
NBA Live 18 Videos Released

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Old 05-27-2017, 04:41 PM   #161
scottyp180's Arena
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Originally Posted by da ThRONe
At this point BAP modes are all I play with sports titles and I hate what myplayer has become and I haven't purchased 2K since they've gone the forced storyline route. If Live can give me a BAP mode that I can get into I'll buy it. I'd assume that puts me into a rare group. On a sidenote Live facial scan has been the best also.

I get what people are talking about the movement but it doesn't bother me as much. I kind of like most of what I saw in these videos.
Off topic but the forced storyline for my player is that bad. I didn't play this year but last year I basically ignored the story aspect and skipped as much as I could and focused on the game. Once the story part was over it' was a more traditional my player mode. Not sure if I was the same for 2k17.
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Old 05-27-2017, 04:57 PM   #162
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Re: NBA Live 18 Videos Released

Originally Posted by scottyp180
Off topic but the forced storyline for my player is that bad. I didn't play this year but last year I basically ignored the story aspect and skipped as much as I could and focused on the game. Once the story part was over it' was a more traditional my player mode. Not sure if I was the same for 2k17.

Most people that plays 2k nustop would say it's good for me it was too much, yea people want to see there players develop but I couldn't go thru all that process I just wanted to pick up the game and play so for me I had no interest in my career I did the college portion then I stop playing. I just have 2k just in case a friend come over.

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Old 05-27-2017, 05:37 PM   #163
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EA must really think that we're stupid. Yes it is some gameplay being showed but it's not actual "in-game" gameplay footage. The players still look stiff and not that fluid.
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Old 05-27-2017, 06:18 PM   #164
zrohman's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 18 Videos Released

Guys, it's extremely improved over Live 16 so far. Let's just be grateful for that. I'm waiting to see if it can have decent gameplay, editing like everyone wants, if the tip at the beginning of each game can go to more players than the PG, if subs sub in and out correctly, end of game ai.

I'll take a little stiff movement all day if they fix all of those other issues, and if we get good gameplay. I always felt more in control and less sucked into animations with Live. Also like Espn integration. If they give me most of what I mentioned above, maybe even throw in a great price, I'm in. 2k starts out your my career players at a 57 to VC grab. If they give us a better less forced career mode with less money needed to play that's a bonus.
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Old 05-27-2017, 08:28 PM   #165
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Re: NBA Live 18 Videos Released

Originally Posted by Lancio23
Most people that plays 2k nustop would say it's good for me it was too much, yea people want to see there players develop but I couldn't go thru all that process I just wanted to pick up the game and play so for me I had no interest in my career I did the college portion then I stop playing. I just have 2k just in case a friend come over.

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Same here I got 2K on gamefly and I keep it because my Stepson plays it. I did the same with the college but I just couldn't get into it. The facial scan isn't great and the idea of my face being on this other person just killed it.
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Old 05-27-2017, 09:40 PM   #166
SirGaryColeman's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 18 Videos Released

Originally Posted by da ThRONe
Same here I got 2K on gamefly and I keep it because my Stepson plays it. I did the same with the college but I just couldn't get into it. The facial scan isn't great and the idea of my face being on this other person just killed it.
The story is forced and annoying, it makes you wanna blow your brains out playing it. BUT the online mode is super fun... so you force yourself to grind through it.

I was really hoping EA would give 2k some competition. This footage is heartbreaking and the fake/paid Reaction Videos make me think EA knows it sucks and is trying to fool everyone with clever marketing.
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Old 05-28-2017, 06:11 AM   #167
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Re: NBA Live 18 Videos Released

Originally Posted by scottyp180
That's an unrealistic expectation though. Yeah they should strive to compete with 2k but since Live 10 they've struggled to release a game that belongs on the same court as 2k, let alone being a better game. They should want to be like 2K in terms of being a good/great basketball sim, assuming that's the goal of Live, but Live needs its own identity as well. Something that makes Live different from 2k.

Right now Live just needs to fined a way to gain fans and be relevant, which can be done in a number of ways. They can take advantage of what people dislike about 2K and make them a strength (better online experience, more control and freedom, better stadium atmosphere, etc). They could add a mode that is essentially NBA Street, since it seems like they won't make an actually new NBA Street game. I know I'd buy Live day one if there was an Arcade type mode that was essentially a modern version of Street. Or simply sell the game at launch for cheaper ($40-$45). I'm sure there would be a lot of people willing to buy Live instead of 2k for a cheaper price or atleast buy Live as well as 2k. This is what 2k did way back for their 2k5 games and it worked. I'd go as far as to say that's part of the reason 2k was able to become so popular. People that normally didn't buy 2k games had a cheap way to fully experience 2k and it opened there eyes to a new experience.
They only need to fix fluidity. Anything else.
Since Nba Live 16 they have to put all energy in fluidity and smoothness. Graphics is ok and was ever better than 2K. Online is better than 2K. What is orrible and unplayable is those mecanics movements, inacceptable in 2018.
They have to find a way.
If EA is not able to do this, I prefer a Nba Live in 2D and with only one side view (like NBA Jam) but with fluidity compared to 2K.
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Old 05-29-2017, 04:57 AM   #168
Black Bruce Wayne's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 18 Videos Released

Originally Posted by Rockie_Fresh88
Live 16 had its flaws . Defense especially in the paint needed much improvement . Animations looked weird . I liked the graphics and they look even better here.

One thing for me that I've felt even in ,live 15 , was that player knowledge and stick skills matter more in live. That's my opinion though.
And Live had a way better Halftime Show. 2Ks wasn't bad , but Lives was more like the TV broadcast
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