
Dissecting the Madden NFL 18 Features Reveal

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Old 05-14-2017, 03:47 PM   #65
adembroski's Arena
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Re: Dissecting the Madden NFL 18 Features Reveal

Originally Posted by Quentin32
The cone was no gimmick. It separated elite from avg
The cone was not a gimmick, you're right. It still sucked. It was an attempt to add a feature of substance, but it complicated control too much.

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Old 05-14-2017, 03:48 PM   #66
adembroski's Arena
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Re: Dissecting the Madden NFL 18 Features Reveal

Originally Posted by adembroski
The cone was not a gimmick, you're right. It still sucked. It was an attempt to add a feature of substance, but it complicated control too much.

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Hehe, kept reading the thread, and a bunch of others said the same.

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Old 05-14-2017, 04:28 PM   #67
spoofrice11's Arena
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I still haven't gotten a Madden game since I got my Xone (about 2 years ago), so have been wanting to get one, but haven't heard anything that excites me yet. Do that many people really care about Gimics and card games instead of a season?

I tried last year's game out and it seems so limited compared to NBA 2K. Their Franchise mode needs a lot of work in my opinion. Customization is what most people want. I want to be able to create teams, move teams around, create rookies, and more.

So unfortunately, I might be waiting another year since their news so far has nothing to do with what I care about...
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Old 05-14-2017, 04:45 PM   #68
SolidSquid's Arena
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Re: Dissecting the Madden NFL 18 Features Reveal

Originally Posted by spoofrice11
I still haven't gotten a Madden game since I got my Xone (about 2 years ago), so have been wanting to get one, but haven't heard anything that excites me yet. Do that many people really care about Gimics and card games instead of a season?

I tried last year's game out and it seems so limited compared to NBA 2K. Their Franchise mode needs a lot of work in my opinion. Customization is what most people want. I want to be able to create teams, move teams around, create rookies, and more.

So unfortunately, I might be waiting another year since their news so far has nothing to do with what I care about...
Customization is what most people want, the problem is the NFL isn't going to allow any of it
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Old 05-14-2017, 05:07 PM   #69
BlackBetty15's Arena
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Re: Dissecting the Madden NFL 18 Features Reveal

Originally Posted by roadman
And it could have been made by a separate team, too? No?

As far as CCM is concerned, sounds like they are moving off of that and going forward by separating the modes.

Things and goals change from time to time in business, wouldn't you agree?

There's been talk of working on the Frostbite Madden for the past few years.
I like this post. I have also heard this as well. One thing that was made abundantly clear was, this is a shared engine and capability across the entire EA sports product. It started with FIFA17, so my prediction is with more minds and hands involved, I would think that we would get an improved NFL version of fifa17. Looking at their franchise, story mode, and moreover the bug/issue thread...i expect a cleaned up version of that and voila...madden 18. If that is so then I am good to go.
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Old 05-14-2017, 08:42 PM   #70
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Re: Dissecting the Madden NFL 18 Features Reveal

Originally Posted by kjcheezhead
I was and am a fan of the vision cone. Calling it target passing makes it sound like something different like read and lead from NFL Fever which was really clunky and hard to use.

Hopefully it's a return of the vision cone and the 3 different play styles allows the people that loved/hated it to choose to use it.

Of the feature reveal and the trailer it's really the only piece of information that intrigued me at all.

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The reason it's called target passing is because it's not the vision cone. Pretty sure vision cone is not coming back to madden. It will be more like read and lead...
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Old 05-14-2017, 09:41 PM   #71
jerwoods's Arena
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Re: Dissecting the Madden NFL 18 Features Reveal

well assuming no ps3

and the 50GB size

i watched UTube vids about mad18

and this 1 guy said the target passing is going to be like NFL QB Club 2002 and he was real good on that game or was playing on easy mode

CFM other than adding Las Veags as a new city to move to
i am hopeing for preseason battles maybe 90-man by 2019

i hate to tell u guys this but madden 18 is about 97% done
so if u want things speak up so it willl get in for 2019 or 2020
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Old 05-14-2017, 09:46 PM   #72
howboutdat's Arena
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Re: Dissecting the Madden NFL 18 Features Reveal

Originally Posted by ampjackson94
Can we please just have more than 1 RB carrying the ball the whole game? Hopefully that goes with coaching adjustments.

Yes ,this is one thing i hope , but doubt the coach adjustments would include for CFM. I hate how your basically forced to just use 1 hb mainly if you want him to ever improve, because their goals are too high imo. Even the back ups goals are too high. Some people , like myself, like to run 2-3 hb schemes.Meaning you dont have a hb that runs 80% of the time for you. It would be nice if such schemes was added, so the players goals could be adjusted accordingly to match so they could actually improve more. Same for a possession wr, would be nice if his goals were more like catch 20 3rd down passes for a first down or something for a goal, and of course as we have asked for for years now, make the goal numbers adjust according to the number of minutes the quarters are in your leagues.

Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas
It was a good thought, just poorly executed IMO. Outside of that and the coach goals though, everything else was already in the game it was just attempted to be friendlier and easier UI but, for me, felt more clunky and annoying than it was before. But just from 16 to 17 Big Decisions didn't really fundamentally change anything you did or what could do, it just tried to change how you did it.

It's like if 'Target Passing' this year turned out to just be a slightly tweaked version of 'Precision Passing' or whatever the passing mechanic is in 16 is called. It might be packaged differently so it seems new but if it works pretty much the same as 16 but with slight tweaks, yeah, it's still an improvement but not much which is what Big Decisions felt like.
Man i have said this since launch last year. Big decisions was one of the largest parts of the "improvements to CFM last year.There were 10 things not related to big decisions and 7 that was. So almost half the "improvements" was focused on that.The year they claimed a big focus on cfm and most resources. Well over half of one of the pages of the 2 part blog was big decisions . All but two,as you mentioned, were already in the game just UI changes ,nothing more. Out of all the improvements to CFM in the year of big focus and most resources ever, 8 were basically UI changes , and 9 were not UI changes.

This is the thing that kills me the most. They say on one hand they dont have alot of resources or time.Then every single year this is the case, almost half of it is spent on UI. Look i understand why they do it, but when your constantly having to redo that much UI every year, after while you gotta think , you know, its good enough for now, lets fully fledge out some of the features we started( game planning looking at you bro), and add new actual features instead.Look i agree, the UI is slow and clunky, but honestly , im so used to it , im fine with it for right now,IF that meant we got more new features the mode needs as well as fully fledging out current ones( watch list looking at you too, where is my draft board?) . To me , changing that UI all the time is not what is going to bring in more people.Features will.Fully fledged out features and new ones.
Yup, i said it !

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