
NBA 2K17 Screenshot - Dennis Schröder

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Old 08-19-2016, 05:17 PM   #41
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Re: NBA 2K17 Screenshot - Dennis Schröder

But guys - you make it sound as if 2k were complete idiots and you were expert programmers etc. If we got this - there must be a reason. Look at it this way - almost every 2k in the span of a year or less gets better. I for one had never seen designated body types in past 2ks - this 2K has that - if they could make it even more detailed i bet they would - but can they right now? Thats the question - now that they got body types up and running - we will likely see muscle definition in 2k18 along with other improvements to this area that can now be expanded on. More importantly though - i hope the gameplay improves above all.
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Old 08-19-2016, 05:19 PM   #42
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Re: NBA 2K17 Screenshot - Dennis Schröder

WISports has always been right, people just didn't like the messenger so they tried to ignore the message.

Plus you'll always get people jumping in trying to play devil's advocate for 2K no matter how valid the concern.

He's basically me when it comes to accessories but his focus is bodytypes.

Last edited by MontanaMan; 08-19-2016 at 05:22 PM.
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Old 08-19-2016, 05:20 PM   #43
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Re: NBA 2K17 Screenshot - Dennis Schröder

Originally Posted by WISports
Dang. I didn't know the PS4 or XONE didn't supply them with enough power to make guys' arms different thicknesses. Thanks for setting me straight.
It easily could be the game engine they're using to "animate" the players. Historically, I felt NBA Live player models were closer to the skinny side of things, hunched, and looked "lifeless". Pick your poison.
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Old 08-19-2016, 05:22 PM   #44
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Re: NBA 2K17 Screenshot - Dennis Schröder

It's frustrating to me because they nailed the lighting this year, and things look less washed out, but the player models look wonky now. Even if they are more differentiated between players, they're still pretty off.
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Old 08-19-2016, 05:25 PM   #45
WISports's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K17 Screenshot - Dennis Schröder

Originally Posted by ksuttonjr76
It easily could be the game engine they're using to "animate" the players.
See, I just can't buy it.

For example...in the KD pic, his arms are crazy skinny. Now, there will be another player in the game who has arms that KD should have. So why couldn't they give KD those arms?

Same with the crazy long/baggy shorts. Or wrong uniform/court colors. No way do those things affect gameplay.
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Old 08-19-2016, 05:35 PM   #46
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Re: NBA 2K17 Screenshot - Dennis Schröder

Whoa get this brother on that Jimmy Butler diet ASAP!
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Old 08-19-2016, 06:08 PM   #47
strawberryshortcake's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K17 Screenshot - Dennis Schröder

Everyone is excited for 2K, some more than others based on what info is revealed. If it doesn't hit the mark, hype meter drops. If it hits the mark, hype meter elevates. The same with any other game.

My hyper meter for player models have dropped. My hype meter for the lighting has gone up. That's all I can say based on what I have seen.

Originally Posted by ksuttonjr76

Here's a list of video game character...let me know how many characters look like "real life".

The level of "realism" that you asking for is most likely not possible in this current generation of consoles. To me, I think the screenshot looks good minus some "little things", but nothing game breaking.
Obviously nothing game breaking. The level of realism WISports would like to see is certainly possible this generation. He's already expressed that NBA Live has more proportional player models, one example that proper anatomical player model realism can be achieved this generation. Not referring to that game being defunct (let's not go there). Let's stick to 2K.

Certain 2K players do look fabulously great while others not so much. That should tell you that it doesn't come down to a "game engine." It comes down to the 3D art department and how they choose to model their in game character assets. Run a search on creating in game animations and character modeling and you'll see it comes down to the artist(s). What limits your final product comes down to your personal limitation as an artist.

Originally Posted by ksuttonjr76
It easily could be the game engine they're using to "animate" the players. Historically, I felt NBA Live player models were closer to the skinny side of things, hunched, and looked "lifeless". Pick your poison.
It's not about picking your poison. Even if you just get a general idea of how game models and game animations are created, you'll see it's not about picking your poison. You can have both done properly. Run a simple youtube search on creating in game animations, and again it boils down to the talent of the artist, and has nothing to do with altering the proportions of the human anatomy nor the original 3D model created by the artist. EA Live modeled their players with a hunchback. That's EA's art style that they chose.

The artists creates the 3D model, rigs the model with armatures or bones for animation, or using motion capture for animations. However, your ability to animate the character doesn't change how the original 3D model is constructed.

Originally Posted by fatjoejr2001
Looks good. If you change the body measurements like I did in my 16-17 roster you'd be surprised how similar his body looks to that lol.
That's great and all. I haven't looked at your file yet, but that simply means you're limited to what the game allows you to do; 2K isn't.
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Old 08-19-2016, 07:14 PM   #48
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Re: NBA 2K17 Screenshot - Dennis Schröder

Originally Posted by Geolink
2K: You wanted skinnier? There you go.
Thats the same model from last year with wider shoulders
Originally Posted by MarkWilliam
Except for that Jimmy Butler pic.....

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