just have to see.
⏭ Game Settings
Skill Level: Pro
Game Speed: Normal
Game Style: Simulation
Quarter Length: 9 minutes
Accelerated Clock: Off
⏭ Gameplay Helpers
Ball Carrier Special Move: Assist
Defensive Auto Strafe: Off
Defensive Ball Hawk: Off
Defensive Heat Seeker Assist: Off
QB Accuracy: 35/45
• I believe that this is a good value to see a good mix of throw types, and is impacted by how you move the analog stick.
Pass Blocking:10/10 (previous 15/25)
• Update 9/23: Need CPU QB to get rid of the ball a tad quicker. Starting to see that by forcing the lower Pass Block now. Had a game that had Zero sacks given up by CPU QB, but it doesn't mean he head all the time in world, just so very good sign.
WR Catching: 45/48
• All about the receiver's catch ability in traffic, under pressure and just overall dependability. I want key players to stand out, and non stars to have their shot. See a solid balance of drops to catches here.
Run Blocking: 5/60 (previous 10/60)
• Update 9/20: Agreed that the user RB is getting a bit too much space at the LOS, and getting into the secondary a bit too easily. The adjustment here + fatigue should definitely help reduce that.
Fumbles: 40/40
• Have always liked the setting to favor for more fumbles, but not affect the run animations, this will apply to the CPU as well of course. With the type of tackles in this set, I expect more strip fumbles, but also have seen simply jarred loose.
Pass Defense Reaction Time:50/62 (previous 50/52)
• Update 11/8: Bumped this up for the CPU to get a bit more reaction to the ball in the air, and hoping to create some good battles from improved awareness.
Interceptions: 35/45
• QB's need to be punished when they make those ill-advised throws, and this is no different. Since the QB statue issue is lessened, you will see more risk taking by the QBs who can afford to, but also see the dump off if absolutely necessary.
Pass Coverage: 48/20 (PLAY NOW); 48/95 (CFM)
• Updated 9/18 : Something interesting here. Seeing that the values are reversed in Play Now games, but in CFM they are true to value. Going to separate this value out while I test some more, but for now it will be 48/20 (Play Now) and 48/95 (CFM)
Tackling: 35/55 (previous 35/51)
• Update 11/8: Raised CPU tackling just a bit to help their pursue angles and quality of tackles as it was getting a bit easy to break them.
⏭ Special Teams
• Worst part about Pro is that these values are all pretty sensitive and since they affect both User/CPU, there's not much to do here.
FG Power: 50
FG Accuracy: 50
Punt Power: 50
Punt Accuracy: 50
Kickoff Power: 50
⏭ Game Options
Injuries: 30
• Good balance of in-game dingers to season enders.
Fatigue: 50 (previous 48)
• Update 9/20: Definitely overlooked this when changing to 48. It actually caused a lot of the sticky OL/DL interaction, and a whole lot of areas that affected the overall play. Very sensitive slider, so let's keep this at 50 and let things play out. The adjustments for the user side below should be complimented by this change.
Min Player Speed Threshold: 0 (previous 10)
• Update 9/28: I was reluctant to make this change, but man, very glad I did. Instantly much better reactions towards the run defense on both sides. The CPU run game may be slightly affected, but needs more sample size. I love how the players have true separation in open field as well. Love the organic OL/DL interaction as well - and pleasantly surprised with the pass defense maintaining.
⏭ Penalties
Offside: 95
• Using a bit of what was learned in NCAA where this allows players to disengage their blocks and not just remain blocked out of context.
False Start: 48 (previous 40)
• Update 11/8: Bumped this up to get more organic OL/DL interaction. Helps with the CPU throwing the ball and the user's run game difficulty a bit more.
Holding: 35
• With the combination above, I needed players to hold their blocks just a tad longer. I also need this penalty to be called a bit. Again, even though it's at a low value, it definitely does not eliminate the penalty from being called.
Defensive Holding: 40
• This is the one I like to see in animation and helps the receivers disengage their blocks. I do want this one to be called more than offensive holding, so I've raised it up quite a bit.
Face Mask: 50
• No need to change here as I've seen a great balance of 5-yarders to 15-yarders.
Defensive Pass Interference: 70
• Have tweaked this all over the scale. With All-Pro and All-Madden I think this is what might've been a small factor in the QB statue sacks, but with Pro I think it's well balanced. The CPU will get rid of the ball just a bit quicker, and if they call a 4-verts, they will try to get a Def PI called; which is what I believe All-Pro and All-Madden are trying to do, but the animations are too intense for the decision making of the QB.
Offensive Pass Interference: On
Kick Catch Interference: On
Illegal Block in the Back: 50
• More emphasis for this penalty to occur often in special teams, but it may rear its head outside of that realm.
Intentional Grounding: On
Roughing the Passer: 35
• This will still get called, but at 50 it was occurring too often and the animation didn't make sense to see the player just "walk" into the QB and get flagged.
Roughing the Kicker: Off (previous On)
• Update 9/23: CPU run defense dramatically improves. They are now less hesitant to go after the ball carrier after shedding a tackle. Seeing more corner blitzes as well as safety coming up to the LOS quicker. You can still break big gains if you stick to it, but overall it's a much better showing by the CPU run defense.
Running into the Kicker: Off (previous On)
• Update 9/23: Same above with Roughing the Kicker. I feel these two values go hand-in-hand.
Also any house rules no switching no user catches? Etc
Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports
No house rules. I am still looking at the CPU defensive pass coverage overall though, so if providing feedback, let me know how you play (house rules, no switch/switch, etc).
I personally do not have any house rules. Which is another reason I went this route. I got tired of not being able to do certain things on All-Pro or All-Madden, knowing I would get an advantage somewhere.