There are 90 players total.
Not all of them should be in their final year, but must either offer
-a regular contract(length will vary) to all players in their final year
offer them a contract renewable contract(to players who are 25 and younger...they are "under control" to you until they are 26.....if they turn down a multi year deal(they can and will turn down multi year deals) you MUST offer them a contract renewable contract in the last few weeks of the off season.
Be aware....there is no notification that they turned it down(oversight on SCEA's part) and if you don't offer them a CR contract...they are FA's.
they are arbitration eligible and they and the team must abide by the arbitrator's #'s if that's the way you want to go.
if a players contract is
1/1, 2/2, 3/3 etc......he must
-be offered a deal
-be offered a contract renewable offer
-an arbitration offer.